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Forum Post: On The Basic Need To Endure

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 2:11 a.m. EST by Lance161 (46) from San Tan Valley, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


We must by now realize that IF... IF we wish to obstruct the current machinery, whatever it may be, in this nation... we must remember; firstly, we must endure, these ARE the times that try mens souls, if we DO WANT a truly different nation and not to years from now reflect on this as mere pithy, if we are to endure the coming cold months we must remember, there IS a cause here, there is a General Will working here... to a degree... we must ALWAYS remember that our Founders used there Reason to KNOW the Justice of the Cause. If we are believe that we are in the right in protesting our injustices, whatever that may entail, it is the exercise of civic freedom, and if we DO believe in what we say... if we STILL believe that we can change the perceptions of our fellow Countrymen... then I would urge you... to stay the cause... For yourself, and for All.

But IF as rumors have said, that some are to march on the houses of CEOs... I must say we the utmost sincerity, while, I would personally agree to such a thing, would say that we MUST, MUST!! respect his Civic Rights as well. I would call on all those that take part in ANY demostration to quickly and swiftly repudiate and report to proper officials ANY act of the violations of others rights...

If we Endure these coming months what shall we see? What shall be the reward of such a heavy investment? If this question need serious answering I will say it this way; when the most dire circumstances had shown themselves in months prior George Washington made a stop at Valley Forge, many died, but afterwards came out a trained and disciplined army, which would go on to win. The obvious metaphor aside, we can use the coming months to refine, dignify, and debate our messages, our organization, IF be believe that this is a cause worth fighting for... let this be Our Valley Forge!



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[-] 1 points by Lance161 (46) from San Tan Valley, AZ 13 years ago

Sorry... meant disagree on the protesting houses...

[-] 1 points by GeoffH (214) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Well wrote. Thank you.