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Forum Post: Ocuupy Santa Barbara Sunday WorkShops

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 3:29 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement






Occupy SB will be having Sunday Workshops in Conjunction with visits every other week at occupy Isla Vista.

There will be five main workshops and anyone may step forward at the start of any work shop pre meeting to volunteer a new workshop.

  1. Non Violence Theory, Practice, Ethics, and Protest Communication. 10:00 AM for one hour.

  2. Direct Democracy; Intellectual and Social Tools For High Order Problems. 12:00 Noon for one Hour

  3. Paradigm Shifts; How they Work, What makes them tick, and how to make one happen now. 2:00 pm for one hour

  4. Issues Exploration; 3:30 for two hours

  1. Physical Non Violence; Expert Non Violence in Tough Situations. (Through out the Day in between breaking points of other meetings, generally, 15 minutes or so in between the other workshops, and specifically in response to requests and as appropriate with the interest.)

This is a call out to off duty police officers, to come be trained in non violence, and to see what we are telling people about how to respond to police violence.

John Bassist AKA prometheuspan will be leading this workshop set in conjunction with the Legal and Safety and Camp Committees, of which he is a member.

He hereby invites you to participate in an intellectual and philosophical exploration of what our problems are, how we can solve them, and how to ensure the success of a non violent revolution.

Santa Barbara is a Secret Unsecret home of the 1 percent, and so it is having a very hard time maintaining an occupy with only a very small number of members. We have a strong occupy core group of only 10 persons realistically on camp committee. Our daily GA has been pulling in as many as 50 or 75 persons daily, tho those numbers have recently dwindled our weekly march on Saturdays has pulled in as many as 200 persons.

Santa Barbara is the secret home of the one percent because on any climate map you can see that it is the most moderate climate in the Continental United States. While the one percent may have offices on Wall street, Santa Barbara is where they keep their families. The oligarchic powers are particularly concentrated as SB is the 22 congressional distric, and we have a very strong Mason and Secret Mason Contingent and presence here.

Occupy SB is thus meaningfully as much a strong profile target for the occupy as Wall Street is, But its got the best weather in the Nation. If you are at an occupy and you have been getting a cold, got the flu, or just suffering from cold chill burn out...Don't knock yourself out getting blue. Come join us at the Ocean and clear Blue Skies. Generally speaking, IF it freezes around here ever that makes headline news. Night time here in winter seldom chills lower than 40 degrees.

Come help out and participate in Occupy SB, in its effort to restore direct democracy, camped out on City Halls Easement. And easement they keep lying about to call a park, with not one sign on site specifying any municipal code relevant to being there after dark or "camping" and with not one actual Lodge ever erected upon it. Where they lie to us every night to call it a park, we know its an easement, they put up signs to perpetuate the lie and actually thus confessed they had failed to get it posted and then when we called them out about that... they took down the signs... thus again confessing that they know they are lying about it.

The problem with occupy SB right now is not enough people. The Police know that they are being used as tools and they have been told and warned that they are violating their oaths to uphold the constitution. But they like all the apparatus of the state is being held crookedly under the thumb of the Oligarchs. Its the pressure from up above. There is no place like Santa Barbara to speak the truth to Power. This is where that power lives to Hide from wall street or the spotlight of HollyWood. This is where the Elites have clustered in and tried to remain still themselves Anonymous. This is where they have their city council and their white picket fences, and try to claim that mcmansion American Dream at the direct expense of Everyone Else.

Occupy SB city Hall Easement is a lawn about 100 feet wide and 400 feet long, it could support as many as 50 or so tents.

10 people on camp comittee can't hold it. We need soldiers. We need peeps. This is the call out. Please help make this happen.





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[-] 1 points by Gawdoftruth (3) 13 years ago

Ha, what a waste of time.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

seriously, it would be nice to have some feedback and support to do this. ?
