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Forum Post: Open Letter from a Marine Tea Partier to All Occupiers

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 9:39 p.m. EST by jk1234 (257)
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Open Letter from a Marine Tea Partier to All Occupiers

From http://libertyspinnetwork.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/open-letter-from-a-marine-tea-partier-to-all-occupiers/


"Let me clarify: By “Tea Party,” I am in no way referring to the hijacked movement we know and love today. By “Tea Party,” I don’t mean Iran warmongers, bailout lovers, the “extreme right,” and people who think what happens in your bedroom affects them in any way. No, what I mean is the Tea Party as it started in 2007 as opposition to Bush policies."





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[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

"No, what I mean is the Tea Party as it started in 2007 as opposition to Bush policies."

There's not one mention of "tea party" in regards to any political movement in the news prior to February 2009.

[-] 1 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago

yea, I do not see anything showing that tea party started in 2007, and from my info, it was initiated by santelli and denninger in 2009

[-] 1 points by TLydon007 (1278) 13 years ago

No news mentions, however there's one earlier reference.

In Santelli's rant, he went off about starting "Chicagoteaparty.com".

The website was registered on August 3rd, 2008 by a Zachary Christenson.


Other than that, there's absolutely no earlier traces, except in a vault at a think-tank maybe.
