Forum Post: Open Letter to Erik Kantor
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:24 a.m. EST by AmericanCynic
from Walnut Creek, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Gee Erik, look around. Everyone is so happy with the work Congress hasn't been doing that you know everyone will really be voting Republikan in 2012.
Like it or not these are our First Amendment Rights, not some angry mob you want to push into the corner.
We know Wall Street and the Banks aren't
responsible for this, they are only a figurehead and a place to start. The real problem is in the Senate and in the Congress and our very flawed two-party system.
You are all nothing but whores. Having corporations declared as people and making it possible to sell the election to the highest bidder almost worked.
Too bad it didn't, because that whole mentality is really what started all this.
Wait until the Koch Brothers become the poster boys of what is wrong with this country as an election topic. Wait until someone starts looking into who is on the payroll and who is selling what. Do you think that will become a liability?
Ask your friends at Bloomberg, they see the writing on the wall.
People are irritated about a lot of things and you just don't get it.
If Obamacare pays for healthcare for the poor and keeps the wolves of wall street from charging blood money for people to stay alive. That is Socialism and anti-American.
When the government pays all of you and your families healthcare and spares no cost that is the way its is supposed to be. You have value and the rest of us are peasants.
When you talking of breaking up pension funds and pushing for how that will cut costs for corporations and that is supposed to create more of the jobs that never show up.
However, you are very firm about no one will touch your government pension. You have value and the rest of us are peasants.
Why is that making the rich more money and letting the other 99% scrape out an existence will create more jobs.
The Bush Tax breaks have been here since he enacted them. Where are the jobs? What is going to be different now?
In 2005, President Bush enacted a "tax vacation". That was going to create jobs. The money ended up paying bonuses and buying back company stock and 30,000 people were laid off. Where are the jobs?
You want to get rid of Social Security because it doesn't pay for itself. What about paying back into S.S. what has been taken out for wars and everything else but senior citizens.
You say we need strong defense. How is the country safer because the government pays for $600 toilet seats with manuals? Why does this need a manual?
Why are we safer by paying billions (yes billions) of dollars for airplanes that will never be built and fire control systems that will never leave the drawing board except for billing purposes?
Isn't a strong defense really about selling insider politics and campaign contributions?
These are just some things to think about until the next time you decide to call Americans just a mob........
Great Post! And that link is an eye opener...This is the kind of activity on Wall Street people need to know about....KEEP POSTING.
Because House Republicans are the folks who created health care legislation that fails to improve healthcare coverage while guaranteeing the insurance companies trillions in new profits.....
Oh here we go - another of the blame Bush and the repubs crowd.
You sound like Obama. How much have you given to his reelection campaign,since he's doing such a good job?
I won't bother to tell you to wake up since I suspect you're getting paid to spout off lies and promote the tired old left-right paradigm.
No, I don't like Obama either. Democrat or Republican, incumbent is the problem. Although, it is always interesting to watch people defend the ones taking everything away from them. Trickle down economics works. The reality is only poverty trickles down..
Incumbent is not the problem. It is just as easy to buy off and corrupt the newbies (look at the Tea Partiers who came in after the 2010 elections). Fraud is the problem. Corruption is the problem. Corporations being persons is the problem. We have allowed the powers that be, our government, to rape, pillage and steal from the American people. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, or "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." Thomas Paine
I would think I was at a fish market with all the red herring in this post.
I bet you listen to Glenn Beck...
nope, just a lot slipknot and jay-z
$600 toilet seats with manuals? So THAT'S what they meant by "trickle-down economics"!!!