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Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 1:04 a.m. EST by Ryanwc67 (18) from Stanwood, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I completely agree! i'd like to add its money in politics. Sense Ronald Reagan the money in Americas political system has exploded! its no surprise our government believes what they believe. ONE DEMAND CHANGES EVERYTHING " NO MORE MONEY IN POLITICS" Their literally for sale!



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[-] 1 points by jladoef (4) 13 years ago

Campaign finance reform has to be on the table. A lot of people want this (both left and right)!

[-] 1 points by Ryanwc67 (18) from Stanwood, WA 13 years ago

Ronald Reagan was the first President to take private election funding! if it were a different president i'd use name! Many parts of our separation between corporations & government began to breakdown in the Reagan's Presidency! I know hes your hero, but the truth is he didn't care about you, he cared about corporations like his treasury secretary the Goldman Sach's Ceo..

[-] 1 points by ciciem (2) 13 years ago

Ron Paul is not for sale.. You people have a candidate who reflects your ideals..He is funded by people who support his campaign and willingly donate...everyday citizens. Please consider researching him and possibly voting for him. You have influence over a large group..I implore you..give him your support.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

hes also half insane. i want a candidate to represent sicence facts, not global warming denialism. ron paul is a crackpot.

[-] 1 points by user12357 (4) 13 years ago

Ron Paul may not be for sale, but he is decidedly consevitive right, taking a right / left stance was the end of the tea party, and it will be the end of us. getting behind a canididate is a bad idea. We must focus on a basic principle getting the money out of are government.

[-] 1 points by oclisa (74) 13 years ago

Why bring Ronald Reagan into it... you are a part of the problem when you offer that kind of accusation without evidence...i.e. you buy into the right/left matrix. That being said, I do agree that getting money out of politics is a large step to a solution and to that end, Dylan Ratigan (MSNBC) is trying to generate momentum for a solution www.getmoneyout.com. (I have no affiliation, just agree with what he is doing)

[-] 1 points by user12357 (4) 13 years ago

I agree entirely, first you you must focus on the 99% do not take a partisan stance ( it's OK for individuals to have different veiws on a wide range of issues) but as soon as we take a left/right stance we fail. Dylan has a good thing started www.getmoneyout.com (we can not let him be be, or be seen as any kind of leader).

[-] 1 points by LAfocus (13) 13 years ago

Here's one list that might put corporations and their money of our elections and prevent them from engaging in many other abuses https://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-please-help-editadd-so-th/

[-] 2 points by Ryanwc67 (18) from Stanwood, WA 13 years ago

Thank you for the information

[-] 1 points by LAfocus (13) 13 years ago

Please help spread the word of this list. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by strivehappy (31) 13 years ago

You have to take away the MAGNET because the politicians will still be able to take private "gifts" of money under the table. The MAGNET is the size, scope, and power of government. If there's no magnet, they will no longer be attracted. We have to fight for us, our freedom (personal and financial), and our liberty!

[-] 1 points by NortonSound (176) 13 years ago

So, we dispense with government because it's holdings and power are too valuable and tempting to keep em honest?
Let the fox rule the henhouse, that's the fix?

[-] 1 points by strivehappy (31) 13 years ago

No, give the power back to the people, the government is an authoritarian government, why do you think NYPD treats us like this? It is because they think they are above the law, and so does our government. Why is that so hard to get. The FEDERAL RESERVE posing as a government bank IS THE PROBLEM!!!

[-] 1 points by Ryanwc67 (18) from Stanwood, WA 13 years ago

The Government isn't some boogieman! Its us 'you and I' just get the money out of elections an we will have some control over our elected representatives. The for profit system is corrupt!

[-] 1 points by Ryanwc67 (18) from Stanwood, WA 13 years ago

How about issuing one tv channel and website ware they can discuss their agenda during elections, & ware they can share their views. This is all they need to run for office. Up until 1980 Americans checked a box on their tax returns to fund all campaigns, it wasn't this blatant whoring of their loyalties