Forum Post: On taxes & get rich quick returns
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 27, 2012, 12:47 p.m. EST by BradB
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In the pure, mathematical (not political) scope of things....
if we eliminate taxes 100%.... and simply use the fiat(fake money) to print more whenever the government needs it.... how is that different from taxing everyone?
it isn't ... printing more money is also a form of taxation ... it devalues what we already have.... therefore taxing us...
imo... taxation is mostly used for a form of control ....
furthermore... why is it that the government continues to grow & grow every year? .... agency's watching other agency's... countless security posts that do nothing .... I've met many people in the Federal government that honestly don't even know what their job is supposed to do... but they still get that pay check just for showing up.... hey any pay check is better than no pay check....
the reason the gov continues to grow... (under all admin's) ... is because it is simply a way to create new jobs.... (socialism)
the reason the banking system continues to grow... (under all admin's) ... is because it is simply a way to create new jobs.... (socialism)
the reason the health care system continues to grow... (under all admin's) ... is because it is simply a way to create new jobs.... (socialism)
if the free market was adequately producing jobs .... we would see the size of gov decrease rapidly on it's own...
if you do a little research for new products & new invention currently and recently developed at almost all major universities... you will be amazed at the new opportunities at our finger tips.... but can they get funded?... very few...
the investors want fast returns.... and they have not realized yet that the "fast returns" days are gone....
the politicians blame it on the government, the unions, the FED, the aliens, the cub scouts.... etc.... blame it on anyone... but provide zero answers...
because if they gave you the real answer ... the people with financial wealth don't want to hear it... they believe their savings will devalue.... and the politician would be voted out immediately ....
but .. the reality is that if the economy is truly prospering thru REAL productivity & activity ... (not fake manipulated shored up boosts like those developed under Reagan, Clinton, Bush's) .... those who have wealth will see their wealth grow... as with everyone else....
the answer/s are very simple.... when you add more players to the monopoly game ... you can....
A) take money from the existing players .... to give to the new....
B) print more money... to give to the new....
C) put the new players in a special place in the game where they can't really play but they can eat (welfare)...
D) put the new players in a special place in the game where they can't really play but they work for the game itself (glorified welfare / the government & subsidized industry like healthcare)...
E) put most of the new players in jail...
F) start new wars and kill off the new players...
or ....
G) support the creation of new industries (expand the game)... etc
it's really and only about acknowledging that we have added new players to the game... and that those new players need money to play with.. if they are going to play & help grow the economy....