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Forum Post: Of Mind Control and Manchurian Candidates

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 30, 2012, 7:58 p.m. EST by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Doctor D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., one of America's foremost multiple personality specialists, gave a speech back in 1992, to a group of psychotherapists on Hypnosis in Multiple Personality Disorder and Ritual Abuse.


He claimed that the US government had retrieved from Germany after WW2, not only Nazi rocket scientists, but Nazi mind control specialists as well, who he said had carried out mind control experiments on prison camp inmates.

Their objective had been to find a way to create the perfect spy-assassin, that is an individual who possessed a second, hidden personality that could be programed and triggered to emerge and carry out some desired action at the sign of a pre-established signal in the future.

In his speech, doctor Hammond gave the example of Sirhan Sirhan and his assassination of Robert Kennedy as the act of a mind controlled assassin, or "Manchurian candidate". He says that in waking consciousness, Sirhan Sirhan had complete amnesia of the assassination, but could remember it under hypnosis.

Hammond continued to discuss how he had treated numerous of such individuals who suffered from multiple personality disorder and exhibited strange signs of mind control. He discussed his work with other psychotherapists around the US, who claimed to have had similar experiences with their own patients.

He came to the conclusion that a massive mind control program had been carried out by the CIA, to create mind controlled slaves who would do the bidding of their secret masters, America's fascist elites.

Others have gone on to say that the elites also perform this kind of mind control training on themselves, starting from a young age, to achieve the utmost secrecy of multiple personalities whose hidden selves conspire together in secret, while more normal personalities are portrayed to the public in daily life.

Could such things be possible?



Read the Rules
[-] 7 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Ode to a Sophist

Thrasymacus makes quite a fuss,
when reading other's posts.
Conspiracies are what he sees,
as posts he hates the most.

I wonder why this little guy
does take such strong offence.
He whines and moans and on he drones,
and shows his ignorance.

Of matters deep, he can't conceive
and does declare "I don't believe!"
that some in secret do conspire,
to set our precious world on fire.

He asks for proof, this silly goof,
but then will read it not,
and so he frets and makes his threats,
"I'll get you with my bots!"

Free speech is what he cannot bare,
when others disagree,
He says "You see, its all 'bout me,
for other's views I do not care".

He has his own philosophy,
and does insist you must agree,
and though its not but sophistry,
he's think's that its theology.

He says the truth is obvious,
to none but wise Thrasymacus,
so do not think, don't use your mind,
or else he'll treat you quite unkind.

[-] 1 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

That's a nice poem arturo. You write very well. Keep up the good work.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Why thank you, that's very kind.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


[+] -7 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago



Which is the strophe, which the antistrophe, and which is the epode?

Is this an example of a Pindaric Ode? Horacian? Catullusian?

[-] 4 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

the human mind covers a wide set of perceptions, reasoning and reactions

I don't think hook gates as the Manchurian method describes are feasible due to parallel processing

stick to terminators arny

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

And what about multiple personality disorder, do you believe it exits?

A Manchurian candidate is simply a person who has had multiple personalities intentionally induced, and placed under the control of a mind-slave master.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

no in the cognitive functioning way

oh wait

did you say you

[-] 0 points by PoIemarchus (56) 13 years ago

A Manchurian candidate is simply a person who has had multiple personalities intentionally induced, and placed under the control of a mind-slave master.

You have solid proof that such mind-slaves exist? Are there some in your family? Are you perhaps a mind slave of Icke or Jones? It sure seems like you've abandoned all forms of critical thought.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

No, I have no such proof, but I am not here to prove but simply to discuss. I have no such mind slaves in my family. I have met someone here though whom I suspect is a mind-slave as he has multiple personalities, each with a different Greek name.

[-] 4 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

If the state of mind of our dysfunctional citizenry isn't proof enough of how are government has perpetrated a program of mind control upon us via our fucked up american culture, I don't know what else you could call it.

[-] 3 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Good point.

[-] 2 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

fear mongering

[-] 3 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 13 years ago

Did you ever listen to Bush?

[-] 2 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

Not picking a side, but check out a book "Battle for the Mind" it was written approx 30yrs ago on influence of the masses using media and religon.

[-] 2 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

Use of repetition, music, voice tone and cadence by news caster/clergy/politicians to achieve a roller coater affect in emotions of a group. After group is responding, state info to be fact. Majority of group will feel personally conected to the speaker and accept info. Hitler was a master at using these tools.

[-] 1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Kind of like the people's mic no? Having a small choir repeat everything the speaker says is not just "cool", it's a very powerful brainwashing aid.

[-] 0 points by hamalmang (722) from Lebanon, PA 13 years ago

It is to amplify the speaker's voice. Please pay attention.

[-] -1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Indeed. Pay attention.

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Definitely could be an interesting read, but I think people should check out Carl Jung, "Man and his Symbols", to understand that even just people's thoughts can psychically affect, through the collective unconscious, many, many people, never mind direct brainwashing techniques. Jung talked about this occurring in Nazi Germany, pre-Hitler.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Why don't you tell us a little bit about it, as we are unlikely to find a current edition.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Of course, it was combined with the works of Ed Bernays, and sold to marketing and PR firms, and governments all over the world, just like every other behavioral study.

Welcome to the wonderful world of multi-pronged marketing/PR.

[-] -3 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Behaviorism didn't grow old gracefully.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Perhaps, but it does become more effective with the aging.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

people develop behavior with age to be efficient

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

My point is, that these behaviors are to one degree or another, shaped and manipulated by multi-pronged marketing/PR.

I didn't make that term up

I learned of it's existence and usage, when I read "Deadly Spin", by Wendall Potter.

A guy who used to it corporate advantage.

