Forum Post: On coverage
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 4:22 p.m. EST by Nicolas
from Québec, QC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Is there some place where someone keeps tabs on all the video coverage of #OWS? I mean a sort of reference, or video index, that would list, organize and link as much as is possible of the videos and interviews and so on, all in one place. I ask this because the relevant stuff seems to be increasingly buried in you tube for whatever reason.
It could be open and let uploaders note and link their own videos, with someone providing just enough oversight to keep it clean and organized. People who are rooting for you from the distance, and helping you if they may by donations, I think need to reassure themselves sometimes that you're still out there, or just see you. I know I do. The live stream is good, but there are a lot of neat videos and interviews floating around you tube that are just difficult to find.