Forum Post: One party rule in America
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 10:18 p.m. EST by Chugwunka
from Willows, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A lot of OWS seems to have a lot of faith in the Democrat Party. And if the republicans were forever out of office our nation would be worth living in. So perhaps the answer is permanent one party rule?
I don't think it really matters how many parties you have. What matters is that the politicians who fill the positions to represent the people are not bought and paid for by the wealthy and corporations.
that's right and make sure you write all of your politicans once a year so they don't forget who they work for. try to say more than just hi dude. let them know what is bad and what is good. let them know people ware watching and give a shit.
Good points. And, I write more often than that. LOL!
and tell every one to do that. send them a state of my town letter. Many are out of touch and if we the people don't make efforts to keep them in touch they will forget where they came from...until election time.
I had the great pleasure one day (during the height of the war in Iraq) of having my Republican Congressman actually knock on my front door. It was the most fun two minutes of my life. I ran him off my lawn.
at least he knocked on your door...did the democrat candidate to so also?
No, at least not while I was home. He was canvassing my neighborhood. It was a total fluke thing because I live in a very densely populated area.
always talk to everyone. politicans are so out of touch if no one talks to them they will stay that way!
America already has one party rule.
Corporations decide which "side" gets a term on the podium.
one party is the same as no party.... no division ... no divide... We would be free to stand on our own... voice our own independent and individual opinion... we would bow to no master....
nice idea.... but there will always be groupies ... those that need to follow
Sure and we shall him Communism. a lovely child you have spawned.
How does a party do anything positive. It just concentrates power in a few people and they become tyrants to those not affiliated with the party. Not any different than a street gang.
Democracy does not need division, it needs people to join together.
No... what OWS is saying is that there is no better alternative... and that in itself is a problem... in what is proclaimed to be the worlds finest example of democracy... we only have 2 viable choices... and they both kinda suck... one perhaps more than the other...
One thing is for sure... it makes it easy for corporations to hedge their bets when it comes round to election time... only 2 pieces to play...
No party rule. Just employees of the American People.
I'm not opposed to that idea at all.
I knew that you believed in the rule of one party over this nation. Thank you.
the argument in favor of it is about 200 years old. The present state of the government seems to favor single party rule.