Forum Post: Only 1 Demand makes sense now: Election Finance Reform.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 10:25 p.m. EST by RobDinsmore
from Sunnyvale, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The problems facing this country are very complex and will require years and years of hard work to solve. We need to work together and in order for that to happen, we need a government that functions the way it was intended by the founding fathers.
We will not make any progress if Congress remains broken. We need to do away with all private money in elections. No unions, no corporations, no people, nothing but public financing. And there needs to be strict media guidelines attached to this to avoid some obvious loopholes to gaining exposure. Lobbyist and such will lose some power here, but the topic of lobbying can be addressed at a later date.
I suggest we make this the number 1 demand with the understanding that taking Congress back will go a long way to addressing all the other demands that we the people want from our nation.
Take our government back now so we can start working on fixing our future.
We have been noticed … and while we have the world’s attention let’s not squander the opportunity.
We now need to focus … focus on how government and fairness in this country can be returned and belong to everyone not just an elite governing few.
We need a position – a unifying theme – something that everyone will get behind … something that people can grasp and something that the 1% will understand.
If we wish to win.. and to win long term, we must settle on the most important change we wish to achieve. Preferably it is one that everyone who is not one of the 1% agrees with.
Very seldom are there situations where virtually everyone agrees the same change needs to happen. If we press a platform that is diverse then we will be opening ourselves to division within ourselves, and as result providing those who have every incentive for the current rules to stay unchanged - weak points for them to exploit.
Remember united we stand and divided we fall.
Does everyone believe Student Loans should be forgiven? No! Does everyone believe we should simply withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan? No! Does everyone oppose the NRA? No! Does everyone believe in a women’s right to choose? No! Should they? That is a different question. To have such debates and to be part of the debate we need first to get back the government of our country! We will not do this if we list many many demands. We will not move forward because we will be endlessly debating amongst ourselves. Save those debates for later – later until there can be a real debate - rather than simply rules and stances decreed by those who weigh everything with a single criterion – namely “what’s in it for me!”
Currently the 1% does not take us seriously – they have hunkered down and are waiting for this surge to fizzle and burn out. We too will likely tire if we do not have a understandable major goal - a shining beacon to carry forward.
Beware of those who were initially critical and deriding of us – and yet are now those who position themselves as our champions. I do not want to be lectured to as to how we need to act because we don’t understand the political process – especially by those who for years have been at the beck and call of the 1%. I don’t want headlines blaring forth our victory only to find whatever we thought we had achieved is whittled away in a legislative process.
The legislation that becomes law should be a law for the 100%.
I plead with everyone who is part of or considering to be part of this movement – put aside issues that divide us – adopt the incontrovertible single point and aim of what I believe we all demand. Let’s get our government back!
To start, let’s not wait until next year to hold a National Meeting, let’s challenge our elected representatives NOW! If Grover Norquist can require all Republicans to sign a pledge to never raise taxes – then we can ask and expect that every representative, every senator, every governor, every mayor, and in fact every elected official sign a pledge that they will not take money from any corporation, PAC, organization, and that they will only accept a maximum of $500.00 (the amount is not significant it could be $100 or $1,000) per individual. Let’s make sure that those who do not sign on to the pledge will not receive one vote the next time they run for office, and anyone who is elected and who has accepted monies from other than individuals will face a recall.
This will be the start – let’s have our elected officials declare – go on record – as to where they stand – let’s make them go public so we can create a bulletin of shame . Let’s also make it clear that any company, PAC, Union, organization and/or individual who in the past has donated (either transparently or otherwise) more than the threshold we agree on, that will now not sign our pledge to limit what they provide and to cease and desist lobbying – they too will be put onto the Wall of Shame and will suffer the isolation and of boycotts until they do sign on.
While we do all this we need to keep in mind that we live in a democracy – or at least wish to. In the society we live in we need to respect that we will have differences of opinion. We must make it clear that the expression of one’s views is still everyone’s right.
I will be the first to sign the pledge …. Will you join me .. and demand that every elected official declare themselves to be with us … or not .. and that they doo so publicly.
Yours truly,
Alex P
I have 4 steps to start. With improvements to them of course.
Agreed! Money in our political process is the root cause of so many of our problems. Separation of Money and State! Must be done! This helps EVERYONE. Except the obvious 1% of course. This is, by far, the best thing we can do to improve our country!
This needs to be pushed to the forefront of discussion in a more organized way. The "if we each tell 10 people" method, or even 100 people, is a nice friendly way of communicating, but ultimately, is not terribly efficient. I will fight the fight for as long as we have to , but if we can find a way to get this to the forefront in a more organzied manner, maybe we could get this thing moving along!
Monday, June 26, 2006
War on Terror There is no one page simple answers to the problems we face as a nation in our War on Terror. As are the problems so too are the answers inter-connected. First we need a major campaign and election reform to get new political leaders in America. Then we need to reform many of our domestic and foreign policies in America at the same time. With new leadership in American we must redefine our priorities and mission to represent what is in the best interest of the American people and our allies. For this on the international level we must become a team player with the international community of nations.
