Forum Post: On the Subject of Greed
Posted 11 years ago on Nov. 26, 2013, 7:58 p.m. EST by sharmag
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
One thing that people here don't seem to recognize is that they are just as greedy as corporations or the 1%. In terms of greed, you are all equal.
Bingo! They do seem to measure greed by how much someone has and that isn't an accurate measuring tape. The willingness to put things and money over what is good for people is prominently displayed. I find it repulsive to think of redistribution as an answer to all that is wrong in the lives of most people.
The one thing occupy has managed to do is get people involved, given them a sense that their pain can be voiced and is shared by others. They are not alone. That sense of community is what we need. The solidarity will allow us to make lives better for everyone.
They are making a difference but I don't want their voice to be MY voice. I would rather feel I could succeed by being creative and working for what I want. If we put that much energy into working together for projects instead of demands, we wouldn't just have done something, we would own it and have a huge bonus of the respect we had earned on the way.
Some of us know what self-respect feels like. Once you have some maybe you too will think it worth defending.
Some of us know what integrity is. You don't have that. Get back to me when you develop some.