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Forum Post: On the 'occupy' Occupy Wall Street schtick

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 10:46 a.m. EST by sleonard (54) from Cranford, NJ
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Did anyone see the two young businessmen that did a short 'occupy' Occupy Wall Street bit on Thursday (or was it Wed)? They tried to refute our purpose and position. I give some credence to their wit, but I actually feel sorry for the two young and naive would be tycoons. Their defense of Wall Street and capitalism and how they give us jobs was hollow. I like to keep things simple: The day the checks for the bailout were cashed in capitalism died. The banks and investors went on welfare, on our dime. They are either socialists now or thieves. If they were real capitalists they should not have taken the money. The day they did they went from being capitalists to conmen. At least in the collapse of 1928 they had the decency to jump out the window. What we have now is Zombie Capitalism, those two young businessmen don't know that they are already dead.



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[-] 1 points by phillyboy (20) 13 years ago

that's really profound. you don't even have a purpose or position. I saw some guy writing about repealing the patriot act. I thought this was about the banks, that's why you're sitting on wall street. Ever heard of focus getting results. I'll give you one thing. You do have a position. It's called whining. Haven't seen an actual policy proposal.

[-] 1 points by sleonard (54) from Cranford, NJ 13 years ago

Are you writing to me? I stated my position very clearly. The bail out disqualifies claims about the veracity of the pure capitalist model. Nor did I include any whining. Tax payers cleaned up your mess and deserve something concrete back from it. I do know that, as a whole, the occupation may need to clarify their position. They will. But if I were you and your sort I would pay attention to their passion.

[-] 1 points by phillyboy (20) 13 years ago

where does the patriot act fit in here while you're at it, why not throw in education policy and FEMA and cleaner streets and ...