[-] 2 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Truth is stranger than fiction!

[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 89)

". . . whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that, whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them right." (as cited in Padover, 1939, p. 88)

The above quotes were the cornerstones of Thomas Jefferson's interest in education. He placed education as the foundation of democracy and a prerequisite to vote.

[-] 2 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Love all of that! I am a big fan of Thomas Jefferson - he's my favorite president because of his written wisdom.

[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Thank you. Our founding fathers understood and took on the same powers that are confronting our liberty today. Unfortunately, most of us are not aware of this. We must continue to educate ourselves and those around us.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

I do try. I often try to write articulated posts, with the hope that the reader will take the time to contemplate it and ultimately come away with something of value. I enjoy a well written post myself, so I like to return the favor.

[-] 2 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

I've noticed. Thank you!

[+] -5 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

what fool voted this post down?

I found it at 0.


Jefferson was absolutely right. It is in large measure a lack of understanding how our system of government works and how to access it that has given rise to anarchism. It has also enabled the conservative reshaping of our society in ways we must now confront.

the fools


the post that was voted down that I refer to above is PublicCurrency's post, here

I think whoever voted me up may have misinterpreted my complaint

[-] 2 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

Thank you, ZenDog! We are in a real struggle for sure!

1917: J.P. Morgan bought US corporate media to be 1%’s lying sacks of spin?

Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW I. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including profits from US participation in the war. Mr. Callaway alleged he had the evidence to prove Morgan associates were working as editors to select and edit articles, with the press receiving monthly payments for their allegiance to Morgan.

One of the leading papers, The New York Times, printed the story of Congressman Callaway’s call for investigation from Washington, D.C., but the editor chose a curious obfuscating headline:


[+] -6 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

an entire century of pushing propaganda through the media . . .

and here we are.

[-] 3 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

also, ownership of the media has been consolidating into fewer and fewer hands, untill only 6 corporations own nearly all the newspapers, radio stations, magazines, book publishers, and music companies.

quite a few books have been written about this ongoing consolidation and any search browser will return quite detailed information.

we have been under assault for quite some time. thankfully, due to the internet, we are becoming aware of it.

[+] -5 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Senator Sanders Said:

There is obviously a similar principle at work regarding the media.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

I completely agree. If a bank is too big to fail, it is too big to exist. We have anti-trust laws, but they are not enforced. Wealth is consolidating/accumulating into fewer and fewer hands.

[+] -5 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

so is the media - which then becomes a propagandists tool shaping public perceptions in such a way that it strengthens the hand of those same institutions as they rob the public blind.

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

thats it !

Look at Monsanto, another horror story.

Look at our health care, another horror story.

Look at the Georgia Guidestones and Eugenics, alive and well in the land of the slave.

[+] -6 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

those guidestones are weird. I think they should be torn down - if whoever put them up isn't willing to stand up and be counted, then it's just another example of weirdness in the country -

and we have too much weirdness already. Life is full of enough mystery as it is, we don't need people running around amplifying it.

there are no fucking aliens.

it's just another lie

told by actors on a stage

[-] 1 points by PublicCurrency (1387) 13 years ago

On a more positive note, have you ever checked this site?


The articles are AMAZING and full of pragmatic solutions for us.

Also, there is a bill which has been sponsored by Dennis Kucinich at this site:


Also, another bill posted at


We must take back the "money power." Everything else will follow.

Monetary reform is the critical missing element needed to move humanity back from the brink of economic destruction and nuclear disaster, away from a future dominated by fraud, ugliness and warfare, toward a world of justice and beauty.

The power to create money is an awesome power – at times stronger than the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers combined. It’s like having a “magic checkbook,” where checks can’t bounce. When controlled privately it can be used to gain riches, but much more importantly it determines the direction of our society by deciding where the money goes – what gets funded and what does not. Will it be used to build and repair vital infrastructure such as the New Orleans levees and Minneapolis bridges to protect major cities? Or will it go into warfare and real estate loans creating the real estate bubble – leading to a crash and depression.

Thus the money issuing power should never be alienated from democratically elected government.


[+] -6 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I feel bad for the folks in New Orleans - at the same time, rebuilding doesn't make a lot of sense unless we are actually prepared to take into consideration expected rise of the sea due to global warming.

If there is a commitment to prepare for such an event, and that commitment extends to N.O. I don't have a problem - as long as our eyes are open.

What I object to are band aids that will eventually be abandoned. It prolongs the people's misery.

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Small step forward. That the word "oligarchy" was even allowed to get past the mainstream media is nothing short of amazing. At least it will get to the ears and minds of regular people to start thinking.

[+] -6 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

The Senator said it, that made it news. Some might calculate that using it will simply identify the Senator as belonging to the fringe - erroneously I think.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

In all seriousness though, yes, I do believe it to be possible, if not likely.

[-] 3 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Please read the article, then tell us what you think.

[-] 1 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

don't talk about 911

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

This is just a ridiculous post.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Here is one definition of the word "Conspire" ::: "to act or work together toward the same result or goal."

This one being the most simple definition, and also the one that does not imply the nature of the goal. Most definitions do include the notion that the goal is "criminal" in nature. But since the word "criminal" can be subjective and not "all emcompassing" to the meaning, it is then acceptable to use the word "conspire" or "conspiracy" when describing any situation involving at least two people who act in concert toward a common objective.

In terms of the subjective nature of the word "criminal", for example, some might believe that it is a "criminal act" to suppress "Free Speech".

"Oh, and read the rules, damnit!" (an inside joke)


[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Beware of the global Skinner box...

[-] -1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Are you here to waste everyone's time, or do you really believe in the nonsense you post? I'm honestly curious.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

I've seen other people post on similar topics here so I didn't know there was such objection. If many people are opposed to it, I would stop.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

There's only one person here who has a problem with what people post. He's the self-appointed forum monitor. Pay him no heed.

