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Forum Post: Ok...this is the kind of anticapitalist BS I'm talking about

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 7:55 a.m. EST by SufferPoorPpl (1)
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Ok, this?


This is the kind of crap that pulls down nations, people not supporting business. Business is the only reason any of you hippies have a damn job! Buiness fuckin gave you people those damn drums you beat on! Why the helll do you ppl hate business? If you're poor, Herman Cainw as right-- blame yourself!!! PPl are so stupid sometimes



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[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

I don't think this movement is anti-business at all. It is about fairness. It is not about us all being equal, but it is about ending the extremes of inequality that exist today. 30/40 years ago the average CEO earned 40 times the wage of the average worker. Today they earn 343 times the wage of the average worker. 1 in 7 Americans are on food stamps. OWS wants fairness. With a living wage we can end the need for entitlement programs and charity. What is wrong with living in a society that has no poverty, where people earn enough money to live?

[-] 1 points by SufferPoorPpl (1) 13 years ago

All i know is that you ppl should blam urselves if you don't have crap to do other than stand in fron t of a building and stop ppl from investng

[-] 1 points by cappylr (10) 13 years ago

The current capitolist system takes competition to the extreme instead of healthy cometition its become beat the other guy to where its become the have and have nots. If you run your own business thats great its terrific jst remember if you hit it big common sense tells you to take care of the people who are actually running the company while your playing golf or taking another fantastic vacation its insulting to the people doing the work when the financial rewards are so monumental and the rest of us are barley making it. To much competition can be a bad thing for those without the know how, resourses or desire to be wealthy. it should not be feast or famon for the people in this country. We need leaders who are intellegent and respectful of the people they are supposed to represent no one wants a handout just a fair wage for an honest days work would be a great start.

[-] 1 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

Sorry, you are speaking from an ignorant point of view. Yes, you should shop on Black Friday from "local" small business people just not these giant corporations with their greed, and slave workers overseas if possible. These giant corporations ARE putting our local, small businesses out of business.

[-] 1 points by dapperry (4) from Columbus, OH 13 years ago

Don't Pit the 1% of individuals against the 99% of the rest of us. It should be us as ALL as individuals against corporations! Please support movetoamend.org that would strip Corporations of their "suppossed" rights. Do just occupy, be active for change!!

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

What we are living in is fascism, not capitalism, you moron.

the merging of big business with gov is good for no one.

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

Agreed! You hit the nail on the head....why is it that the naysayers don't seem to understand something so simple and clear? They can't all be brain dead. Or is is just a desire to want to be on the side of the 1%?

[-] 1 points by occustock (4) 13 years ago

Actually most of us don't have jobs. My daughter has an Ivy League education graduated with honors in English, is certified to teach and can't get a job. All of her high school and college friends who were business majors are employed - whereas all of her friends in human services, communication, social services etc can't get jobs. Corporate centered capitalism has devastated every other sector.

[-] 1 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

maybe the reason she can't get a job isn't because of capitalism, or our real problem today, crony capitalism, but because schools graduate more english majors than the economy actually has a demand for.

[-] 1 points by occustock (4) 13 years ago

She is certified to teach English, special education K-8 and elementary school. The classes are overcrowded where she lives (Philadelphia) and had to lay off teachers because they paid the former Superintendent (District CEO) $1 million to leave the district.

[-] 1 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

even then, my understanding is for every teaching opening there are a zillion applicants. a degree in business is much more flexible. regarding administrative wastes and public schools in general, i think even "socialist" europe does it more market based than us - they publicly fund it, but they provide school vouchers and there is competition in education delivery. i think implementing this here would go a long way into cutting government waste and the power of unions to keep bad teachers.

[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

Blame that on Federation of Teachers, the union that gives more money to political campaigns than many corporations. They protect teachers with seniority and let go new teachers even if those teachers are better teachers.

BTW, I'm a teacher who used to be in the union until I saw a teacher spend a year sleeping at his desk and the union protecting his job.

[-] 1 points by JohnnyRico (3) 13 years ago

You're a dipshit.

[-] 1 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

Wow. I guess you told me. You want crappy teachers rather than good ones like this lady's daughter just because a person has been there longer?

[-] 0 points by goingdown (9) 13 years ago

Here's a thought. Move to another city. There is a demand for teachers in other parts of the country. Plus as an added bonus she gets out of Filthadelphia.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

and so called American corporations need to support their customers and employees also, you can't have it one way..You got that? You can't create a Virtuous Cycle the way things are.. No one hates business, but people have to realize that when you go around the world, looking for the cheapest labor and destroy the lives of your employees here, no one can buy the shit your selling anyway..In other words you can't screw people, then expect them to buy the crap from the company that put them out of a job ...

