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Forum Post: One Persons ‘Mob’ is another persons ‘Patriotic Movement’…

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:37 a.m. EST by arealpolitik (154)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The corporate backed Tea Party allowed to use megaphones but this true patriot movement is not?

”The Tea Party” was a not a true patriotic movement? It was organized. True patriotic movements always begin as unorganized rallies. Meeting in the streets because they are mad as hell.

Spitting on Congress, comparing our President to Hitler, bringing weapons to ‘peaceful protests. Sounds like a ‘Mob’ to me… Give me a break! It doesn’t take much thinking to understand who is responsible for this spin on the truth… Corporations!

Corporations do not like this movement so they are calling on their puppets in Congress to discredit it. Free speech from the corporate controlled media outlets is a farce, providing their slant on everything. Again corporations have called on their puppet media corporations to spin the truth. I will say that CNN does try to provide a balanced approach to the peaceful protests taking place across America.

The Internet and social media have taken the place of small-town newspapers. Protest blogs are popping up everywhere. The Jefferson Tree has been calling for such a movement for some time. Join in, speak up, let your voice be heard.

Warning – Beware of the unruly protesters that will begin showing up. Planted by the Corporations to undermine this truly patriotic movement. It will be up to the Patriots to guard against this. They need to organize an oversight group that demands and maintains ‘peaceful’ demonstrations.

I believe the name of this movement needs to be changed so that it represents what the majority of protesters. Occupy Wallstreet sounds too much like a group determined to overthrow. 99% sounds like the reverse of the 1% (a biker gang insignia).

How about name that represents who and what this movement is all about?

I personally like “The Second American Revolution” but understand that much could be read into the word ‘revolution’.

So how about:

American Patriot Movement

Base it on the words of true American Patriots who foresaw the problems we face today.

“The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction… I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity… is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” Thomas Jefferson

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Thomas Jefferson

“[The] Bank of the United States… is one of the most deadly hostility existing, against the principles and form of our Constitution… An institution like this, penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government.” Thomas Jefferson

“I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom. And to preserve their independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude.” Thomas Jefferson

I am very partial to the words of Thomas Jefferson. They ring so loud in my mind reflecting best how I feel relating to America’s predicament. I also hear other words from this Patriot, such as:

”If we are faithful to our country, if we acquiesce, with good will, in the decisions of the majority, and the nation moves in mass in the same direction, although it may not be that which every individual thinks best, we have nothing to fear from any quarter.” Thomas Jefferson

When you wonder, when you doubt, let these words lead the movement:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson

Taking back our country from corporate greed will not be easy, it will be very hard. Doing so will only be possible if we maintain a ‘peaceful’ protest. Allowing corporate backed groups the opportunity to infiltrate and cause harm to the movement could be our greatest threat. Beware

Let the patriots of today step forward. As this group forms, as it simmers and brews, watch for those that rise to the top.

“Give me liberty or give me death” Patrick Henry

There are those amongst us that have the words to speak for us. They have the fortitude to withstand what ‘will’ come. They have the courage.

They are the True American Patriots…



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[-] 2 points by JeffBlock2012 (272) 13 years ago

I too have difficulty understanding who is a "true patriot"

I build my candidacy starting with John Adams 1776 writing: "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestible, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."

Yet I've been told that John Adams was a true patriot but I am not because I want to change (reform, alter, or totally change) the form of government, which means Constitutional amendments (or a rewrite). I've been told "the moment after you are sworn in to uphold the Constitution, you'll be changing it!"


[-] 1 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then." Thomas Jefferson


[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"How about a name that represents who and what this movement is all about? I personally like “The Second American Revolution” but understand that much could be read into the word ‘revolution’."

DON'T BE AFRAID of the word "Revolution", so long as it is made clear that we are all seeking a peaceful revolution and that all violent participants will be booted out.

Why do I say "DON'T BE AFRAID of the word "Revolution"?

1 - Because America itself was born of a revolution that all Americans are proud of. Have we lost the "Spirit of 1776"?

2 - Thomas Jefferson is on our side 100% and even called for a "Second American Revolution":

  • ""I hold it that A LITTLE REBELLION NOW AND THEN IS A GOOD THING (...) IT IS A MEDICINE NECESSARY FOR THE SOUND HEALTH OF GOVERNMENT." (Thomas Jefferson - 3rd U.S. President (1801-1809),  Author of the Declaration of Independence.  Letter to James Madison of January 30, 1787.)

  • “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.”

  • “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” During interview with TomPaine.com

  • JEFFERSON ACTUALLY CALLED FOR A SECOND REVOLUTION! He was convinced that American democracy, in order to stay healthy, needed a regular general overhaul. On Wikipedia, under “Second American Revolution”, can be found these little-known facts: “A second (or third, or fourth) American revolution was conceived early on as attainable via the Article V Convention, as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Occasional conventions were envisioned by many of the country’s founding generation of leaders to be a sort of institutionalized avenue toward THE IDEAL OF REVOLUTION EVERY TWENTY YEARS, often attributed to Thomas Jefferson. According to Samuel Williams of Vermont (1743-1817), it was to be the means to accomplish periodic constitutional adaptation to changing times.”

So those who shudder at the word "revolution" are actually reactionary, unAmerican types.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly support your idea of "The Second American Revolution" as a name for the Movement. In fact, I believe it could contribute to the success of the Movement. This Revolution will be just as glorious as the first and will be just as CELEBRATED BY GENERATIONS TO COME.

[-] 1 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

I concur wholeheartedly. I am just concerned that using the term 'revolution' would be spun by the corporate media. I do believe that Patriotism should be a keyword moving forward. Using placards and banners with patriotic words of great wisdom will do much more than 99%.


[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Patriotism DOES need to be a keyword and you are right: NOBODY can find fault with that term. When 100,000 people were demonstrating in Madison earlier this year, a great many American flags were being waved, and while flag-waving can irritate me at times, I can see that it equates in most people's minds with PATRIOTISM, and so I think it would be very smart indeed to have plenty of flags at all Occupy Together events.

As for the 99%, I like it, I think it's powerful, but I agree that it should be balanced with all kinds of very patriotic symbols, such as posters of Jefferson with the words "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism", or "The Spirit of '76 is alive and well".

And so I applaud your thinking. In fact, I would go so far as to say that THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF PATRIOTISM MAY BE THE KEY TO THE SUCCESS OF THIS MOVEMENT.

[-] 1 points by arealpolitik (154) 13 years ago

Agreed... Who can argue with the concept of listening to our great American Patriots.

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights." Thomas Jefferson