[-] -2 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Did you read the forum rules? Read rule #2.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Yes, no conspiracy theories, but most of the abuses of the 1% are conducted as conspiracies, especially financial crimes, such as insider trading, etc.

Like I said, if people don't want to talk about it, I won't post any more on it.

You may think its crazy, but I started studying about the financial crisis years before it happened, and tried to warn people about it. They told me that I was crazy, and that it wouldn't happen. I hoped they were right, but it turned out that I was right.

So I don't listen to people when they say I'm crazy these days. I believe these things are relevant and a substantial threat to us, but I'm not going to force it on people if they don't want to listen.

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Do not torture others with rules. You have been banned repeatedly, Thrasy.

[-] 3 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

How nice of you to say so, even though I think you probably don't agree with me.

[-] -3 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Three questions:

  1. Do you know why I have been banned?
  2. Do you care about Occupy?
  3. Do you believe the CIA is creating slaves through the use of mind control?
[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Why don't you read the article written by one of America's top experts on multiple personalities? He believes the CIA is creating slaves through the use of mind control. Apparently, many psychotherapists are running into these kinds of cases now.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

I have a list of more than a hundred books that I really want to read. James Joyce, Hegel, Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Heidegger, Derrida, Dickens, Poe, etc... I don't have time to read conspiracy theory nonsense. Reading that crap is bad for you. It's fast food for your brain. It kills logical thought and makes for a sloppy mind. I'd rather work on sharpening my critical thought.

Seriously, conspiracy theories are unhealthy. You should stay away from them.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

well we all agree here that you do need to work on sharpening your critical thought. - now go away and do it - the books you claimed to have read have not helped so maybe you should take a different tack - i suggest that you smoke a big doobie and read edwin black to start! you will be on your way

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Thrasy, Are you aware that all of the authors you mention with the possible exception of Jean-Paul Sartre either 'were' freemasons or secret society members, or they wrote extensively about them in their works. Derrida and Heidegger tried desperately to warn people about the dark take-over of the Masons.

It seems to me that an intellectual....such as yourself, could not possibly get that way without being a voracious reader. This makes me wonder again about the way you gloss over current and historical events that are so clearly weaved into our culture.

A well rounded intellect is surely lacking if he/she hasn't also read about the very real part of history that Freemasonry and other secret societies that so widely pervades every level of community in our society for many centuries right up to current times. Seems to me that an 'intuitive' intellect would sense a huge literary chasm there, and thereby search for the missing pieces. These pieces are truly the legends of tapestry, and make no mistake...they are not theory, but truly conspiratorial.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

That's what people told me when I was telling then that a financial crisis was coming. They turned out to be mistaken.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Arturo the prophet. Hmm... It doesn't really work. You need a better stage name. I suggest:

Arturoni, seer and reader of scrolls. This will also able you to sell pizzas with Guido and Giovanni when the prophet market hits hard times.

[-] 0 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Sounds good, I hear there are substantial profits in prophecy.

Actually, its no great talent of my own, I just read the authors who have the insights.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

It seems to me that you read whatever you find in the library's garbage cans without even the slightest hint of discrimination.

Be honest, you're here to waste everyone's time right?

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

You write 10-20 messages bickering about somebody's spelling or grammar, and you say I am wasting other people's time? Is the hypocrisy of this completely lost on you?

You should consider learning tolerance, people have disagreed about beliefs for thousands of years. They even came up with ideas that the other guy is damned to eternity in hell if he doesn't agree with me. They conducted holy wars, jihads, and inquisitions against people just because they had different beliefs.

But I'm sure you must have very good justifications for you lack of tolerance. Why don't you tell us about them?

[-] 1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

You write 10-20 messages bickering about somebody's spelling or grammar, and you say I am wasting other people's time? Is the hypocrisy of this completely lost on you?

Correcting spelling mistakes is not a waste of time. It promotes good writing, is educative, and fun.

Bringing up Behavioral studies from the 60's which have already been deemed of little worth and packaging them in a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the CIA collecting slaves is a waste of everyone's time and a sign that you might be mentally ill.

This is a forum about Occupy, not an amateurs' science fiction writing club.

It's also worth repeating that your posting contravenes the forum's rules.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Perhaps you should start a religion, declare yourself God, and write a book explaining what people can and cannot discuss. That'll give your inquisition a little more bite.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

great idea but i think he already has - at least in his own mind

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Most of the people whose writing you criticize don't seem to agree with you.

But apparently, you consider yourself the authority on absolutely everything, so when are you going to start your inquisition?

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

My inquisition against conspiracy theorists was started a very long time ago.

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Thrasy, I remember a while back you had very long conversations with someone about fine art. It may have perhaps started with OWS art or posters, but your conversation certainly went on much longer and delved into other areas of art. Did anyone try to stop you? No, those conversations happened, then they were done and OWS goes on. I'm certainly not comparing the subject of the elite mind control programs and subsequent elite paedophilia rings to the relative light conversation of fine art, however this "global" uprising that people seem to think somehow 'arbitrarily' happened simultaneously, is a monumental falling out on all levels of society that has been happening for many many years and involves most sectors of humanity. By virtue of this fact, this COULDN'T have happened without the ruling elite delving their reach into areas of social life one wouldn't think related to politics. For this, there must be huge amounts of collusion. If you think about how the ruling elite would then harness that kind of collusion, what tactics do you think they would use? It would be tactics that played on the weakest of human behaviour. They then would use fear, bribery and extortion to keep people in line. This has and is still being done. I know that you are not naive. So if you can gloss over this, at this point, then you must be doing the elite's bidding.