Understanding that the world is so diverse and complex for any one nation to dictate and rule unilaterally. We must work on a universal platform with other nations and be willing to compromise our position for what is in the best interest of the international community of nations at large. No one nation can take military actions against another nation unless attacked by that nation without the support of the international community of nations. The United States must strengthen its diplomacy role with other nations while decreasing its military hardware sales to other nations. A stronger role in settling difference between nations must taken by multilateral organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, Organization of American States, League of Arab Nations.
Only by the United States becoming a stronger team player with other nations in the world will we have peace and security here in America and in the world. The multilateral organizations will become stronger with the unconditional support of the United States making the world a safer place for everyone everywhere. Only by the United States addressing its problem at home can we help those nations abroad. What is fair and acceptable for one side should be for the other side as well.
I agree that campaign finance reform is the most important issue.
I think in addition to finance reform, we try some experiments in the different states. I think we should (in one state) eliminate elections for the House and instead, have a random lottery for interested and eligible citizens. If an eligible citizen wanted to be the next rep for his/her district... they would have to acquire 25 signatures from people in their district that know them and will attest to the candidates soundness of mind and integrity.This would allow them to put "their name in the hat".
This would put common people in the government to act as a check and balance against election popularity contests.
Completely agreed. We need a functioning democratic system to address the issues facing us as the politicians refuse to due to Big Business financing them.
Demand PEACE. It is the cornerstone of the new economy. You cannot reform your way out of violent domination. The corrupt system is enforced under threat of violence. LOOK AROUND! So forget trying to reform. DEMAND PEACE. If you ask for reform you will be bought and then disappointed.
I agree that campaign finance reform is the most critical issue, and the one that most across the political spectrum can agree with.
Well said brother. I agree entirely.
1) As long as money exists, it will be used to buy influence, regardless of whatever laws are drafted 2) All the advertising in the world cannot get people to vote against their interests.
You want to deal with corruption in politics, deal with the salaries of those who govern, and the special interest perks they get after they leave office.
No we need media reform just as bad, they are blacking out Ron Paul and did last time also, he would win if he had equal coverage
No, he wouldn't. And Ron Paul is not the focus of this movement.
since you seem to think you know so much, what is the focus of this movement then?(as if you could speak for me or anyone else)
A frustration with the failed apparatus of government and the inability of ordinary and civic minded people to affect change within it, due to a variety of third party private influences, corrupting policy and creating quagmires of socio-economic difficulty.
ok that might be true, but ron paul could be a solution to the problems you mention
Paul presents a platform and series of proposed solutions, which a certain portion of people or faction, if you will, support. However, there are also a great number of people who do no. They disagree with the specifics of Pauls views in a variety of ways as with any other politician.
But regardless of this, of Paul's proposals or those of any other political actor, body or organization, this movement is about the general frustration overall. That is why libertarians and Ron Paul supporters are encamped beside socialists, unionists and anarchists, all joined in the same movement, backing one another at all turns.
There are differences of policy and philosophy that need to be held. Different ideas and views which need to be heard and argued in the halls of power. And what the OWS movement occupiers of all stripes and ideologies know is that until this corrupt election game where candidates are forced to sell out to private special interests, rather than campaigning strictly on what they truly believe, that none of our beliefs or ideas will ever be brought to power.
The government will continue to serve only those forces and powers that can afford to buy their attention until we end the existence of the campaign money chase. One man, one vote, means nothing when the framework of voting itself is bought and sold by interests other than those of public good.
I disagree with the last sentence in your fisrt paragraph. most don't even know about him because of the media blackout
I know all about Paul's platform and policy specifics. I disagree with him on a majority of it. As do many, many, many people I know, have worked with and even argued politics with. Its not due to media blackout or lack of coverage, but simply that many, like myself, don't agree with him. You'll find in any occupation that there will be factions that like him and some who don't. But thats not what this is about. Its about the common ground between socialists and libertarians. The common recognition that things are broken and that our arguments are not those being considered in government. That our futures and our wellbeing as a nation and as citizens, comes second to the expectations of institutions of influence and corruption. That the corporate comlpexes which rule our government from the moment to polls open until the moment a politician leaves office, needs to be restrained and controlled and our power and our voices need to be what matters most.
We need elections free of influence being for sale and public relations zeitgeists giving us limited options in terms of what to think of and how. Campaign finance reform is the only first step we have...and make no mistake as it is itself an enormous one to attempt. But we have no other choices.
speak for youself, anyone could say they know people who don't like someone. he is the only one who is for ending the wars, and everything else thats wrong with this country
I am speaking for myself and a considerable portion of the population. That is not to say there is not a strong support base for him. But a politician favored by the majority he is not. Believe it or not, there are those who genuinely wish to have a transparent and strong national government, robust social services, social equality and class equity.
Not everyone believes in the free market, opposes the fed, believes in absolute protectionism, etc..
But this is not the point. The point is that this massive and impressive movement is about more than these differences, just as it is about more than a single politician or ideology. It is about addressing the inherent influence pedaling and institutionalized corruption in our government. It is about addressing the untamed influences of the corporate statecraft machinery. The machinery that keeps people like Paul, Kucinich and Romer on the sidelines despite gaining popular support while refusing to play the game of legislative horse trading.
Its bigger than Paul and bigger than both of us. We need to adopt an issue that we all can get behind. The OP is correct. Join us in this call.
Hear, hear! Seconded! Do I have a third?