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Forum Post: OccupytheFed

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:15 p.m. EST by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Should OWS shift focus entirely on the Fed?

Bold move. Let's think about it.



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[-] 2 points by eric1 (152) from Corona, CA 13 years ago

The Fed itself is comprised of banks(known as primary dealers). I posted a list earlier here for the New York Fed. Banks/financial institutions are what power the fed. The New York--Boston--Washington D.C.--San Francisco cabal are the real power players in the fed system. The other Fed banks . . . well they are just second tier players for the most party.

[-] 2 points by msvictoria (5) 13 years ago

isn't this the whole point? the fed and wall street go hand in hand...one does not work without the other...occupysf is at the fed...i dont think it would be a divide in focus but rather a clear and concise mission in bringing down the financial system that got us into this mess

[-] 2 points by webmouth (46) 13 years ago

Great Point. I would add that the FED is the Head of the snake and you always grab the head first

[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 13 years ago

If this is the point, then we need to make it the point.

[-] 1 points by msvictoria (5) 13 years ago

well then...let's do so...it's what i heard people yelling on youtube at liberty plaza...down with the fed...imaginary money is all that it is...paper no longer backed by anything...and imaginary numbers that suits play with all day with no financial transaction tax...yeah down with the fed!

[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 13 years ago

It will be messy and I'm sure many people will be arrested over this, but OWS needs to tackle the issues head on.

[-] 2 points by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR 13 years ago

The FED hijacked the entire US, so yeah, maybe this should be a bit of an issue I think.

[-] 1 points by AstraStarr (71) from New Paltz, NY 13 years ago

Sunday October 9th 3 PM Occupy the FED- see you there!

[-] 1 points by ontheinsideout (3) 13 years ago

How about create a non-for-profit bank that is owned by the users! We can pool our resources together make loans and have a place for our savings where Wall Street does not get its greedy hands on it.

It will be governed by volunteers among us who are democratically elected. We will not call it a bank and we'll reject their ideology. To show unity with our trade unions we call it a savings and credit union!

This is what came out of the last great occupation of Wall Street and by progressive thinkers like Louis Brandeis and his essay called "Other People's Money and How Banker Use It. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_People's_Money_And_How_the_Bankers_Use_It

Today the greedy bankers are prohibiting credit unions for lending more to small business. Their HIPOCRACY is unbearable.

[-] 1 points by ontheinsideout (3) 13 years ago

How about create a non-for-profit bank that is owned by the users! We can pool our resources together make loans and have a place for our savings where Wall Street does not get its greedy hands on it.

It will be governed by volunteers among us who are democratically elected. We will not call it a bank and we'll reject their ideology. To show unity with our trade unions we call it a savings and credit union!

This is what came out of the last great occupation of Wall Street and by progressive thinkers like Louis Brandeis and his essay called "Other People's Money and How Banker Use It. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_People's_Money_And_How_the_Bankers_Use_It

Today the greedy bankers are prohibiting credit unions for lending more to small business. Their HIPOCRACY is unbearable.

[-] 1 points by tomjeff (3) 13 years ago

We desperately need to end the reign of the ruling elite and bring the government back to the people.

March on the capital for term limits

[-] 1 points by tomjeff (3) 13 years ago

Washington is the problem

[-] 1 points by tomjeff (3) 13 years ago

We desperately need to end the reign of the ruling elite and bring the government back to the people.

March on the capital for term limits

[-] 1 points by tdnyc (22) from Queens, NY 13 years ago

I believe it's the root of the problem. Printing money out of thin air and selling it back to us with interest.... There is a problem. They are as federal as Fed-Ex.

[-] 1 points by FUCKTHENWO (280) from RIVERDALE, MD 13 years ago

Not as our sole-concern, but to focus on one issue at a time.

[-] 0 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Yeah, I agree !

How dare the government have a non-profit public option.

They should have to goto BoA or CapitalOne and get charged 20% like the rest of us !

LOL !!!

[-] 1 points by webmouth (46) 13 years ago

BoA borrows from the FED.. The fed gets to loan them money that they print from nothing.

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

Yes, that's how modern banking works.

The problem is that BoA can borrow from the fed, and I cant. The problem is the arbitrary cartel business model.

That said, Im open to any (new) alternative systems.

[-] 1 points by webmouth (46) 13 years ago

What about the original system created by our founders? That congress would coin the money and determine the value thereof.. Withdraw the usury created by the FED and free us from the so called "debt"

[-] 1 points by nVenti (48) 13 years ago

The problem with that model was that when the central bank ran a profit, it turned the profit over to its share holders instead of to congress.

Id think congress would be the lesser of the two evils.

[-] 0 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

Why so Alex Jones can take credit for the movement so he charge 5 more bucks a month for prison planet tv??? I think these people are doing a fine job as is. No need to boost Alex's ego anymore than it is already inflated.

[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

who cares who gets the credit just do the job smh

[-] 1 points by webmouth (46) 13 years ago

Alex Jones has admitted everyday that he is not the one who thought of it first. He only wants to see the necessary changes made. He just so happens to be one of the few mouthpieces this type of movement has and needs. Yeah he charges for the nightly news feed, but can you blame him, have you ever tried to staff people, buy bandwidth and produce a professional broadcast with no money. The Fed has to be rebuked. this is the focus!

[-] 1 points by rfgoggin (27) 13 years ago

This last thing movement needs is Alex Jones to tell it what it do, or his involvement with it. No rational person takes everything that man says seriously. If he comes around don't put a 'live feed' camera or a microphone near him. He has damn near become a corporation himself. Use your brain for God's sake. This is about those without a platform or a voice. Cover him with blanket and send him on his way, if he shows up, and don't give him a soap box. Same with Michael Moore. Don't let your movement be co-opted by celebrities or conspiracy theorists. Stay with the plan, and let the least of you remain the most important voices to speak, or guide your vision. Geez, Alex Jones? Think freely, and leave him out.

[-] 1 points by webmouth (46) 13 years ago

You make some valid points. Alex can get way off in the deep end sometimes, and that can turn the common person off and make them not want to listen to another word of reason. Trust me, I am not saying this guy should be a leader or the voice. Only that the more focus on the root problem the better, even if some of that focus comes from the fringe.