[-] 1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Oh my God! I found a small chip in my neck. WTF?

[+] -5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago
  1. Don't wanna hear it.
  2. Yes.
  3. No. Not relevant and you are being a hypocrite.
[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

If you truly cared about Occupy it would bother you that criticism and dissent is being banned on this forum. You would want Occupy to be transparent instead of being controlled by shadowy anarchic figures who are now supporting property destruction. If you truly cared about Occupy, you would stand up against all violent acts and demand that those in charge of Occupy press releases stop propagating the idea of violence with their propaganda.

Do you believe the CIA is creating slaves through the use of mind control?

This question is of utmost relevance. It pertains to this thread. If you cared about Occupy you wouldn't want this forum infested with time wasting posts. You would ask users to talk about Occupy, instead of the Illuminati.

Are you a mind slave of the Elite as well?

[+] -6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

No, we aren't playing hypocrisy today. If you cared about Occupy you would stop coming here and accept the fact that you have been banned. Period.

The fact that you come here and jump peoples asses for not following rule 2 is ludicrous.

[-] 1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

No, we aren't playing hypocrisy today. If you cared about Occupy you would stop coming here and accept the fact that you have been banned. Period.

Do occupy protesters stop protesting when the cops stop them? Do they go home and give up? No.

Likewise, I believe it's paramount for a healthy organization to be transparent. Occupy is a much needed protest. Look at the American government. It's corrupt to the core. Something needs to be done! However, Occupy is being ruined by the anarchists. They don't represent what earnest protesters want. Most people do not want a revolution. Most people do not want to use property destruction. They want a protest that offers true solutions, not only confrontations with the police in an attempt to start a civil war.

If I were to give up because the forum's moderators want to crush critical thought and dissent, this would be the proof that I don't care about Occupy.

I'm here to destroy conspiracy theorists who, in turn, are here to disrupt serious discussions about Occupy. I'm here to promote transparency and to point at Occupy flaws. I'm here to wrestle control of Occupy out the anarchists' hands and to give it back to all the protesters where it belongs.

If you care about Occupy, look around. Do you support a news article that reads "Wear Black Fight Back" above an image with an explosion beside the word "cops"? Do you support such an article published by this very site when earnest Occupy protesters are trying so hard to repel accusations that the black bloc represents them all? Don't you see the problem? Are you blind?

Take a look: http://occupywallst.org/article/solidarity-sunday/

Is that how you think earnest Occupy protesters who believe in peaceful protesting want to be represented? Think for a moment. There's an explosion beside the word "cops"! They are asking you to wear black like the black bloc! Occupy anarchists are shooting this protest in the foot by giving our adversaries exactly what they want, i.e. proof that Occupy is turning to violence.

We must unite in solidarity. We must reclaim Occupy and make it a protest for all protesters, not just for the anarchists.

You can't evict an idea. I'm an occupier. I don't give up when I'm banned. I keep coming back to fight for what I believe in, and I believe in a transparent Occupy for all.

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

if you care so much why not put your body on the line - were you at the park when it counted or were you sitting in bali in your air conditioned house with your thai maids bringing you cold drinks - these people did not ask for your help - they created something you could only dream of - they did something - you talk - and we all know what that is worth. now run away like you did the last two times we started up!

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

We all have a different role to play. I am using civil disobedience to Occupy this forum in an attempt to help all earnest Occupy protesters come to the realization that the anarchists have taken complete control of this protest and are ruining it by using official Occupy press releases to call for violence. I wouldn't be able to play this role if I was on the ground, or in a jail cell.

You cannot see the serious problem of a news article that asks you to "Wear Black Fight Back" just above an image with an explosion beside the word "cops". I am here to help you and others realize that this is a major problem.


Occupy must become a protest for all Occupy protesters, not only for a few anarchists who want to lead everyone towards a civil was in an attempt to cause a revolution.

Occupy must become transparent, it must seek real solutions, it must not be limited to creating confrontations with the police, but, most of all, it must always remain peaceful.

You cannot ban an idea.

Note: I don't have air conditioning and I have never seen Thai maids in Bali. You might want to check your world map.

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

get out of your air conditioned house on the beach and put your body where your mouth is - nothing worse than an armchair general - when the boys and girls at the park want your advice i think they know where to find you!

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, the fight I am fighting cannot be done away from the computer. The anarchists who control Occupy are using the Internet to disseminate their propaganda.

What the anarchists are posting in the press releases of this website is of extreme danger. It can get picked up by our adversaries and used against use to tarnish our reputation forever.

There are many fights to fight. I have to abilities required to fight for Occupy online transparency, and that is why I chose this path. Your fight on the ground is also important, but don't get tricked into becoming violent. Remember the objectives. We don't need a bloody revolution.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

you and me are not we - i don't think you have a place in this movement. as i said when they ask for your help give it - until then shut up and watch those who are in the streets doing actual work. you are like the commies and the end the fed guys who cannot get beyond their own shit to get on board. the train is moving - you aren't on it - it is going to chicago and you are staying home by your computer - in air conditioned comfort while being served by your maids!

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

Really? and under a copied name? pretty low dude.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Yes indeed, I confirm that "TIOUAISE (0)" is a fraudulent version of my username created yesterday (Jan. 30) by our friend Thrasymaque.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

It's one technique amongst many others. By taking over the body of a stalker and conspiracy theorist, I am killing two birds with one stone. I fight for logical thought by bringing conspiracy theorists down to their knees, and I fight against the anarchists who have taken over Occupy and want to introduce violence in an attempt to cause a civil war aimed at creating the revolution they have been dreaming of since last summer.

