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Forum Post: Open letter from a Dane to the Occupy wall street movement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 9:16 a.m. EST by Benny14 (101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Dear people of America

I just had to write to you all and express my pleasure that the American people is finally trying to fight back against the corruption that plagues you country and the entire world.

I live in Denmark a small country in Europe that has been a long supporter and friend of the USA.

I must admit the l8r years I have been more and more critical of the USA system and foreign policies. I lost my best friend in Afghanistan. He was a soldier down there and it made me very critical of the good people of America.

But I soon found out that my anger was not justified. Its not the American people I should be angry about. Its you corrupt political system and our worlds finance institutions that controls most of our world.

Matter in fact the American people is as much victims as everyone else that have died in the wars or lost there house or jobs in this financial crisis.

The main problem is that the world is its not run by people any more but by mega corporations. It doesn't matter if you a democrat or republican, socialist, conservative. You got no influence whatsoever. All parties have been bought by wall street in form of donations/bribes. And when the US government is corrupt it means the hole world is basically corrupt. We all take orders from the CEO of the financial institutions.

I'm very happy that the American people are fighting back now and I hope you will succeed because if you don't the hole world is in danger.

I will do everything I can to support you movement. today I'm going to Occupy wall street movement in my country to show solidarity to the American people. Just know that there are many people around the world there is supporting the good people of America.

We just don't support you government that's being run by corrupt politician taking donations/bribes from wall street and other 3rd parties.

Our Occupy wall street movement starts today in Copenhagen

Keep fighting and may god be with you

PS. Sorry for my bad English

Regards Benny Jørgensen Denmark.



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[-] 1 points by James12345 (13) 13 years ago

Definitely appreciate you! Spread the word!

[-] 1 points by KingCobe (52) from Baltimore, MD 13 years ago

Thank you.