Forum Post: - The Resistance
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 1:27 p.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A resistance network for Occupy to unify and reach consensus.
This is really awesome guys
I personally dislike having a "ruling class", it doesn't bug me that they fly around in helicopters so they never have to mingle with us on a bus or subway. It doesn't bug me they live in closed and gated communities. No, this does not bug me because it's their lives to live as they please. What does bug me is that they try to enforce upon us their ideology, they think theirs is the only opinion that matters. That we who are too stupid to have clawed and scrapped our way up the financial ladder can't possibly know whats good even for ourselves. For far too long we have let people with catchy slogans and nice suits, sell us the same bullshit that keeps us mired in the status quo. This two party system where people are given only two choices to lead their country is crap. Since when is Democracy a two sided affair? Someone please post and explain to me how it makes sense that only two very old and dated parties could know the pulse of the people. Especially when the very same people who run for office are the children of those who have held office previously. Yes, I am talking about families like the Bushs'. We all know Prescott Bush was charged with treason and that he supported the Nazis, yet his son and grandson was elected to lead the free world... Does this make sense? America and much of the world has been hijacked by a very quiet and secretive "ruling class". Where things are settled and discussed internationally without our knowledge or approval... Is that Democracy? This movement means to me a call to action, political action; direct action, any kind of action its time to DO something about it. America was once a Beacon of Freedom and Hope for the poor and oppressed, now America is a Beacon of the Rich and Powerful.
I must clarify I do not say that Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. are Nazis, I merely imply that the man who had such an impact on both of their lives, that they followed in his every footsteps in politics and secret societies, must have also imparted some of his own beliefs into them as well. The Winners of War write history books and I do not want history to read that this movement died out as quickly as it started if our children are even allowed to learn history under the NWO. I believe that the rich and powerful have always looked for something that defines them from us. They look for some reason beyond luck and circumstance to explain their good fortune. I believe this to be true of most of us. We all look for what defines us and where it used to be our morals and ways of life defining us as people now your job and bank account define you as a person. We together have changed the face of this planet. It was not a singular person who rose from animal hood into the Age of Man, it was together in small communities at first that we rose up from being more than our environment dictated. I see a dark future ahead a future filled with much struggle and austerity. There is hope too in this dark world, hope that we give the world to the next generation better than when we inherited it from ours. I refuse to believe that petty in-fighting, and tribal; and racial hatreds, can hold us back. We are the 99%. We are the writers of our own destinies. We are NOT defined by what we can buy but by what we have to give as human beings. The 1% as people are not bad they live the only life they have ever known in most cases. Others have made themselves and were not given a single thing EVER and that is to be respected. Any and All who stand in the way of change so that corporations can continue to export war and destruction so they can compete for the rebuilding contract are the enemy. We were not given the option of sides in this war, we are the enemy of the rich because the constitution that says we are their equals. The rich are bored with being rich they want power over our lives. Do not let your children fight in wars and die so that rich and the wealthy can live the American dream. This movement is at a crossroads, we can squabble to each other over how long the drummers can drum, or WE can DO something about it. I say go out and confront people over this, I want to see videos of CEO's getting blasted for their ineptitude with OUR money. I want to see Rockefeller sweating his piggy little forehead off under a constant and never ending barrage of outrage at his under handed secretive shaping of society. I will not be lead into the abyss of perpetual debt the 1% would have us believe is the only and best way. America, you have stood up to the greatest powers at the time throughout history. Be it Great Britain under its inbred kings or The Great German war machine. Now it is time America to Stand up to your Greatest threat of all, one that comes from within America. The Oligarchs and elite have worked you to exhaustion and as you fall and die carrying the extra weight of the rich they profit off of you with their "Dead Peasant" insurance claims. Even in Death the ruling elite get the last laugh
Indictment today of Goldman-Sachs board member Gupta today for insider trading: this at least they see as criminal and do prosecute, despite repeated calls from de-criminalization of inside trading by the Wall Street Journal.
This may or not mean anything for the future. Stay tuned. check this out
I would like to cripple the power of the 1% first, as I fear that they could pass amendments that are even worse than the laws they've been putting in place, especially at the state level.
My counter proposal: we, and as many of our friends as we can gather, should first identify the 1%'s favorite candidate in any political race. That will be the one who got the most money from the WS/ big donor crowd.
Then we should use our votes and also work to defeat that candidate.
If politicians found that getting the big money donors led to loss of votes, we would have a lever to begin to change things in this country. We could then begin to encourage better candidates: those who could not win in the present environment.
Super duper
thanks, great reporting
really great jjob
r's may like this idea:
Fantastic reporting
wow this is great
YES, about time!
That's the 5th or 6th "resistance network site" I've seen today alone.
More proof this is a movement without a head. Not sure how you can reach consensus when you are never actually all in the same place at the same time. I don't suppose there is a National General Assembly for OWS?
+10 Thanks!
The creators of this forum have made it to where "Lawl" replaces "Paul". Kinda shows you their agenda and biases.
Cool site.
I like how the forums here are more organized and democratic with user profiles, so it's easier to identify trolls.
Me too!
The Occupy Wall Street Movement has been by nature, loose and leaderless, but supporters still need a way to find consensus in common ideals, beliefs, and demands. Occupyr aims to assist in unifying scattered voices into actionable plans and strengthen the movement.
The forums are Better organized, nice.
That is true.
The man has a point.
Thank you
no, thank you.
oh, well. you are quite welcome.
You are as well
Much obliged.
Fantastic! I like having user profiles so we can see.
Loving the profiles
Totally excellent
+1 like this
dude you cannot be taken seriously. as the owner of the forum it is your obligation to remain neutral on your own site. elsewhere doesn't really matter, like here. but creating an ode to your own positions is illegitimate.
Just like in terminator.
This is really great
Sweet site
+1 nice
Really great, let's get everyone using this.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (Tea Party Republican Favorite) top secretary urged Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings on Friday to instruct city police to remove Occupy Albany protesters from a downtown park near the state Capitol if they tried to remain there after an 11 p.m curfew.
A person familiar with the matter said Cuomo’s secretary, Larry Schwartz, called Jennings late Friday morning and said that State Police, who control half of the park that is partly owned by the state of New York and city of Albany, would remove any protesters who did not comply with a curfew. The position of the governor’s office was in contrast to an earlier plan by Albany police to leave the protesters alone if they were peaceful, even if they stayed overnight.
Occupy Albany demonstrators began arriving at Lafayette/Academy park around noon. Half of the space is state land, the rest city property.
Read Brendan Lyons’ full story here.