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Forum Post: OIL; No were not,

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 10:23 a.m. EST by doninsalem (74)
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yes we are, no were not, wait a minute where was I? "Oh well" it doesn't (didn't) really matter because, no we never really weren't until they (?) milk it for everything it's worth for them (the next 100 years). Reading comprehension and writing: If an enriched pellet can run a super aircraft carrier or submarine for ten to fifteen years, on a roundabout estimate (because that too is about all anyone is going to get) how much hydrogen could it produce and for (about) how long? For half a century our best reliable scientists have wanted hydrogen as a major clean, reliable, renewable fuel and power source, then some fool will bring up the Hindenburg and by the time we get done explaining that it has already been established that it wasn't the Hydrogen that exploded (FYI hydrogen not only explodes but burns blue/ not bright orange and yellow) but the skin of the craft itself they admit it only when every adult starts to fight about something else. Instead of the implementation of solutions what do we see on t.v.? Everybody has to do their fair share but as usual it is the majority scratching to survive that we see any so called needed changes. After all of these great meant to unify and rally speeches we cut to commercial and see an oil company add praising technology, further exploration, and fueling 9.2 million of America's jobs by some guy who's smile you couldn't get off his face even if shot him repeatedly in the ass w/ a nail gun, or some Lauren Hutton look alike (minus the space in her front teeth) in a business suit riding an elevator telling us to imagine what it means to us above ground. The course had been set, as usual we have to do these things and where do they start as well as end? The real average family's throats (and that's all folks!). The truth will be known. The only real question is what the H E double hockey sticks are they (?) really doing?



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