By using TIOUAISE's body, I'm also able to gain important information which will help me improve my forum bots to fight against the anarchists who have taken control of Occupy. It ensures that jart will reply as fast as possible. This helps me better understand her reaction time which is a priceless piece of information in this cat and mouse game.

Believe me, I don't feel natural in this body. Once I understand jart's strategy and tactics, I will once again use proper forum names. This is just temporary honey to attract the bees.

[+] -5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

There is not one bit of honor in you, Thrasy. None.

You don't create 15 characters because you care. You do it because you are a troll. Nothing more and nothing less.

If you cared about the issues presented then you would engage in those discussions but, you don't. Your "care" is a passive aggressive game with the moderators and Jart. Specifically Jart because she is an anarchist. If you can somehow tie it all in to a big ass plot to overthrow the government then you can somehow be redeemed.

At this point, you may as well be Alex Jones. Yes, Thrasy, you sure do.

Do you spend this much time antagonize LGB&T for wearing Black on the Day of Silence? I doubt it.

You don't win any points. You aren't a martyr.You have x amount of characters and now seek to justify it.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

It's called civil disobedience. It's called not allowing an idea to get banned. It's called fighting for what you believe in with all that you have at your disposal.

I will not let the anarchists soil this protest with their call to violence aimed at leading earnest protesters towards a civil revolution without a fight. Occupy must be a transparent protest for all who wish to oppose government corruption. It should not be controlled only by a few.

You cannot ban an idea.

[+] -6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Oh, stuff it. You repeatedly ask ignorant crap, should so and so have been allowed to speak?

You play that right wing line with someone else. There is no honor in what you have done or are doing. You look ignorant. You sound ignorant.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

The desire for a transparent and truly non-violent Occupy is not a desire that stems from the right. I am a socialist. Government Internet censorship scares me, but Occupy Internet censorship also scares me.

At this time, Occupy is the most important protest against government corruption. It is much needed. However, if we let the anarchists turn it into a violent protest aimed at creating a civil war, we will have lost. We need to work together for true positive change, and this means no violence. None. For this to happen, all Occupy protesters must be aware of what is happening and must have a say in the direction Occupy is to undertake. The vast majority of protesters do not want to use violence.

We do not need a revolution, we need to change the laws of the land so that corruption in government is made near impossible. We need to create a socially responsible government which promotes transparency, health care for all, education for all, welfare for all, etc... A government which is not controlled by corporations.

If I can occupy this forum long enough through the use of civil disobedience and make my message clear to everybody, perhaps Occupy can change. Perhaps it won't need to be a protest which is only about police confrontation. Perhaps earnest protesters will wake up and claim the protest as theirs. Perhaps Occupy will one day stop using civil disobedience and property destruction. If this happens, I won't need to use civil disobedience either.

You cannot ban an idea.

Are you one of the organizing anarchists who wishes for Occupy to become violent through the use of black bloc like activities?

Are you going to wear black at the next big police confrontation?

Do you believe in mind control?

What are you doing this Friday? Perhaps I could give you private lessons on civil disobedience?

[-] -1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

It's not hypocrisy at all. He's being confrontational just like Occupy is confrontational. It's like Direct Action against a post. So if you believe in Occupy's methods, I don't see how you would have a problem with this.

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

It is hypocrisy for someone who has been banned to create x amount of characters and come here to preach rules.

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

he really needs to be shunned

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

All those comments below are by the fraudulent TIOUAISE (0), the latest sockpuppet of Thrasymauqe.

Here is a sampling of his latest threats:


Serious threats by Thrasy, using yet another fraudulent version of the name "TIOUAISE", created Jan. 30:

"I have more power than you imagine. Believe me, you have seen nothing yet. If you don't apologize before one weeks time, TIOUAISE will be dead forever." http://occupywallst.org/forum/alert-thrasymaqueadeimantuscephalus-banned-by-mod-/#comment-617973

"Very well. You do not wish to apologize. That was to be expected. Prepare yourself, I will be attacking you with a lot of force in the upcoming days. I suggest you protect your computer and that you switch your IP protocol from IPv4 to IPv6. Good luck. It's going to be fun."


[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

You cannot ban an idea. Your plan to turn Occupy into a violent protest will not go unnoticed as long as I am here. I will fight to the end so that earnest occupiers realize you are trying to lure them into police confrontations, into property destruction, and, ultimately, into a civil war aimed at causing a revolution.

There are other ways and I will make sure everyone understands that. We will create a better government, but it won't be with the use of violence.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

you can't be responding to me here - did you take my advice on the doobie - maybe you should lay off - try ludes. and who the hell are we?? i am sure i didn't see you at the park!

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Any fool can follow leaders like a sheep.

I believe in the importance of critical thought. In that respect, I follow the teaching of René Descartes who very wise when he invited the most profound thinkers of Europe to criticize his work so that he could publish their retorts at the end of his book.

Don't fool yourself. You must keep a sharp mind.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

you're right - this one is really better for you - "A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." - you are a sad sack -do you have friends or just underlings who are paid to listen to you talk about yourself all the time. do you realize how you sound? what was the iq again?

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

I'm fighting against Internet propaganda created by the anarchists who have taken a hold of Occupy. This fight cannot be done from a park, it must be fought behind a computer. We all have to play a role, play yours and I will play mine.

If you want Occupy to remain non-violent, you can help by publicly complaining about this press release from the anarchists:


Tell your friends on the ground that publishing a headline that reads "Wear Black Fight Black" over an image of an explosion with the words "cops" does not help Occupy. It only creates ammunition for those who want to tarnish the reputation of the protest by calling it violent. I do not believe most occupiers support the actions of the black bloc. The must be made aware that the anarchists who control Occupy do.

At this point in time, the biggest danger for Occupy are the anarchists who control the protest. They are leading is astray by calling for the use of violence.

