Forum Post: October 20th is International Credit Union Day - Let's use it well }:D
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:40 p.m. EST by carbonpenguin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't think I need to go into too much detail as to the superiority of credit unions to wall street banks (see:, so I thought I'd make a quick proposal. International Credit Union Day is October 20th and, as per usual, many prominent people (governors, perhaps the president) will make symbolic pronouncements in support of the credit union movement. Given this heightened visibility, this could be a good opportunity to try and radicalize credit unions by aggressively going after banks in their name. The idea is to pick one (or more, if you have the personnel) bailed out bank and picket it on that day with pro-credit union signs and hand out pro-CU literature. By providing militant support, the media will hopefully draw a line of connection between the CU movement (which has ~100 million members) and the #Occupy movement as allies, which might very well bring a whole new wave of resources into the fight. To kick this off, I've created a global facebook page here: and a sample local action page can be found here: Let's spread this around and freak the hell out of some banks on 10/20!!!
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