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Forum Post: Online Wiki-Manifesto!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:19 p.m. EST by DruidTao (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have been having this idea in my head for a while. With the onset of the Occupy Movement, a lot of people have been asking what we are protesting about. With the diverse people and issues, I agree with not just quickly saying something but to discuss and reach a consensus. Yet it could hurt the movement as people are confused about us and many opponents would just attack and dismiss it. Also one of the key goals of a non-violent protest is not only to put pressure upon the established order but to inform (and create unity with) the mass public. Being "an organic grassroots movement" currently, it would be hard to inform others of our reasons and intentions in a clear and concise format. So in order for us to form our ideas and thoughts about the multitude of issues we want to address, let's create an "online wiki-manifesto" for the Occupy Movement!

I like the idea of http://www.wearethe99percent.tumblr.com , since it allows anyone to go and post their personal story and reason for why they are a part of the Occupy Movement. This is at least more representative of the movement than electing any leader to represent us. Yet with the same idea of Wikipedia (maybe we can even create our Manifesto right on a new Wikipedia page), we can create and organize in subtitles (& flow-chart format) the many grievances (& their causes) of our protest. A few examples could be like "Corporatocracy" (revolving door b/w gov't and business, campaign contributions/donations, lobbying), fiat money ("Federal" Reserve, fractional reserve banking, Money as Debt), consequences/flaws of capitalism (unethical business practices, profit before society, deceptive sales/market practices), and so on. We should also have reports, data, and case studies/examples to support our points. The more primary sources and references we can utilize (books/video clips/reports/statistics) to back-up our points the stronger and more educated the discussion would become. If everyone could just "add their 2 cents" to this Manifesto, which hopefully would become clear, organized, and scientific-based, we have something recorded from which we can operate from. Cause I feel like there is a lot of wasted energy in the way we are currently doing and expressing things.

On a side note, I also think that it would be a good start to also have another page where anyone can post their questions, criticisms, concerns/fears, and confusions. And people from the Occupy Movement can answer them. Basically like a global online Q&A or Response Page. I am hoping that these online pages I have described (Online Wiki-Manifesto & Response Page) would have really good programming and format to make them really user-friendly & organized. To truly and efficiently facilitate the global debate and discussions of these issues that the Occupy Movement have put back in centre stage. Lastly, these sites would need to be updated and upgraded as people might suggest technical improvements for these sites. Hopefully it would be a civil and academic global debate, although when one reads comments from Youtube or online news articles, one doesn't have much hope.

P.S. I am planning to send this idea to the Anonymous group (hacktivist) whom seems good at programming and the Occupy Wall Street group (as they are the "original Occupiers"). I also hope that anyone who replies in this thread give constructive and meaningful comments, positive or negative. Thank you for the few who would actually read this through.



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[-] 1 points by AnotherObserver (5) 13 years ago

Sound thinking. Would the "Demands for Congress" be part of this?

[-] 1 points by DruidTao (1) 13 years ago

Well there would probably be the Grievance section, the debate section, and yes hopefully a few conclusions could be generally agreed and specific demands made. The way I see it, we need to get it started and keep improving the format (both IT and communication-wise) and civil rules of discussion from there.