Forum Post: On the Same Page
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:52 p.m. EST by annabelle11281
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I fully back the OWS movement. I have MS, or I would be out there fighting with you. As I listen to the news everyday, I hear them reporting that their is no clear message, and that you are targeting the wrong people. I believe that is true. No matter how much you want to let Wall Street know that they are in the wrong, it was our government who gave them the power. Our government no longer represents the people who elected them.
I would recommend group tasks forces in each major city. Each city could be assigned a problem that they would bring to the atttention of congress. I would start with corporate personhood. If that is not gone we never stand a chance. Our politicians will be the lackies for those who provide their campaign donations. Then tackle government transparency, lobbying dollar limits, term limits, no bailout policy, and strict banking regulation. That's a good start.
I would make sure that anywhere the movement went, was left clean, with no damage to property. You should have a cleaning committee. Although you should emphasize everyone cleaning up after themselves, you need checks and balances to make sure that it is getting done. I am sick of these idiots on TV complaining that OWS is dirty, leave messes, and should shower. They are trying to make you look less than credible. I would quash those rumors.
Each group should have a no violence committee. Plan your movements, record everything, and do not let large police officers cover the cameras. They have been standing in front of the cameras so the world cannot see what is going on. Every angle needs to be covered.
Also, I would attempt to get people with power as your leaders. Or at least get them to the rallies. I know there have been speakers there like Michael Moore, and several others, but the media is not televising it. They need to bring camera crews and get it over the airwaves.
At Bloomberg's press conference yesterday, he was asked how many people were occupying. He said about 1000, that "it was very hard to tell because people move around in scattered groups". He did not want the size known, The world needs to know how big this movement is. The news cameras never veered from their reporters and the few people around them. It looked like a very small movement.
Each and every group should inform all members what is the goal of their group and the other groups. Each person interviewed by the media should have the same answer. There are people commenting on the internet that OWS has no clear message. Everyone that the media interviews has a different answer. The answers should be the same. The mission should be the same. When talking about the movement, you should say how large it is, talk about how peaceful it is, and what your goal is.
Most of all, take the message to D.C. The body count in D.C. needs to double. The presence in front of the white house should be huge, daily. There should be phone campaigns, email campaigns, and snail mail campaigns. The messages should be "Corporations are not people!". That message should be sent to every member of Congress by phone, mail, e-mail. Every member of the movement should focus on the same message for that day. The next day load them down with calls, letters, and emails about jobs or education. Whatever, but make the message the same for that day. Make it so that is all that they can deal with. They can't get any other voicemails, they are inundated with your mail and emails.
Most of all, be safe and know that we love you for what you are doing, we are praying for you and we stand behind you.
Go OWS, God Bless!