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Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 2:36 p.m. EST by concernedcitizen99 (37)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is in response to another poster who brought up the point that there is legal precedence that allows protestors to defend themselves physically from unlawful arrest:

Certainly some great points have been made here for both sides. However, I believe that this occupation requires strategic thinking. Let me make it clear that I believe in self defense, but if the police attack protestors and the protestors retaliate, even in self defense, then the police will escalate their use of force. First pepper spray and batons, then riot gear and tear gas, then water cannons and rubber bullets, and eventually it may even be live ammunition. We can fight back without physical force! Every time a video of some "thug" cop committing some form of "thuggery" (pepper spraying, entrapment, excessive force, batons, etc.) gets out, more people see how bad their behavior is and rally behind us. There are also other forms of passive resistance that can be very effective (linking arms and forming human barriers, going limp when being handled, pulling those being arrested into the crowd and away from police). Protestors can protect each other, there is strength in numbers. Let them throw the punches and use violence, and we will show the world.



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[-] 1 points by Forrest (17) from Dubai, Dubai 13 years ago

I agree. You cannot fight back and stay non violent. Those court cases are finebut I doubt they apply to incidents of CD. And true CD (Gandhi style) says, do not offer any physical resistance, other then go limp while saying "I m not resisting arrest"

[-] 1 points by machiavelli (15) 13 years ago

Gandhi also felt that the Jews should have embraced their oncoming death and do nothing to stop it from happening. Essentially, Gandhi supported genocide by telling the victims to do nothing out of a idealist principle. More people should read about Gandhi before aspiring to be like him.

Is that the philosophy that people like to follow? Really? Fine, allow the law enforcement officers to beat you to a pulp. If I were out there and I saw some officer beating a poor girl senseless because she expressed her opinions, I would be a man and do something about it.

[-] 1 points by distortion (196) 13 years ago

If you resist you'll be arrested whether it's self defense or not and you'll portrayed as attacking an officer. Taking a night stick to the head sends a much louder message to the nation then giving one.