Forum Post: On Overload, No Wonder People Can't Get Going In The Right Direction
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:54 p.m. EST by MASCEL
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I have read so much, that I am so confused between videos and articles that I would not even know which way to go. It all boils down to who do we trust for if you do not understand or capable of knowing the knowledge of what to do your screwed. I am so confused now and I am sure the world is confused to who and what to believe. We will be stuck in this monkey barrel forever. It will take me months or years to even understand everything from Zeitgeist, New World Order or rewrite the the Constitution or even to get rid of the 1% or keep them. Confused like the run of the mill people. That is how I feel very confused.
I too am confused. There are bad ideas mixed in with all the good ones and they are well explained to make them sound good. There are good ideas that compete with other good ideas and which is "best"? That's ok, I don't think we will be stuck in the monkey barrel forever. If you are confused, keep searching, use the senses you were given, which includes logic, but also emotion, like empathy. And if you think you've found the best answer, great, but keep evaluating your ideas and other people's ideas, always.
I believe that the reality of the universe is ultimate love, ultimate compassion, ultimate forgiveness, ultimate freedom, ultimate balance....for all living things. I will consider seriously any system that allows for the most of these things for all living being, while also preserving the maximum individual freedom (but not the kind we have now, where the individual has been raised above the group, which is slavery as much as systems that raise the group above the individual)
I would just be happy if they took corruption out of washington.. But on the other hand we must look at the whole human population on what is good for all of them. I got sent this link last night and I watched it this morning. It is almost 3 hours long but it opened my eyes to what this world should really be like even though it would take decade's or 100 plus years to get to this but I loved it... Take the time to watch it with an open mind.
Yeah I agree, it's a good video, both for educating about the current system in the first half, and suggesting a different way in the second. Is worth watching for the first half even for those who feel they have a better way than the second half. But yes, a world where all are valued (including the environment) is what we need to strive for always, even if it takes us 100 years :)
Go with what you know. I used to be part of OWS, sat in a park almost two months holding a sign, but realized that their intentions were becoming more and more violent and less reality based. Mascel, when you don't like the wallpaper in your house, would you change the wallpaper? Or burn down the house?
I really have not seen no violence out of OWS it has been a peaceful protest sure maybe 1 out of a 1000 but I have watched plenty of clips and live stream. It is the police who is violent they have been trained to deal with what is happening in Egypt and the dummies tried to use it on OWS peaceful protesters. Other wise I am still confused lol but the OWS will take it another level if the 1% keeps suppressing them in their protest or I should say trying to.