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Forum Post: One question only.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 8:28 p.m. EST by Jay31 (60)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Are you ready to become involved on a boycott that will include all corporation that have brought harm, state/country occupation, war, sickness, homelessness, political misrepresentation?

This will include;

New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations.

We will discuss and run down facts, historical malpractices, issues that evolve in present. As well as future issues to come.

I will not explain things here.

What I need is a group that feels a certain way about what 'boycotts' stands for.



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[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Having the public see real difference will be by seeing the difference in stock markets.

They will witness it, they will fall right under any movement when a movement talks behalf of a new nation.

A boycott is necessary. Us picking up a proposed number in a stock market. have the corporation boycott, seeing a result in their stock market, then moving to the next one.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Example; Good way to have something done by: People that talk about the environment, should stick with those that are into 'healthy eating', 'good exercise', 'green events', 'solar panels', etc,. Bad way to have something done by: People that talk about the environment and holding a cigarette in hand, eating a salad with a burger on the side.

Representing something without self presentation seems to be in style.

Does this makes sense to anyone?

[-] 1 points by ezetreal (14) 13 years ago

Yes, we definitely need consistency between our thoughts and actions. Although if you really get to the depth of things, the problems are all linked to a few sources, be they categorized as environmental or social or economic. You cannot solve environmental problems separately from social issues and vice versa in most cases around the world.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Would you mind us talking more about this?

[-] 1 points by ezetreal (14) 13 years ago

It's always a pleasure to discuss things.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Great! thanks.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no. as discussed in depth in dozens of early threads, boycotts are not a meaningful strategy for us.

what you have confessed "needing" is to co-opt this movement. if you are that gung ho for boycotts go find some other platform to promote them.






[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

This post is mainly to hear how people feel about 'boycotts'.

gawdoftuth, when you hear 'boycott' what do you get from it?

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i studied game theory. i get sad, because i know its strategically useless until we have communicated to the 98 percent. one percent versus one percent ain't enough to run a useful boycott.

i get double sad, because i keep putting REAL solutions on the table and fools keep promoting non solutions.

I get angry, because this was discussed in depth 30 threads deep, you didn't bother to go look up the old boycott threads.

and i get bored, because this is a stupid and pathetic direction for me to have to keep playing whack a mole over.






[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

What I don't get is why are you being distant from discussing it first? You're stating others opinions, other's posts.

I'm talking on behalf of you.

This is you and I talking.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

because i already discussed it in depth with others here- and you didn't bother to go look it up or read .

because you and others make me play whack a mole with this sillyness, instead of bothering to go read.

I spend days and days and days on here providing a public service which you don't use.

you are wasting mine and everyone elses time, and that is YOUR fault for not going and looking at what was discussed back at the start.

i will again repeat. when we are 51 percent of the population instead of 1 percent, by all means, bring up boycotts then. until we have a sizable fraction of the population involved, this is silly and a waste of everyones time.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Is a discussion. Not a final thought. Dude. Sorry I didn't come about your post. But is difficult to keep track of post here, there's no bookmarks as well. Chill out. I know where you stand.

[-] 1 points by ezetreal (14) 13 years ago

Your boycott sounds like sustainable living to me :)

Grow your own food, build your own shelter and generate your own power. Permaculture.

Having a group will definitely make things easier and more fun.

Peace ! Enjoy Life !

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

thanks ezetreal

same as well.

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

This is the point when other are saying.

When one makes a suggestion and has ideas. And someone taking the content off it.

That's why things don't occur fast enough and well organized.

People should be able to hold one subject and break it down.

Not have others engaged in what's irrelevant.

Why talk about American's that own stocks? And what to do with savings? When my point is what falls under a 'boycott'.

You're opinions are welcomed, but stay on track with it. If you can't. Make up a post about it. It does not fall under this one. You get me Mooks?

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

Did you understand what the point was on the post I made?

[-] 1 points by Jay31 (60) 13 years ago

The title was 'One question only'.

You're bringing a point that I give much care about. People with saving have other alternatives. You want me to speak on behalf of people that own stocks and what to do with them? How could I put myself in a position that I have no intentions on being included in (as owning a stock and having my savings somewhere)?

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Probably not the 54% of Americans that own stocks.

What do you suggest people do with their savings?