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Forum Post: open source everything @ opensourceecology.org

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by timmywalls (1) from Cheshire, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi friends, good work!

i'd like to tell you about open source ecology, a concept that might change everything. re-localizing the means of hardware production whilst disseminating information through the internet allows the people to have horizontal organizational relations, and the possibilties that produces are endless. And it turns out it also makes everything cheaper and better! corporate capitalism is a load of bull! private enterprise without intellectual property might just jump us forward 50 years. check out the excitement at opensourceecology.org, and start the discussion!

ill see you soon



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[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

"A Network of Farmers, Engineers, and Supporters Building the Global Village Construction Set" - OK, that sounds awesome, I must admit. A blueprint for decentralizing and localizing resources (the whole thing this money stuff is supposed to really get us) sounds kick ass. At least, that's what I'm getting so far.. will read on.

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

Hmm, this sounds more interesting. An actual proposal, and not a load of fingerpointing. I'll check this out, thanks for posting. I'm not sure I agree on the term and claim: "horizontal organizational relations, and the possibilties that produces are endless", but I'll definitely check it out. Could be very cool...

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

I'm also on the fence about intellectual property. It's abused, but I really appreciate the efforts of artists, musicians, writers, inventors, etc., and want to make sure their ideas are not taken without proper credit. Although, now that I think about it, I am personally someone who produces art, written works, code, and I would be cool with fair compensation - I'm actually really more interested in how it impacts people. So my idea of fair credit is more like knowing how many people I touched (makes my day if I make someone else's, to be honest, but even more so if I did it by expressing things I love and am about). Somebody else might just want more stuff, and I can't tell them that's the wrong way, really - if a million people like one song, and two like another, how is fairness achieved in compensation? I guess that would be by not limiting compensation individuals can give another for services, right? By saying, OK, a million people liked your song, so about a quarter of them sent you cool stuff you wanted. I won't take half of that and give it to this other guy.

Hmm, central dichotomy, communism, capitalism. I think we need a balance - personal responsibility and preservation of individual will, and personal interest in community with community interest in the person.