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Forum Post: Online Citizen ship

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 9:11 p.m. EST by EarthdogGil (1) from Spring Green, WI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What if we all had a US Citizen profile that we create when filing our income tax and can update once a month. It would be similar in operation to Facebook but be real about an aggregate opinion from all the American People who care to participate in real democracy. An equal voice to every individual. All data could be public and graphic so politicians could not speak for the American People with out a real check on what they are saying.

If there is to be an Occupy the Congress movement, I think it needs to have a real basis for improving democracy. This is only an idea but it needs the energy of the movement to become real.

Gilbert Williams US Citizen Spring Green WI



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