Forum Post: One of the Many Real Fiscal Cliffs
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 8, 2012, 3:46 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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"The Federal Reserve creates money from nothing, gives it to banks, the banks keep it on deposit, gain interest, pay high CEO bonuses, fat cat city while the rest of America falls apart." - Dennis Kucinich
I really can't push this enough. Dennis Kucinich lays out important information about how reform in monetary policy could put this country back into progress mode! And he explains it in 3 minutes.
Our current monetary policy is set up to give unlimited resources to Wall Street and the big banks. Specifically for one example after 7.7 trillion dollars in loans, the banks net an estimated 13 Billion in profits.
One of the causes of inflation is when new money is created without the creation of new wealth. Less purchasing power is dangerous when the majority of wages are stagnant. But the banks are fine because they're profiting billions on these "loans." The stress and risk is pushed onto the middle class.
The f-Ugolden rule
-Nationalize Fed
-tax the thieves
All born debt slaves.
Somebody do something about this monstrosity
Good post - this video does a great job of showing how the little man gets screwed by this inflationary process while the big guys just 3 minutes:
the bailouts of the last 4 years could put a solar system on every house in the country assuming 118m houses and 3.5T in bailouts..
thats fucked up.
The sheep want D/R talking points....they freakin love that shit....
Good post