Forum Post: Older Posts Here
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by malikov
from Pasadena, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by malikov
from Pasadena, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just want to say how great this is. I've started using it for all my OWS searches!
This is great, thank you for setting it up!
Thanks, hope it's useful :-)
cool! would it be easy to implement sort by date as well? For google searches on their site, they let you sort by date if you specify "within the last month" etc.
Ok, now it serves the latest results first.
a small bug: if you do a search from the search page, it doesn't end up in the url behind a hashtag. that could be confusing for some users. but that's the only bug i've seen, this thing is great!
right, that's an annoying "feature". If you implement a one-page option the url doesn't change at all. I figured this is better than nothing, to make links to search results.
It'll probably annoy me enough to fix it :-)
rock on!
hehe. It doesn't strictly sort it by time, though, but, rather, boosts the latest results.
Somehow a search like this removes the ads:
Maybe they just can't find any ads to show to people that don't want to see someone's user profile.
I think it has trouble finding contextual ads. Sometimes the column of ads to the right disappears, and it only serves two ads in the top.
btw, no, there's no control over that in cse. And it's a feature of the news section I think, isn't it?
Here's another example, I'm trying to find this thread. It should be the top link but apparently isn't indexed by google at the moment. I think if the post is at the top of the forum long enough, google sees it, but since the page has to make the json query to get the next page of forum posts, google doesn't see anything else. Needs a custom googlebot responder or whatever it's called in web 2.0.,qdr:w#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&lr=&tbs=qdr:w%2Csbd%3A1&source=hp&,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=8e7fa2636e8b849&biw=1247&bih=785&pf=p&pdl=300
Summary: There's no sort by date in cse, per se, but there are a couple hacks (which I'm implementing right now) that kinda boost the latest results. However, there exists ambiguity, cause date-posted, and date-indexed are different things.
Interesting. I don't suppose they allow you to restrict date to the "last hour" etc.? Or "5 minutes to 10 minutes ago". You could totally piss them off by doing a ton of date-restricted queries to "sort" it. Kinda like the opposite of a radix sort :)
well, they have to sell something to their corporate clients, I suppose. At least now one can look for a keyword and then go back two days, instead of looking through every result for dates.
btw, that link looks wrong but it does work
see link below, it is quite possible
oh, right. k, lemme look into it. Thanks!
I'll check. Though two points:
I appreciate the input.
They do seem to index very fast these days, especially for really active forums like this, like within 3 hours, but I'm not sure the index is complete. You can see when they indexed it in a search like this: .
I think this forum should respond to the googlebot by giving it a complete index of posts. But that's a little off topic :)
Yep, often, but incompletely. Well, it'll get better. Sitemaps do wonders, for sure, but the admins don't listen, it seems.
Other problem, I have to re-post the link all the time cause it gets buried.
no, it's that we don't have time and can't recruit people quickly enough. also the fact that i've found myself playing such an active role in organizing and public relations that i simply don't have as much time as i used to for coding the site :\
what do you mean? how can I help?
If you know how to code python/django, talk to and send pull requests on github.
sorry, dude, never worked with python. I can ask around, but it's deep night here.
Yeah the sitemap would help. Have you seen this: ? I looked at the code a little, it seems at least well organized.
you're welcome, and I think these forums are doing incredibly well under the stress. i'm curious, what's the easiest way to hack on this? i think i have an ubuntu image i could boot up, but I'm curious where is the meat of the forum front page.
edit: (and for anyone observing, I mean hacking in the sense of working on something)
The meat of the front page is:
You'll also want to look at:
Yep, saw that. Actually was going there after a smoke break to see about some sitemap plugin.
I wanted to avoid the long link, but here is what that link above will point you to, in case goes down:,,sbd:1&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=eCeSTsHgN8HgiAKG6Z3NCA&ved=0CBIQpwUoAQ&fp=1&biw=1247&bih=859&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&cad=b