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Forum Post: OccupyWallStreet Thinks Too Small

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by IWantMyLifeBack (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You need to redirect your focus to the root of the problem. What we really need to accomplish is to have four constitutional amendments passed the purpose of which is to eliminate career politicians. So long as we have career politicians making our laws and directing our economy, the middle class will always be taken advantage of by the ruling class and the ruling class will be manipulated by the wealthy.

1). We must impose severe term limits so than an individual may hold only one elected office for no more than one term during one lifetime. You may serve once (get paid a good salry) and then go back to the private sector.

2) Eliminate the income tax and replace it with a gross receipts tax

3) Eliminate currency and have all transactions employ electronic funds transfer.

4) Require that Congress pass no laws that do not equally apply to Congress and the American people. Eliminate the government retirement system and put all government employeed on Social Security. Eliminate pensions for all elected officials. Eliminate healthcare plans for elected governmental officials that are not available to the general public and discontinue funding health insurance benefits for elected officials after they leave office.

5) We need to make it a class-E felony for any person holding or seeking public office to lie to the American people. Any such person found guilty of lying to the public shall be incarcerated for a minimum of 10 years, shal never hold public office, and shall be stripped of the right to vote for life. The American people have the right to expect that their representatives are trustworthy. Those that prove to not be trustworthy by being cauget in a lie have violated the trust of the American people and must be severly punished just as we punish those found guilty of treason.

Without an income tax, there is no need for the IRS. Billions saved annually.

Without currency,graft, corruption, and crime are almost impossible because all transactions are traceable to and from the source. Crime fighting becomes much easier allowing us to reduce our annual expenditures on police protection.

We can accomplish all this and more simply by taking control and demonstration that we are united, organized, and serious. Spread the message to all. Select one mid-week day about three months in advance and get everyone and I mean everyone simply to stay home. No one goes to work, no one shops on the internet, no one works from home. Everyone just stays at home and reads or plays games, doing anything that does not involve performing a function for others (critical care healthcare providers exempted). No one wil be available to fly the planes, drive the cars, pump the gas, trade the stocks, run the radio or TV stations, make coffee for Congress, etc. It is like the Day the Earth Stood Still without the extraterrestials. If one day of bringing the entire nation to its lnees doesn't convice them that we want our America and our lives back then we can stage another nationwide shutdown about three or six months laterr for a longer period, say three days.

Think Bigger!



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by borderhacker (6) 13 years ago

The ruling class are not manipulated by the wealthy, the ruling class ARE the wealthy.

The congressmen who have been doing the most damage are the most recently elected. Term limits would not help us get rid of them.

A gross receipts tax is basically a sales tax which is regressive because it places a disproportional burden on the poor who spend a larger portion of their income, and gives the rich a break.

Think bigger? How about think different.

[-] 1 points by kalrajhi (8) 13 years ago

The root of the problem is that we have amoral people in power. Fix the system, but fix the people in it first.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Never work because only about 1-2% of the population would agree with those things (mainly 2 and 3). Change comes in baby steps, if you take a giant leap you will sprain an ankle and fall down.