You cannot ban an idea.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

was looking for a different quote but these seem apropos - A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

[-] -1 points by April (3196) 13 years ago

He's Occupying. : )

[+] -7 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

No. He's being a jerk.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

Occupiers are often considered as being jerks by those being occupied.

Don't let the conservatives have their ways. Don't believe the type. Occupiers are very important. They are helping change the face of America as we know it.

[-] -2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

What does this have to do with large scale protests? If you're fishing for the crazies, go stand in front of a mirror. The validity of your argument is not in question but rather it's context to this forum or the protests.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Over the last few days, a number of people have posted messages on this topic. It seemed to be something of great interest to people here. It is concerned with the elite and their abuses.

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

I'm reasonably sure you have Trashymask, oops, I mean Thrasymaque here masquerading as TIOUAISE. I've come to the conclusion he must be an elite plant because he has been banned more than once, and he still manages to come back. This means he has a further reach than the rest of us do. Every time anyone gets even remotely close to exposing the lifelong elite abuses, he sabotages the posts. When he is offered the proof that he asks for, he glosses over it.

This abuse, torture and mind control that permeates the lives of the elites is the cornerstone of the ruling elite's callous abuses of us, and it MUST be exposed and dealt with if we are to remove these people from places of authority.

[-] 0 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Perhaps he is a mind slave of the elite.

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

This was going to be my next post. Yes, I agree. Folks, keep in mind that Thrasy is quite possibly a part of the elite program to write this off, in the minds of people checking in to this post, as nonsensical conspiracy theory. This is part of what they do. In which case, Thrasy would not be aware of the fact that he is programmed. His personality traits certainly fit. Gives himself the divine right to rule over the masses, clearly educated and intellectual, has a terrible temper if disagreed with, despite intellect he refuses to consider mountains of evidence if the subject matter is anything the elite would prefer not to have the masses find out. Thrasy, there are meaningful and professional people who help mind control victims put perspective back into their lives and also know how to help protect victims psychologically and physically from their handlers. Please get the help you need. You don't have to go through it alone.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Interesting conclusion. Trashy, one of 'them?' Quite possible. There's a huge difference between 'Oswald was a lone-gunman' and 'the world's being run by shape-shifting alien lizards' and the fact that he lumps them all together makes one wonder. He's definitely doing their bidding, whether he realizes it or not. My take on trashy? Immature, slightly above average intelligence. Of all the nuances of intelligence, the 'slightly-above average' are the worst to deal with. They learn early on that they're a little smarter than the 'average bear,' but they think that makes them better than other people. They're not quite smart enough to realize they're not. They're arrogant, narrow-minded. They flaunt their intelligence. They hold the 'average' person in contempt. They get on my nerves.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 12 years ago

When one needs a hardy laugh, conspiracy theorist clap trap never fails.

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Hehe....oh my...you've gone and done it now. I couldn't agree with you more!

Get ready for it. He's like a five year old, who will no doubt have a temper tantrum. I can just see him now, pulling his hair out, kicking the computer, throwing his chicken nuggets and animal crackers all over the place....ahhh, its a thing of beauty.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

You forgot to mention the issue of multiple personalities. When he is banned, he always returns as an alternate personality. I hear some mind slaves have thousands of personalities like this. Oh no!

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

$hit we're in for the long haul!

[-] 0 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

Oh elite conspiracy, is it? Wouldn't you like to add more qualifiers to it, like Jewish, Oil financed etc?

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Actually, I hear it's the Nazi-international. The Nazis are the one's who started it and continue to carry it on.

To learn more about the Nazi-international, see Joseph Farrell's videos:

The Nazi International, Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_sUOvR2vY&feature=related

He claims it to be a superstate carried on in secret by surviving Nazi leaders.

To learn about Wall Street's support for Nazism, see:

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


Based on Pratt&Whitney design, BMW makes the air-cooled radial engine in 1934. Three of these engines power the famous JU52 airplane, who served both civilian and military service during the 1930s and 1940s.

It's the year when the 315/1 roadster appears on the market. It had a beautiful sleek design for it's time with low cut doors. The engine was a 1.5 liter, in-line 6 cylinder developing 40bhp. The top speed was around 125km/h making the 315/1 one of the most competitive sports car of the era winning the international Alpine Trials. It was also a clear winner in the 2000km race across Germany.


[-] 0 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

Oh so we also have the Nazi's thrown in for good measure. Who isn't a sucker for a good old conspiracy theory? I am, certainly. So no involvement of Rothschilds or Rockefeller or Bilderberg group?

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

You are indeed a smart capitalist to have such suspicions.

[-] 0 points by smartcapitalist (143) 13 years ago

You think.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Indeed so.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Perhaps you are a mind slave of Icke or Jones? Did you check your neck and hips for tech that controls your lips?

[-] -1 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Are you an untreated schizophrenic suffering from heavy bouts of paranoia? Seriously.

Your claims are built upon mountains upon mountains upon mountains of assumptions.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Such bad manners, one would think you'd try to be a little more civilized.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

are you reading the comments? they are very little to do with the topic. it's just people chasing each other from one thread to the other.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Yes, it does seem like a lot of bickering, but over 50 post in a couple hours suggests that there is some interest.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

I easily disagree with you, Richard.

It is a very valid topic. If the elite can program an individual to act on demand, imagine the power they then possess.

What if Lee Harvey Oswald was programmed? That would definitely throw out the "acted alone" theory. (Not that I believe it was a "one person act" anyway.)

[-] 3 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Have you heard about these things before?

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Yes, the concept has been around for quite some time. One example is the movie "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962) - it centered around the topic.

