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Forum Post: Off topic: Are we going to war with you know who.......

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 1:32 a.m. EST by PeoplehaveDNA (305)
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Iran!!! I just want to inform you people that the ultimate distraction to global economic unrest is WAR...at the worst WWIII you have been warned!!!

I can't help notice that there is a lot of tention surrounding Iran, Israel UN and Nato. I know that this week coming up the the UN is going to release a rumored unfavorable report about Iran's nuclear program. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57319101/u.n-has-new-iranian-nuke-arms-claims/

(This is the same old story but new tension......Israel seems to be in preemptive strike mode again.)


This would surely result on tougher sanctions for Iran and possibly a face off with Israel. Is anyone here ready for WWIII? Personally I hope you understand that the possibility of this with Israel/US/Nato all geared up to be about 30% possible. This is all speculation from me I do not have inside information but in my gut the people who are the 1% are going to distract the public again with war for fear of pro populace legislation or regime change, remember Bush and his color code system every single day there was something to worry about and what ended up happening he got in a second term. Don't think that you are above fear and distraction. What ever happens continue with the OWS protests.



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[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

Do you believe Ahmadinejad when he says he is going to blow an entire nation of people off the map? exterminate an entire race? or perhaps you don't believe he has said this at all?

and 2: If you do believe he has said this and means to do so, when it happens what should the US do?

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

Think about it after 9 years of war in Iraq we are happy to have our troops coming home but here is the reality we have a country on the brink of collapse through faulty economic legislation. We obviously need to get our act together first before we could even think of another war let alone a potentially destructive war.

[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

so, you are saying IF we have a choice we shouldn't go to war.

I think you are on the same page as the majority of Americans.

The problem you may have to deal with is it wont be your choice. Iran will make it for you. I doubt you'd turn your back while 8 million people die. no matter what the cost. but I could be wrong