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Forum Post: Oh Look! The Aim is Privatization, Just Like I Said

Posted 10 years ago on July 24, 2014, 9:18 a.m. EST by shoozTroll (17632)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's what libe(R)topians do. In all their guises.

Where's all of those who professed their hate of Detroit?

"Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s office is studying several bids to privatize the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and could have a selection process completed within two weeks, a spokesman said Monday.

But Orr spokesman Bill Nowling would not release any information about which companies submitted bids by Sunday’s deadline to operate and manage the system relied on by millions of people in southeast Michigan. Nowling said the bids are considered confidential under a federal mediation order."


Also from your beloved Truthout.

"The privatization of municipal water services is a potential looming reality in Detroit.

According to a June 14 Detroit Free Press article, the emergency manager appointed to administer a state-mandated bankruptcy of the city has been actively exploring turning pubic water services into private profit:

Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s office is studying several bids to privatize the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and could have a selection process completed within two weeks, a spokesman said Monday.

But Orr spokesman Bill Nowling would not release any information about which companies submitted bids by Sunday’s deadline to operate and manage the system relied on by millions of people in southeast Michigan. Nowling said the bids are considered confidential under a federal mediation order.

It hasn't happened yet, in part due to legal, political and PR positioning - including the 15-day temporary reprieve in residential water shut-offs resulting from large protests last week in Detroit."


Water isn't a right, it's an opportunity for profit!

Just ask that guy from Nestle's that's pumping aquifers dry all over the World.

It's just what libe(R)tarians do.

You can fight them, if you have the wherewithal, but there's no guarantee it will hold them off forever. they are a well funded and determined bunch.




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[-] 1 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

Only republican deniers believed it was not privatization, (willful ignorance, or just plain evil?)

"scumbags" indeed.

We gotta stop the anti worker privatization that destroys decent families.


[-] 1 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

Shit happens


[-] 1 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

Only agitating for peace will end the horror & death.


[-] 0 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

Not a big fan of the death from WWII so I lean towards peace. I get the argument though.

And while I can't disagree with your extremist violence statement I would ask that we all remember that the oil/min you mentioned has always been at the root of the violence.

Many players (even the extremists) are only pawns.

The real purveyors of violence are unseen.


[-] 1 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

I understand. Not a big fan of that eventuality.

I do agree that largescale violence could create the change we need, I can acknowledge that it may be inevitable.

I do not believe it's the only way.

But we agree on the enemy, the problems, the need for change, & the goal I think.

We can get there without that level of violence.

I will fight to the death for that.



[-] 1 points by 99nproud (2697) 10 years ago

Deep shit. I know. I truly do understand.

I just prefer peace.