[-] -1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

you confuse the macro and micro.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Richard writes: "you confuse the macro and micro."

Which post is this a reply to?

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

this thread is about controlling individuals not groups. Defending the notion requires ignoring the difference.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

You didn't answer my question, so I will ask again: Which post was your's a reply to?

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

It's right under your comment, indented one notch, it was a reply to you. Your reply also pointed out individual manipulation. This does not automatically translate to group manipulation. There is no explanation in the OP or your comments of how this relates to the protest or Occupy. If you read detailed studies, you will see the process is completely different. This thread and topic are irrelevant and off topic.

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

Thank you for answering the question. "Articulation is a key to good communication".

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

Sorry, I'm still on my first cup o coffee dude.

[-] -3 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

If the elite can program an individual to act on demand, imagine the power they then possess.

God damn Illuminati freaks! You guys are a bundle of laughs. WTF? How did your brains become like jello? Was it a lack of proper nutrition and/or oxygen, or were you born with really bad genes?

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

It might be that thing called: "An imagination."

You felt the need to come up with some creative insults to make yourself feel powerful and smart, so you obviously have an imagination, too.

[-] 0 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Being gullible and believing all the crap that you read on conspiracy theory websites has nothing to do with being imaginative. Imagining without limits is easy: "Look ma! I'm such an imaginer! I'm thinking of pink elephants dancing the polka with russian polar bears!". Imagining within the confines of strict and realistic frameworks like scientists and artists do is much more meaningful, rewarding, and worthwhile.

[-] 0 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

I love it that you replied. I am grinning at your lack of perspective on the topic. And your inability to "have some fun with it". Instead, you go right back to trying to throw insults. Awww, but the boy TIOUAISE is offended and feels the need to toss verbal attacks in a discussion of ideas - isn't he cute??

[-] -2 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Ideas? Where? You're driveling conspiracy theory clap-trap.

[-] 2 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

I worked as part of the writing team for the remake of The Manchurian Candidate. I also was a consultant for "Enemy of the State", another film. So that answers your question about "ideas". Those ideas are good for entertainment. It also might answer the question of "where", as in where those ideas are conceived. As for the "driveling conspiracy theory"? Well, if you paid to see our movies: Thank you for the contribution.

You continue to try to bait me into a ridiculous back-and-forth of insults. And I bit down on that bait with my last two posts by returning the volley. It is in those two posts where I said all I really need to say. Read them again and contemplate the carefully crafted language. I am now going to walk away and leave you and yourself to talk to the "mirror" that you are seeking.

[-] -2 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

I worked as part of the writing team for the remake of The Manchurian Candidate. I also was a consultant for "Enemy of the State", another film. So that answers your question about "ideas".

Is that some kind of lame logical fallacy, i.e. appeal to authority?

Well, if you paid to see our movies: Thank you for the contribution.

So that's why you're here! I knew it couldn't be because of Occupy. Fine then. Carry on. Paste your links and sell your movies. Let's get on with it. The faster it's over, the faster whe can resume talking about issues that matter.

[-] -3 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

He came to the conclusion that a massive mind control program had been carried out by the CIA, to create mind controlled slaves who would do the bidding of their secret masters, America's fascist elites.

If the CIA have developed the technology to create slaves for the Elite, why are they letting everyone know about it? Why aren't they smart enough to use their amazing resources to search the Internet and delete comments such as yours which are so revealing? In fact, you are releasing top secret governmental information. This is illegal and punishable by a long prison sentence. Be careful.

[-] 3 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Why don't you read the article, the author has worked with a great number of therapists around the US whose work confirms this author's theories. It takes time for information to get out, some day this may be common knowledge. Already we have the movie Manchurian Candidate, and it is based on reality.

[+] -4 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Lloyd Homme, Psychological Record 18 [1968]

  • We have the capacity to install any behavior we want



Reading Material:

  • When Prophesy Fails

    • Festinger et. al. 1961
  • The People Shapers

    • Vance Packard, 1977
[+] -5 points by TlOUAISE (-25) 13 years ago

Delete the Elite

As slaves of the Elite,
We walk around like zombies.
As slaves of the Elite,
We talk a round of banalities.

When Chip controls your lips,
Check your neck, check your hips.
When cheap con trolls take gripes,
Wreck their tech that controls your lips.
Check your neck, check your hips.

Delete the Elite.
Delete! Delete!
Woe, woe, woe...
He looms and he's naughty, i.e. Illuminati.
Repeat, "Delete the Elite!".
Delete! Delete!
Woe, woe, woe...

When Chip controls your lips,
Check your neck, check your hips.
When cheap con trolls take gripes,
Wreck their tech that controls your lips.
Check your neck, check your hips.

Solidarity for Svali
Solidarity for Svali
Solidarity for Svali
Woe, woe, woe...

[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


The above "poetry" was posted by "TIOUAISE (-19)", a FRAUDULENT version of my username created by.... you guessed it.... our little friend Thrasymaque, banned 3 times from this forum over the last week but so far unable to accept that.

[+] -4 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ The Original 'T' : As you'll see from our exchange above, 'The TrashyMonkey Continuum' still remains the utterly unconscionable dick who so wants to be loved that he adopted another poster's name ! Sad but I find myself very cross indeed !! I'd better take 10, listen to a tune or two & roll a fat one !!!

'Trashy' nicks your name AND he's gonna report ME ?!!! I swear the geezer must be drunk on that cheap coconut-milk moonshine, the expats get wasted on over there !!

"in vino veritas", n'est ce pas ?

[-] 1 points by asauti (-113) from Port Orchard, WA 13 years ago

A whole pie. 1%. 99%.

Half the pie is eaten. Still 1%. Still 99%.

Much of the pie is eaten. Yet, still remains a 1%. Still remains a 99%.

