Forum Post: oh my fucking christ!
Posted 8 years ago on Feb. 24, 2017, 3:55 p.m. EST by elf3
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Pat Mccory...let me just ask
Is a corporation a boy or a girl? If a corporation isn't man or woman...I guess it has no rights too??
These fucking ignorant assholes...doctors should choose?...government should define male and female? The different stages? This isn't an exact science...some people are born both...the divide between male and female needs to shrink...the closer that gap gets the better society will be. Men who have female qualities and aren't hyper masculinized are less violent ...more compassionate and all around better people.
Do the reporters on cnn watch the production that forms a script they are part of? They need to walk out...maybe they don't realize it.Government corporations and media...are one. There is always an agenda between them. Which is to give themselves and WS The POWER....the media war is FAKE
the ruling elite parasites have been sowing the wind for millennia. the harvest is ongoing. what's reaped grows more powerful and devastating year by year. our contemporary masters are a greater threat to the survival of the human race than all the tyrants and terrorists since the beginning of this dysfunctional civilization.
Hmm why does media never talk about slave labor and never mentions tax inequality ...enjoyed by corporations...well who butters their bread...and then who butters the bread of politicians. They are all in bed together.
Corporations can depreciate and write off incomes on tax returns for assets that they own to replenish themselves. Individuals are not allowed such largesse unless they are in BUSINESS.
By this business logic, shouldn't college graduates get tax deductions to depreciate their college educations? Shouldn't our houses and cars be depreciated? Shouldn't our children be depreciated because they grow up and leave us after our sinking millions of dollars into raising and educating them?
Shouldn't we outsource our governmental functions to Denmark, for example? They're nearly the topmost in their people's happiness survey? Do they take Vinland refugees like grapes? Or we may try Canada first because they're so close-by and can respond quickly if needed. Sarah Palin(yay, perceptive and resourceful is she!) apparently likes using Canada's healthcare system without the "death panel" so let us just "sneak across" the border! Healthcare refugees can we jolly be.
O Canada, you've the Big maple leaf, and I'm just 下面, 小弟弟 (who loves warm maple-syrup-glazed waffles, I'll donate the guns to East New York before coming like Sitting Bull). Cover me, too, for healthcare, please. O Canada, the Big Big Leaf!
On Drumpf (oh - wait for it) banning people from using a bathroom. Stephen Colbert had a good idea - take a dump in a Drumpf lobby
Every outfit chosen...every word of is all subliminal of a specific agenda...government media and corporations are one...I love that they are pretending they are in a war? ...BULLSHITE!!!!!
Add to that I need scream therapy to deal with this shit...I can't take it
''Abby Martin Exposes Steve Bannon'' - IF U fancy some real, non-MSM journalism: (Video)
also fyi (tho' I'm assuming U know already): for non MSM News!
I get how U feel re."I can't take" MSM Corp. News Networth et al! Switch it off! +
ad iudicium ...
Far more women than not actually find sensitive men much more attractive...more intelligent...and much more appealing than machismo narcissistic creeps. The gender divide must be cnns and government latest effort to divide the peasantry and subjugate women...dress the female reporters and commentators in skin tight flourescent boobie dresses...slap on a little more rouge and hairspray...make them look like bimbos and bauble head dolls ...
Reporter should be ashamed for coddling McCrory...just gross....maybe u shld give him a binky while you are at it. Coddling him and soothing his bigot driven rage which lays just under the surface.
This is all just disgusting... is society so ignorant as to reject gods creation - transgender know what god didn't create?....corporations...who advocate and use slave labor.
Transgender bathroom policies have never become an issue until a STATE(I'm not surprised what this state is, for tar is sticky, so is "bubble" gum) passed a law mandating bathroom policies. The whole thing is laughably ridiculous but it is very SERIOUS in the U.S. because it now involves the collision of states' rights with the supremacy of the federal government over the states. Peoples in other countries may not understand what our big fuss is all about but this is the type of thing that may well need our Supreme Court to sort out.
My inputs are that in my younger days(perhaps mores were different then?), I experienced co-educational bathrooms and they were not a problem. I was surprised at first when a woman walked in and occupied the bathroom stall next to mine but I got over that pretty quickly. Everyone did what we needed done in private. That was it, not much different from being in a home with both brothers and sisters.
There are culture(s) where men and women do urinate next to each other without stall separation and that presents no problem, either. Cultural shock? Yes, (Isn't this often the reason why we go globe-trotting to begin with, to take on a part in the 》Holoschnitt《? Have you eaten that extremely fresh fecal-fed fish delicacy yet? What about the "downstream" filtering oysters? Adventure, adventure, ..., [well-cooked food does not pollute, take the kindness of the offerings from the heart] so yes, yes) but not much's left after the recovery from the urinational shock.
It's mostly in our heads that there's a problem. If we have strong enough social customs, biological functions(fundamental), nudity(physically beautiful), and sexuality(bodily transcendent and mentally sublime [》Hologeschenk《]) can all be kept separate in different venues. I think societies use shame, rage, sexism, discrimination, violence, etc. to impose social order but there are long lingering emotional baggages to be dealt with afterwards. There's NO such thing as "men's job" or "women's job" but some people just cannot wrap their heads around that men and women are largely the same although definitely not identical(I got that figured out at age four!) Sex segregation may be justifiable to "save face." For example, some of us are truly klutzes when doing scouting challenges so it can help our future prospects of impressing a mate by not failing miserably in front of her while just developing the skills with the "99% perspiration." The mixture of the sexes in my co-educational elementary school probably caused me to receive the Judeo-"Christian" genital mutilation called circumcision(》Beschneidung《). My foreskin was Not burnt in an offering to the Old-Testament Allah. We were Not being trained to become Spartan warriors who needed to excel to avoid shame from failing in front of the girls.
You're right that transgender people have been with us forever so there's no good reason why we should suddenly have a big problem. This matter is actually much more complicated than just biological sex at birth. There is the chromosomal type: XX, XY, X, XXY, XXX, etc. Cross that with biological organ(s): penile, vaginal, hermaphrodite, and unclear. Cross that with gender identification: male, female, transgender. Cross that with sexual orientation: male, female, bisexual, nonsexual, pansexual. Cross that with dressing and grooming: male, female, bisexual, neutral. Then there are, in addition, the changes amongst these in lifetimes to be dealt with.
Wow! I don't even think that our Supreme Court can figure out how to regulate this. I'm actually counting on the common sense of law enforcement to impose some semblance of order using discretion.
One solution is to provide, in busy human-traffic area, an all-else's bathroom lockable for privacy, in addition to the traditional men's and women's bathrooms.