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Forum Post: On the Ugly Side of the Wall

Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 10, 2014, 8:16 a.m. EST by flip (7101)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

By Bill Fletcher Source: The Tavis Smiley Show

“It felt like being in a huge prison.” That was how I responded to questions I was asked after leading a delegation of African Americans on a visit to the occupied Palestinian territories this past January. Yes, there are other ways of describing the experience. The land is beautiful; the people are generous; and with every glance, one sees reminders of a history dating back thousands of years.

Yet the feeling one gets is of being imprisoned; of being vulnerable; of not knowing. This was what we felt as African American visitors to the Holy Land. The reality for Palestinians is far worse.

At every turn, we never lost sight of the ignominious “separation wall”, as the Israeli government politely references it; the “apartheid wall”, as much of the rest of the world describes it. A wall with guard/sniper towers, running, not along the Green Line (the armistice line that was agreed upon in 1949), but through almost whatever terrain the Israelis choose. A wall that frequently separates Palestinian farmers from their own lands, making it next to impossible for them to consistently cultivate their crops.

My delegation and I found it both frightening and sadly familiar that the Palestinians have few rights that the Israeli authorities are bound to respect. Land has been seized—illegally—by the Israeli authorities, allegedly for security reasons, or sometimes, quite ironically, for archeological reasons! And it is never returned to the Palestinians; instead, it is turned over to Israeli settlers.

There are roads on which Palestinians cannot drive without special permission. We discovered this firsthand as we traveled with a Palestinian guide who needed a permit to use particular highways. But even with this permit, she had to exit our van at checkpoints and walk through, while our delegation was permitted to remain in our van during and after inspection.

In the mainstream media, we have frequently heard or read about Palestinian terrorism or military actions. Yet, in our brief experience, we felt no unease or fear when we interacted with the Palestinians. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said regarding our interactions with Israeli soldiers. The young Israeli military men and women, frequently carrying automatic weapons, were quite full of themselves and felt no need to be polite to our delegation, let alone to the Palestinians. The Palestinians were treated with the sort of contempt one would expect to be experienced by a prison population.

Blink once, and you saw apartheid South Africa; blink twice, and you saw the Jim Crow South of the USA; blink three times, and you realized that you were not in the past, but in a very dangerous reality where an entire population is facing the prospect of perpetual marginalization and dispossession.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 11 years ago

http://iacknowledge.net/apartheid-exists/ !!!

fiat lux, fiat pax et fiat justitia ruat caelum !


[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

this is according to max Blumenthal and just so you know he is talking about American evangelicals - is that you? "whose side are you on" - "in the recent Pew poll of Jewish attitudes, where 82 percent of evangelicals believe that Israel is the promised land, that it was given to the Jews by God. Only 16 percent of secular Jews believe this. And so there’s—so the future base of Israel, as long as it’s under the control of people like Netanyahu and those to his right, like Naftali Bennett, is the Bible Belt. That’s Israel’s safety belt, Christian Zionism. And so, this is a dynamic that’s really going to develop in American foreign policy and play out in the next presidential campaign."


[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

I am wondering about your reading comprehension skills. but that is no matter really - I do not demonize any of the male sky god religions (gore vidal's line if you didn't know) - they all have plenty of shit in their history as well as some (not much?) good. I think jesus had the best of the ideas - don't you? as for iran, as usual, you are way off base and it is easily demonstrated. I might do that later for you if you like but will leave it for now. as always thanks for putting this post at the top of the list for others to read. get ready - more coming from max Blumenthal - he must be anti semetic! no?



[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

ah, the anti semitic card. the one used when you cannot counter the point with facts. first of all do you know what the military industrial complex wants in this instance? do they want peace in the region so they can sell less hardware and make less profit? thanks for such a weak rebuttal. and lastly and do you know if I am jewish or not? am I a "self hating jew?" and when I criticize potus I am un-American right? and if you were a soviet commissar (well you are a commissar but not soviet I would guess) and I criticized stalin I would be "anti soviet" - right? well since you have told us all that your form of discussion is to try to get everyone to hate you I won't go on. thanks for getting this up in the list so many can read it. your tag team partner should chime in soon - keep it up man thanks


[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

keep it up - no pun intended



[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

it is called a straw man (look it up) and it doesn't fly. thanks - keep pushing me up!


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Did you know?

Mr. Fletcher is strongly pro union.

How come everybody keeps skipping over that part the narrative?

It was done with Ms. Sawant too.

Why not accentuate the positive?

Union YES!


[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

I am sure he is - and should be. as we all should be but it is not part of THIS narrative! does a pro union statement have to be part of every post? I thought that was just assumed on an ows site. kind of like assuming we are for the 99% or however you want to frame it.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Yes. Yes it does.

I was apparently the ONLY one here who listened to Ms. Sawant's entire speech.

Most got hung up on the word Obama, and never listened further.

As in this case the hang up is Israel and Palestine, when this guys major narrative is pro union..


It is the most ignored way out of this mess.

Plus it incites the trolls.

So you know I'm correct.

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago

now we disagree twice in the space of hours - unions are not part of this post. I had to scroll to the top to make sure I was on the right thread - and I am - the one about Israel. have you read the rules?? I am not much interested in inciting the trolls - trying to educate and be educated. how about you?


[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 11 years ago


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

There have been multiple threads on this subject.

Each of which became a complete morass.

Every single one of them.

Why did you think this one would be any different?

Why did you think another one was needed?

I was just trying to move it into a more product realm.


My bad.

Go ahead and slog around in the mire.


Like the actual trolls hate me for saying.

Union YES!

Not unlike your MLK post. What would the Middle East be like if it was unionized?


[-] 2 points by northernlights (14) 11 years ago

Yes.. I too remember Ms Sawant talking about unions.

Let's see, she said, " "Look at the amount of money and the number of foot soldiers the labor movement provides for every election for the Democratic Party, and what have we got out of it? We've got a long-term assault on labor unions."

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

" Get active. Get organized in your union".

couldn't find yours.

she also mentioned (R)epelican't stonewalling.

You miss all the best parts.

Did you notice the assault on unions here on the forum?

Can you mention the names of the users that promote it?

[-] 1 points by northernlights (14) 11 years ago

I was active in my Union, but like most Unions today we were no match against the neoliberal onslaught, who had laws passed to disempower Unions.

And then there were the high-priced Philadelphia lawyers that the companies hired who provided a lawful and psychological step-by-step, kit-like game plan to crush us.

The result being a sweetheart union.

Dwelling in the past with the pain that was brought onto me and my family doesn't help. Luckily, unlike for most people today, we had a lot of equity in our home.

But facing the reality that the demise of Unions in this country cannot only be attributed to one party,

And then doing something about it does help, including 15now.org getting $15 from me.

I challenge you and all the other posters here to do something similar, as Ms Sawant has suggested. It's called walking the talk.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You got a link?

I've provided plenty of them showing who is most active in union destruction. There's a current one in fact.

Not a word from you.

Not word from those that claim they are "not anti-union".

In fact, I just checked some more of them. You are conspicuously absent from all of them.

Though there's plenty of troll activity that supports you assertions.

This makes me wonder which one of them you were in a previous incarnation of forum life.

[-] 1 points by northernlights (14) 11 years ago

My truthful personal account which brought back some bad memories trumps any need for a link.

The rest of your comment is just blather designed to divert attention away from the Democrats having sold out the working-class.

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

So you got nothing.

that was expected.

Good by.



[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Neolibe(R)tarian, is the more accurate descriptor.

As I show them spreading their vile philosophy all over the World, I lament how few understand.


Just one ugly comment, from one particularly ugly minded troll.







