Forum Post: Only One Honest Man Running For President!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:05 p.m. EST by rdevino
from Broomfield, CO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is only one person running for president that has had the same platform for over 30 years. Only one man running that doesn't participate in the congressional pension plan because he feels it's unfair that congress has such a good plan that is not available to the rest of us. There is only one man that wants to rain in the central bank. There is only one man that has experience working within the medicare system and has seen first hand the reasons why it is so poorly run. There is only one man that wants to bring all our troops home not just the ones in wars right now. There is only one man that wants to get rid of the fascist organizational known as the IRS because the constitution doesn't have legally ratified provision for it's existence. There is only one man that wants to restore our civil liberties that have been systematically eroded by the federal governments incremental encroachments over the years. There is only one man that served as an Airforce Flight surgeon and delivered over 4,000 children into this world. He has seen first hand what war does to the human body and the has a high respect for the sanctity of life.
Yes only one man and whether your a Democrat or Republican or a Tea Party or what ever. If you are fed up with the way thing are right now you should go register as a republican for this election at least 29 days before your states primary so we can get that one man into the main election for president. Please at least take the time to learn about this one man before you judge him.
Who is that one man?
The only real candidate for president!