Or who knows, maybe it is 50%. 50%.

Other people can worry about the numbers. I'll just continue eating the pie.

[+] -4 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Hey 'Bali-Boy' ! That's actually quite good !! I don't really know what 'Svali' means but is that some kinda code for 'Sirhan Sirhan' ? + re. The RFK hit, you might want to look into 'the woman in the polka dot dress' !!!

I suspect that you're more than a Three Chord Wonder on a guitar but try it on a gamelan ;-)

verb. sat. sap. ...

[-] -2 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

Thanks, but it's just a simple play on homophony.

I'm surprised that an established conspiracy theorist such as yourself does not know Svali. She is the fictitious character who was kidnapped by the Elite in their dark and evil plot to turn us all into mind slaves. She managed to escape and told her story to the world. You can learn about Svali in this other conspiracy theory posting by Renaye, arturo's partner in crime.


You might want to do some catching up on Illuminati lore. Icke recently added some twists and turns to this myth.

As for music, I'm more into composers like Ligeti, Xenakis, Ferneyhough, Boulez, etc... than pop music. The lyrics I wrote above could be used as the prelude for a modern opera written in the style of Claude Vivier's Kopernicus. If you wish to write a pop song with those lyrics, go ahead. I hereby grant the right for anyone to do anything they please with them. Go nuts!

[+] -4 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Re. "established conspiracy theorist such as yourself " : Cheeky !!! But given my oft curmudgeonly digs at you, you can have that one for free, 'TrashyPhalus'! + It's a 'simple play' on What ?! 'Sounds' like you just called it a play on someone who is 'pretend gay' !! - & NO that wasn't 'homophobic' ; it was a "simple play" on 'homo phoney', lol !!!

I'm not at all sure that I want to really know anything about 'Svali' but it strikes me that perhaps somewhat ironically and paradoxically (or NOT as the case may be !), you really seem to be quite the aficionado re. "Conspiracies" and as you're the one who just also mentioned "Illuminati & Icke", I'm running a mile in a diametric direction !! M8. 'ave you been 'angin' out wi' drug addled loonies or what ?! Of course living where you do, you needn't really answer that question !

You seem to be into composers that I haven't ever heard of (tho' Pierre {?} Boulez rings half a bell - as in 'ding' but NOT 'dong'). I'll wait for the festival season B4 putting your lyrics together with a few chords - but don't expect any royalties or responses to 'copyright litigation' !!

3 Tunes 4 U : a) Barbour's Adagio for Strings 'a la' an ace producer friend of a friend's friend [Wm. Orbit]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIbIHxKh9bk , but as you'll probably already be tired of hearing it at beach parties, ... b) The Original : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izQsgE0L450&feature=related ... and c) "Agnus Dei" ; The Choral Version of 'The Original' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkObnNQCMtM&feature=related .

Which seamlessly {?!} dovetails into a post-NT, Biblical Conspiracy Theory, as in : "Agnus Dei" ! 'The Lamb of God' !! Now who pray tell, might have borne that 'individual' into the world and where? Ever heard of a painting called "The Adoration Of The Mystic Lamb" ?!

That's quite enough of all that !! You "Go Nuts" too ;-)

Pick a new name ; stick to it ; stay well and aware !!

pax vobis.

[-] -3 points by TlOUAlSE (-5) 13 years ago

'Sounds' like you just call it a play on someone 'pretend gay' !! (& NO that wasn't 'homophobic' ; it was a "simple play" on 'homo phoney', lol !!!

You shouldn't write homophobic drivel on this forum. You should respect a person no matter what his or her sexual orientation may be.

Homophony means two sounds which are similar. It's a word used in many fields including literature and music. Here are examples of literary homophony:

  • delete the elite -> delete delete
  • angels in the skies -> angels in disguise
  • angel eyes -> angel lies

I'll report your posting to jart. As a transgender, she's not really into homophobic banter.

[+] -4 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

I know what "homophony" means but 'dear oh dear' re. Your Instant Reaction and despite my clearly friendly and humourous tone, your equally instant 'Reversion To Type' !!!

SH!T, man - I even attached a few tunes for you but you still managed to turn a placatory post into a hatchet job !!! You run along and "report" me to whoever the f*ck you want but piss on my peace offering at your karmic peril, snitch !!


[-] -2 points by PoIemarchus (56) 13 years ago

I'm sorry, but I hate homophobes. It was extremely gratuitous and childish of you to use a word like homophony and turn it into a joke against gays and lesbians.

The tunes you attached are easy listening pieces from the repertoire. Those who know Stockhausen already know this stuff. They're nice pieces, but they've been heard a zillion times. If you want to promote earlier music, you should promote the works of people like Shubert, Shumann, Perotin, etc... Works that aren't as well known as Barber's Adagio for strings.

[+] -5 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Not withstanding my reply to 'Ti' below, I accept your apology and honour the grace it took to express it.

I hate homophobes too. It is an irrational, bigoted, judgemental, prejudicial, unreasonable and outrageous and is a systems glitch of one's phyche's O/S but I clearly said : " ... & NO that wasn't 'homophobic' ; it was a "simple play" on 'homo phoney', lol !!!" .

Now, the "lol" and its degree [ie. !!! as opposed to !! or ! or not at all, lol ;-)] are open to debates about "gratuitous and childish", however attempts at humour and disclaimer do NOT constitute 'homophobia' ! It was a joke and a play on words but you overreacted.

I regret my earlier language & We move on >>> ~{:-) ...~~~* !!!

I'll consider and contemplate your opinions on music and leave you with a somewhat more prosaic and populist tune by, 'The Psychedelic Furs' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hguSgIfe3oA !!

De gustibus non est disputandum !