Forum Post: Offering another solution here
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 9:05 a.m. EST by Laborist
from Schenectady, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- 32 hour work weeks
- $12 minimum wage
- no more "at-will" employment
- slash military spending
- hike taxes on the wealthy
- spend taxes on subsidizing tuition, infrastructure, health insurance, government programs etc
- "worker councils" to guarantee employee's rights so we don't have to work in fear and anxiety
- weed out present union corruption (I said it)
Most importantly: we need a federal Labor Party.
We should start a national petition, and in the true fashion of a labor-oriented party, we won't need to pay $1.5M for petitioners; we have the internet. Why should the many (employees) be so afraid of the few (employers)?
The right is fighting to increase the present income canyon so much we lose the middle class. The left has proven to be extremely ineffectual and cowardly when allegedly looking out for "joe the plumber" or "main street" or whatever trendy buzzword the middle class is referred as this week.
Compared to Germany (currently an economically stable CREDITOR nation), American employees are treated almost like wage slaves - MUCH less personal time; required to work longer hours; required to work from home in some jobs; at will employment; laughable job security; paying taxes for negligible return in value; burning all their personal money for the retail-health-care-system, college tuition, insurance and other things that could be state subsidized, etc etc.... LET'S REGAIN GOOD GDP! Stop contracting out your lives & buying things that allow you to work more, spend your money on enjoyable/cultural things!
Of course the misinformed right wingers and those talking pieholes on Fox-and-friends will say these ideas are socialism. Left wingers will try to console and claim it will all work out if we just hold hands, vote and snuggle with eachother. Well, gee, the present system has been working SO well for the past decade, hasn't it?
worker rights! worker rights! worker rights!