Henry Ford had it right...

Being against Black Friday is not anti-capitalist..It's anti-consumerism. People acting like fucking animals to buy some cheap shit from China... Yea I always take that day off...It's against my religion to act like an animal..

On the drums: The best drums are made by artisans...people with a skill and they don't need to work for or have a giant business to make drums or sell them..

You are right people can be stupid, so hell bent in their ideology, that they can't see that they too are at fault and will sooner are later bring about their own misery and demise..

Example: Regular people with 401K's won't invest in the stock market anymore..Why? because they know the system is rigged and the folks on Wall Street will screw them out of their money..So now everyone suffers because Wall Street went too far, trying to fuck over people for a buck. Now they have less suckers and eventually if they don't straighten their act out...No customers at all.

Herman Cain is selling books and works for the KocK brothers...None of these Republican candidates are for real...Goldman Sacs doesn't want anyone but Obama..

[-] 1 points by wcedward (58) 13 years ago

Don't punishes the businesses for trying to provide a cheap product so that the 99% of the population can afford it... don't blame the businesses for trying to make money for themselves as well... do you not want to make money? Blame the tax laws and obama care which makes it almost in possible to provide a good quality product for a low affordable price... The businesses are being screwed by the corruption in our politics and until we make changes in our tax laws they have no incentive to invest their money in America... Now I do realize that their is corruption in businesses but that corruption is an individual thing that you can see amongst the whole population regardless if you are the 1% or 99%

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

Anyone who is working class, including small business will be punished by the policies of our government spanning 40 years time that includes Obama/Bush/Clinton/Reagan...and our "Representatives"...

You can't export jobs out of this country and not replace those jobs with other jobs and then expect that people are still going to be able to consume...Not happening...

Do I want to "make" money? NO ..that's the job of the Federal Reserve..Make money and throw it at Wall Street..I try to "earn" money...That's the trouble people think that it's the same thing..It's not...

Yes small business is getting squeezed, go blame the multinational corporations for paying off Congress to eliminate competition and then you can blame CONgress also....

The country is screwed...Only pitchforks and torches will help us now..

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

And Goldman Sachs / JP Morgan / Freddie and Fannie/ has put every president in office since Carter. You think we elected Bush? He lost the election and still got the office. Remember?

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

No doubt...We live in a Plutocracy..and we are the indentured servants.

[-] 1 points by allieooop (1) 13 years ago

But contrast it with Small Business Saturday. The idea isn't to spend nothing-it's to make a shift in where we put our money. The right keeps saying that fair wages and tax rates hurt small businesses, but what really hurts small businesses is the fact that these big corporate mega stores make it nearly impossible for small businesses to compete.

Starve the corporations, and put that money in the hands of small business people who are busting their butts to survive and may not be able to offer the rock bottom prices of say K-mart, but are often offering a better product with better service.

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

There is nothing wrong with common sense capitalism. I personally promote it as much as I can by shopping at local owned business. The problem I have is with the large corporate businesses that chew up the small business owners (such as Wal Mart). Here were I live we have a section of town called old town...at one time a busy place for shoppers. A few large corporate stores opened and now Old Town looks nearly deserted with small business that had to close. Competition is good for businesses when the playing field is level. Wall Street and congress made sure it was not level. And that is the part that people object to..they are not anti-capitalist they are anti the thugs that own congress and kill the small business owner.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

do you know that Sam Walton created his empire so that consumers would not be nickled and dimed by small businesses. he believed in efficiency over individual wealth. his heart was in the right place.

[-] 1 points by nickhowdy (1104) 13 years ago

Very good..



[-] 0 points by fredastaire (203) 13 years ago

I am pro-capitalism but you have to understand, bullies don't stop until you make them stop.

[-] 1 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

what exactly do you think this is going to stop?

[-] 1 points by fredastaire (203) 13 years ago

taking anything to the extreme is not constructive. be it extreme actions or extreme perceptions. this isn't going to "Stop" anything. there is no magic bullet. just as i tell my kids, "it isn't enough to complain, you must offer a solution". this goes for protesters and those who are against the protest. this is not an exclusive movement. you are as welcome as any to suggest and influence. the more valid your approach, the more of a following and support you will garner.

[-] 1 points by sickmint79 (516) from Grayslake, IL 13 years ago

all i think stop black friday is going to do is annoy people.

[-] -1 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

You must have a lot of faith in the numbers invovled in this if you think they can bring down businesses by not shopping for a day.