Forum Post: Ode to Life: OCCUPY This
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 12:53 a.m. EST by SpectatorsPerpective
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ahhh the endless cycle. you need experience to get the gig you need the gig to gain experience no one will give you an opportunity without a battle a battle for survival you need the job to replace the gas to the interview though funny the hood gas is always higher i understand the tax break for the rich is costing everyone else everyday in everything and its infectious contagious you probably have it because the state of disposition of these three persons that hold the wand of 1% in their wallet it affects everyone else with the reverse pressure of survival like a sisters' lifetime of repressed anger with that pressure of having to pay for life we bring it home, with distress and jealousy jealousy of not having an easy life we know theres better we've had it there was a moment for everyone when everything was O.K. when that question of how am i going to (fill in you blank)? at one moment of civilization humans we were gods olympus pompus stole the show but like hercules was an everyday boy our ability to dream amazing things, what do you want to be when you grow up? answers are different now adays we must remember again when we were our own stars in our own shows con felicidad donde quiera but now the ladder of life has become the stairway to heaven literally, the goodness of one's nature has no longer become at all a resume qualification are we finding it rare? how so? because if i'm reading this i could possible be not comitting a crime and if so, why? is it luding or surviving? so many can say that there should be a warning about life sucking upon conception like im sure the feeling of "i didn't sign up for this"? can be found more often than not but the truth is if one could have the universal mommy that could shout around the world "ENOUGH" quiten everyone down, get out the naptime carpets to sleep some tension off than just have mother explain or rexplain due to the lack of use humanity must have just been forgotten like the dead language of latin "care" true care is an effect that needs to contaminate human population just like the sicken spoonfuls of anger we take in everyday literally the "be nice" speech in a universal language so as so the road rage and divorce rate like our blood pressure and cholesterol has risen to dangerous level our harmonic state has been disturbed it begins with us and our neighbor the decriminalization that we are all out to "get us" whether by a money scam or heartbreak like in a zombie movie only the flesh-eating zombies are unhappy people, anger, whether by self-pity woe is me or eff you you'll hurt me type fear the sheer jolliness that "today is going to be a good day feeling" like the feeling of a good interview begins with self, in the morning, the minute eyes open and the flicker of eyelashes is set off that's when hope can begin creating a momentum of willpower of kindness, opening doors and letting someone into you lane knowing we're all in hurry to wherever we are going but this momentum to cause a wave has to be done universally pay it forward can be done all it takes is everyone's one