Forum Post: Offer for Occupy International Program
Posted 11 years ago on April 12, 2013, 5:44 a.m. EST by Belomor
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Offer for Occupy International Program
Freedom for political prisoners ! Down with state terrorism ! Down with fascist junta ! All power to the Constituent Assembly ! Its time to go to open state archives.
Initiative group «For convocation of Constituent Assembly» organize unauthorized rallies on every Saturday around the world. In Moscow before FSB building. Beginning 12.01.2013.
Occupy International support demand to initiate Constituent Assembly in every country of the world to make amendments in the constitutions, which claim new universal human and civil rights and offered to carry out joint action in order to quickly win over world fascism ( Russian Manifesto of Constituent Assembly : There is also the concept of Parliamentary Republic for the new Constitution : )
We demand :
Freedom for all political and wrongfully convicted prisoners.
Providing for everyone who wants status of political refugees with all social guarantees and the rights of the citizen. The number of refugees accepted by each country is determined by the citizens of each country on the basis of territorial and financial opportunities. There shall be an international fund to support the refugees.
The equal civil rights for women and men.
a) Legalization of cannabis, psychedelics, hallucinogens ( all names, safety and actions of substances to be prescribed by law. Only the most positive will be allowed on the market ) and the decriminalization ( cultivation without the right to sell, use and possession is not punishable ) of all so-called narcotic substances.
b) Free ( of charge ) attendance of drug addicted people, but without violence.
c) Free delivery of narcotized substances to drug addicted people in speсial hospitals ( replacement therapy ).
The introduction of rights to contraception and abortion. Prohibition of coerced abortion and any kind of medical discrimination. Free provision of contraception ad abortion.
Acknowledgement of prostitution as a trade.
Amnesty of all prisoners to above-mentioned articles. Amnesty of all prisoners, who are not guilty of serious crimes. The making of conditions worthy of a human being for prisoners.
The creation of normal conditions for living and moving of people with handicaps.
Providing for all earthlings free, high-speed wireless Internet access.
The introduction of the right to referendum at all levels of territorial division. Provided a reliable, transparent electronic voting system and the availability of all citizens direct access to the Internet, referendums may also be conducted on the Internet.
The declassification and unrestricted access to all state archives ( except for archives defense secrets ).
New free democratic elections in single-mandate principle ( concept of Parliamentary Republic for the new Constitution : ). Provided a reliable, transparent electronic voting system and the availability of all citizens direct access to the Internet, elections may also be conducted on the Internet.
The nationalization of bank system.
The nationalization of all natural resources and military factories.
The profit of the development and utilization of the natural resources should be shared for each one of the population.
The increase of the income ( minimum pay 10 € per hour ), pensions, scholarships and unemployment reliefs until the normal costs of living.
Free of charge : medicine, education, employment of children on the spheres of sports, music and art.
The control of the army. The fulfilment of military duty in the neighbourhood. Duty for the term of 9 months. Introduction of a civil duty as an alternative- also 9 months.
The traceable control of the state security services, the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Defence. No more non - official sessions and secret decisions at the Goverments and Parliaments.
The possibility of getting of a real estate from the state free of charge, without the right to sales to others, for the cultivation of own grounds and the living upon it.
The possibility of getting municipal housing accommodation from the state, without the right to sales to others.
The creation of normal conditions for employees ( the yearly income until 21.000 € is tax-free ), and employers. Just burden of taxes ( progressive taxation ).
In brief : Left - liberal model, without cancellation of personal property, but with public property of natural resources and military production, and gradual reduction of the production of military equipment until the necessary minimum.
We call upon all earthlings to political strike !!!
Distribute leaflets inviting to our actions !
Occupy Road Map 2012 - 2013
Declaration of Occupation - 05/01/2012
Our resources :
Objective news :
Global Occupy Media
Occupy FSB Russia / Оккупай ФСБ
Global Square
Russian Constituent Assembly
Russian Revolution
Occupy FSB Russia / Оккупай ФСБ
Plan of the global fascist junta
!!! PLAN OF THE GLOBAL FASCIST JUNTA ( bankers, corporations, church organizes and governments - they are all connected and the confrontations between them are willfully ) - NUCLEAR WAR IN THE NEAR FUTURE !!!
All earthlings have to pay for bank fraud of the U.S. government and behind it a global fascist junta that simply stealing bank deposits of citizens and acquires the money to fabulous wealth - weapons, land, real estate, gold and so on. Earthlings have to pay bank debt through withdrawal of money by corrupt governments of their countries from the budget - that leads to a total reduction of social budgets. But the money has stolen and continues to steal so much that budget money to keep the banks is clearly not enough. Therefore, a global fascist junta simply prints banknotes - which leads to a steady rise in prices for all goods and services ( see issue and inflation ). Global banking collapse is inevitable in the next month.
Plan of the global fascist junta is simple :
Now they collect all armed militias in Syria that would kill them there, because they are very much aware about their crimes and dangerous in a world of instability. They use Assad as a butcher, but then he will be removed. Now they try to kill all Palestinians. Now they kill oppositions activists around the world. They planning to bomb Iran. Also global fascist junta can organize few nuclear missiles attacks on the U.S., Russia, China, England, Germany and other countries and then declare martial law.
According to information from several significantly sources, the global banking collapse happens nearly as in a month and another option to retain power they dont have.
Anyway bastards are planning to make slaves of all the people, and kill who will be against !
We have very little time ! We must act !
Organize rallies in the central areas of your cities !
We call upon all earthlings to political strike !!!
Distribute leaflets inviting to our actions !
We are ONE !
We win !