Forum Post: Oh God!! Let This Movement be successful like the one in ARGINTINA !
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 2:04 a.m. EST by DonotThreadOnMe
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By 2001 the popular mood in Argentina was moving toward a revolutionary uprising. Incumbent President Fernando De la Rua was overthrown scores of protestors were killed and wounded, as a popular rebellion threatened to seize the Presidential palace. By the end of 2002, hundreds of bankrupt factories were “occupied,” taken over and run by workers. Argentina then defaulted on its external debt in essence telling the West’s banking cartels to “take a hike.”
In early 2003, Nestor Kirchner was elected President, in the midst of this systemic crisis and proceeded to reject efforts to enforce debt payment or repress the popular movements. Instead he inaugurated a series of emergency public works programs. He authorized payments to unemployed workers (150 pesos per month) to meet the basic needs of nearly half the labor force. The most popular slogan, of the multitudinous movements occupying the financial districts, factories, public buildings and the streets was “Que se vayan todos” (“All politicians get out!’)
Last week Kirchner’s widow, President Cristina Fernandez won a landslide re-election and today Argentina’s economy is one of the most robust in the world enjoying over an 8% amount of growth per year, and where the poverty rate has been nearly eliminated since the power of the “Chicago Boys” was broken.
Once having broken the power of the “Chicago Boys” and their US-European banking cartel paymasters, Argentina did, indeed, throw out all of their politicians, quit believing the lies spread by the corrupt mainstream media, all but dismantled their industrial-military-complex, sent to jail most of their top political, corporate and military leaders and have provided to the world a “shining example” of what is possible, even though the odds seem too much stacked against ordinary people.
Fascinating story. If we could be half that successful, we'd be lucky. But, hey, we can dream, can't we?
pls send one ngo male-female couple to india in bombay at my home dr kamran khan cell 00919890414448 to boost this public cause from india i shall bear their all expenses in india and will provide them all facilities and security etc
Long Live the revolution !!