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Forum Post: Offical List of Demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:36 a.m. EST by asdf46554 (26)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Take the upper 1% income and place a 75% surtax on them
  2. Pay off everyone student loans
  3. Buy everyone a house
  4. Save the forest
  5. Create solar farms for energy consumption
  6. Give everyone a living wage, no matter what the employment status is
  7. Triple the pay for teachers/police/fire fighters, and soldiers



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[-] 1 points by OccupyCapitolHill (197) 13 years ago
  1. Eliminate tax loopholes. A 75% tax is oppressive and un-American. People have a right to succeed and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

  2. Basically teach people that its okay to be in debt, some sugar daddy will come along and bail YOU out too? Bailouts are un-American, be they for corporations OR the people.

  3. Right...like the government has the cash to do that. The govt. doesn't have enough cash to scratch its own rear end, let alone buy 300,000,000 people homes.

  4. Oh dear God...next point please...

  5. I actually support that, it would create some jobs.

  6. So now I get to profit from existing? Sweet. That means I don't have to work or put in my fair share of work into society...

  7. Yes. All of those people ARE underpaid, you just need to create a budget to make that possible.

[-] 1 points by bronxj (150) 13 years ago

“Take the upper 1% income and place a 75% surtax on them” All that would do is cause large corporations to split up into smaller units so that each unit generates income below the threshold. I believe a better idea would be to institute reasonable tax rates on businesses and corporations but eliminate “loopholes” (like transfer pricing) and subsidies to corporations whose incomes have exceeded a certain threshold such as, say, 20 million dollars. “Pay off everyone student loans” Pay them off with what? The idea has potential but you have yet to identify where the source of this repayment would come from. It would be unfair for the burden to be placed on those of us who did not go to college.

“Buy everyone a house” Do you mean each individual or each family? Who pays to build the house and acquire the land? If each individual gets a house; where do we put all the houses?

“Save the forest” You have to a little more detailed than that, don’t you think?

“Give everyone a living wage, no matter what the employment status is” How do you do that without running the risk of hyperinflation, at which point the new “living wage” becomes worth less than the previous “non living”wage. Isn’t it a reality that some jobs just are not meant to be a primary source of income? “Triple the pay for teachers/police/fire fighters, and soldiers” I may agree with you regarding soldiers in combat, but the other groups mentioned can be considered some of the highest paid groups in NYC with some of the best job protections available. A cop on the beat with only five years on earns a base pay of approximately $80,000 not counting overtime and can retire within 20 years on a state and city tax free pension of 50% of his highest 3 years earnings (including OT). Teachers can retire at 55 on a similar deal, work 9 months a year and can earn over $100,000 based solely on time served and degrees earned.

I’m not trying to be combative. I’m just curious if you have thought the mechanics of all these demands through

[-] 1 points by rd1box12 (14) 13 years ago

this will not solve the problem ! just as it did not help communist Russia! we need to take control of our govt see warren buffet solution !