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Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by ezzer (3) 13 years ago

I like that suggestion.

[-] 1 points by LukeBigJohn (7) 13 years ago

Hi people, you have all my respect and support. Corporate greed is certanily a great cancer of this world but is not the root cause of all evil. In europe and specifically in Italy, corporations do not have such a leverage on politics but, as you may very well know, things are not going much better than in U.S. In my opinion the world corruption can be greatly reduced if every protest demands a DIRECT DEMOCRACY. If people replace the congress then they can stop all the laws and bailouts and wars they want to stop. Today is not hard to gather votes electronically (like the youtube thums up, for example). In a direct democracy people can decide how much should be the salary of a politician and if it is not much more remunerative than any other 'normal job' then only the ones who really care for the wellness of the nation will remain in office. Let's think about this together.

[-] 1 points by bootsy3000 (180) 13 years ago

that's a great suggestion.

[-] 1 points by Willem (35) 13 years ago

I agree, clenched fist should be changed

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I will be the first official OWS candidate to win the next election for the CT 4th district. My platform is described on my blog that I have been writing since 2006. read it http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

More to come. I will be the Green Party candidate. Please support me and please nominate a Green Party candidate in every USA district.

Invite me to the general assembly to hear my strategy. read my blog http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

Great idea!

[-] 1 points by doru001 (174) 13 years ago

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely!

Plus, I have lived within a country occupied by USSR and I can tell you that the fist is exactly what it looks like - nothing more and nothing less.

[-] 0 points by blkflg (98) 13 years ago

You mean an open hand like getting a free handout? That is more appropriate for the OWS crowd, I agree.