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Forum Post: One protest goal? Capitalism with a conscience

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:07 p.m. EST by Bobo (0)
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The mainstream media claims that the OWS protests across the nation have no coherent message. One message I hear loud and clear is that unregulated capitalism is lawless capitalism and that if the Supreme Court believes corporations are people, then they are amoral people and must be regulated into behaving with a conscience. Financial markets must be governed by and for the people in order for economic justice to be realized. Capitalism without a conscience is an uncontrollable evil!



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[-] 1 points by recroom69 (3) 13 years ago

I completely agree with your sentiment. However, left to their own devices, Corporate America will always choose monitary greed over human conciousness. You cannot legislate a concience, but you can limit greed and exploitation (at the peril of the lower and middle classes) through policy.