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Forum Post: Odds of winning a seat in Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 1:14 p.m. EST by meep (233)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What do you think the odds are of a working professional, intelligent, but entirely unconnected individual such as myself getting elected to Congress without taking contributions over $100 from any source. Just something I've been thinking about. I'd be happy to serve my country by fighting the gauntlet of political corruption and trying to bring civility to politics, but I'm kind of thinking I wouldn't stand a chance... maybe I just lack faith in ye olde American Dream.



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[-] 1 points by jgrasty (19) from Bakersfield, CA 13 years ago

Like everything in life, it takes time and money, the former of the two can make up for the later. One of my customers has worked his way up from not much to being a California State Senator, and he just turned 30. But hes smart, a hard worker and has made a lot of friends with money. If you think I'm lieing here he is; http://michaelrubio.org/
My point is anything is possible, but you need to meet the right people and work your ass off!

[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

Give it a try, though the system is rigged to keep average folks out. Even if you lost maybe you could expose an incumbants hypocracy. Maybe some OWS folks could help navigate the rules, if anyone has any expertise in this area.And again maybe you could win, some people do not knowing they can't

[-] 1 points by Benny14 (101) 13 years ago

You got a bigger chance to win in the lottery then to win an election without taking bribes from wall street

But good luck you got my vote