Forum Post: Ok, "Media" ya want a list of "demands" here ya go!...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 12:56 a.m. EST by jackjd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ok, "Media" you want some "demands" here's your list.....
- tax the rich/tax all us companies that send jobs overseas.
- wpa jobs program now! including jobs for artists! jobs not cuts!
- end the wars! bring the troops home! 4.extend unemployment benefits automatically, without putting them up for a "vote". including the 99'rs! 5.term limits for senators. two 4 years terms max. end six year terms. 6.public financing for elections. make the networks provide free tv time. bring back the fairness doctrine.
- bring back the glass steagall act.regulate the banks.cap fees! 9.end the drug war now! legalize, tax, and regulate pot!
- single payer health care for all. medicare for all now! lower the eligibility age not raise it!!
- lower the ss retirement age. automatic cost of living increases.
- free national wifi internet for all
- cap on all bank credit card interest rates to 10 % max.
- raise the minimum wage to a living wage.
- affordable rental housing and subsidies for people who need it.
- fix the roads/schools/bridges/tunnels. build subways not cars! 17.all presidential and congressional candidates must pass a basic knowledge test of science and economics and history.
- term limits for the supreme court. end life time appointments. 19.end the senate filibuster 20.stop all oil and gas subsidies.
- if we bailed out a bank, they've got to give loans. 22.if your a u.s. company, and don't hire Americans, you lost your privilege. you can not be based here.get out!
This is not a good list, sorry...
1.) National Wi-Fi (Access to information, it will also circulate the millions paid for the service into the economy.) 2.) Green Energy, Water and Resource Act. ( Aimed at reducing water, and electricity bills to Free. A one time product purchase to power houses ) 3.) High Speed Rail System (To connect the cities and create jobs) 4.) Technology Grant (For every person over 18 only redeemable to purchase computer device made by an American company) 5.) Electric Car Act (Mass production of a single electric car standard) Model T... 6.) Land Act. (Owner laws of unoccupied land must be examined in aim of selling land to people for reasonable prices to develop green communities that grow their own food) 7.) Wholistic Healthcare Reform Act (approach medicine from all angles including preventive and natural remedies while also focusing on reducing cost. ) 8.) Education Reform (School Age Change, Three Year Old Pre K Four Year Old School Age. Early Focus on Math and Sciences.) 9.) Small Business Investment Act (Give small business a chance to rebuild the nation, big business has seemed to fail) 10.) Increase In Global PR (Let us stop spending more money on war than we do on humanitarian campaigns)
Here is a list of demands that will change our economy, our lives, and the world. More details into these Acts and demands coming soon but for now this is what we need, not what we want.
Repeal the Bush-era tax cuts. Start with that and we'll focus on the rest later.
How bout this= follow the constitution! that is enough!
.14. and a partridge in a pear tree.
Simply stunning