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Forum Post: OccupyNews.net Thanksgiving Request.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 1:43 a.m. EST by OccupyNews (1220)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm pretty sure this place gets at least 50,000 hits a day. I just want to make sure that you readers spread the wealth and say hello to the 175 occupy blogs with RSS feeds that can be found on www.occupynews.net

When someone writes a new blog article on those occupy blogs, and nobody comments, it makes this place look like the 1% and those Occupy blogs look like the 99%.

Consider adopting four occupy blogs, one from the west coast, one from the midwest, one from the east coast, and one from the rest of the world, and perhaps occasionally posting in the comments section.

I am so sickened by Target, Walmart, Sears and Kohls all ramping up for Black Friday while not spending a dime on a nice seasonal message that has nothing to do with coming to their store on Black Friday and buying their stuff.

We can do something for the Occupy Bloggers and it won't cost us anything but some time.



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[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Some emotional stuff among the 175 Occupy Blog feeds that are listed http://occupynews.blogspot.com/

check them out and maybe leave a message on their blogs. Occupy News is just the switchboard, you're the operator.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

All these East Coast Occupy blogs have posted updates.

OCCUPY TUSCALOOSA Human Rights Day March: 10 Dec 24 minutes ago

OCCUPY COLUMBIA Occupy Columbia to clean up Rocky Branch Creek 1 hour ago

O.W.S - O.E. - O.T I Can Rant 1 hour ago

OCCUPY CHAPEL HILL March in Support of Human Rights in Carrboro and Chapel Hill 2 hours ago

OCCUPY VERMONT Occupy Green Mountain Care Listening Session 4 hours ago

OCCUPY HARTFORD - We stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, and the rest of Occupy Together around the U.S. and the world 4 hours ago

OCCUPY DELAWARE Minutes from Occupy Delaware General Assembly meeting, 12-01-2011 4 hours ago

OCCUPY WALL STREET NEWS Occupy Seattle Joins Wave of Building Occupations 6 hours ago The FIGHT BACK - Reporting from the streets of the District of Columbia $2.13 Is Not Enough: ROC’s Guide to Responsible Eating 8 hours ago

OCCUPY BOSTON End the Day of Action/Unity Rally with a lecture by Gar Alperovitz 8 hours ago

OCCUPY AUGUSTA Update on #OccupyAugusta 16 hours ago

OCCUPY ASHEVILLE virato on LA Times 18 hours ago

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Tuesday, Nov. 29, lots of outstanding RSS feed link from many of the occupy bloggers today. www.occupynews.net

Bear in mind that occupy news is constantly updating.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Quickly scanning www.occupynews.net I found these RSS blog feed articles from various Occupy Blog sites.

Both Occupy Salt Lake City http://www.occupyslc.org/blog/united-technologies-black-hawks-brunei-billions-boondoggle

and IronBoltBruce of Occupy Philly notes our war machine economy is on a roll, and Barack Obama could not be more pleased for the economy creating jobs those war machine sales will generate.


Plus a notice of a flyer to circulate in Los Angeles since they are facing eviction soon. http://occupyla.org/post/13296205624/attention-occupyla-is-facing-eviction-help-spread

Occupy Eugene Oregon is protesting Black Friday.


Occupy Orange County has a letter to the Occupy Movement, http://www.occupy-oc.org/letter-to-the-occupy-movement/

Occupy Victoria is celebrating happy buy nothing day... http://occupyvictoria.ca/announcements/happy-buy-nothing-day/

Occupy Toronto- Five Things more valuable than Money, and a big thank you. http://occupyto.org/2011/11/five-things-more-valuable-than-money-and-a-big-thank-you/

All of those article links can be found on www.occupynews.net, until each one is updated for their newest article.

Occupy Delaware is promoting green re-gifting for Black Friday, http://www.occupyde.org/2011/11/tomorrow-green-friday-peoples-re-gifting-giveaway/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tomorrow-green-friday-peoples-re-gifting-giveaway

Occupy Alabama questions the wisdom of buying from Walmart http://occupyalabama.org/blog/?p=778

Occupy Asheville is being threatened with police action because a sidewalk is no longer a sidewalk. http://occupyasheville.org/forum/announcements/urgent-request-police-warn-oa-to-strike-camp-from-sidewalk-by-10pm-support-video-media-requested-by-campers/#p1949

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

so I read gawdoftruths wiki site, replete with the Michael Moore list of demands.

Nowhere does it mention debt, consumer debt, debt of the 99%. There is no bigger issue than consumer debt because as consumer debt falls, dependence on wallstreet, the bankers, and even our government decreases.

There are ten points, and NOT ONE discusses consumer debt! http://occupythiswiki.org/wiki/OccupyThisWiki:About

I just did a search of the ENTIRE PAGE and DEBT IS NOT MENTIONED anywhere on the page!

But what should we expect from a list that a multi-millionaire named Michael Moore helped create when he sold out his own state of Michigan in 2008 when their votes didn't count in the democratic primary and Moore said NOTHING.

Even though Illinois moved up their democratic primary date to the beginning of February in 2008 and those votes counted and turned the election to Obama. Moore sold out his own state by saying nothing about Michigan's 2008 votes NOT COUNTING even after he had previously profited from his own documentaries that condemned how others had abandoned his state of Michigan.

So when Moore abandons fighting for his state of Michigan's votes to count in the 2008 democratic primaries, we're supposed to accept that position after he has already made documentaries attacking those who abandoned Michigan economically?

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

If you see something missing or wrong you are supposed to fix it. That is what a wiki is. A collaborative tool.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I don't think it can be edited because the wiki represents a meeting that Michael Moore had with OWS supporters and this is supposedly the result of that 4 hour meeting.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Try this: Create a user account. Click the source tab of any page. Try to make an edit. If you are unable to edit, let me know, because I would have a problem with that.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

lol, the problem is if I use the name OccupyNews.net, I might get banned for having a personal agenda even though I am trying to be 100% transparent. (this happened to me on wikipedia).

If I use my real name, or an alternative name, then I'm not being transparent since I run occupynews.net

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Still, there is little participation in the Wiki. I think your additions would be welcome. If there are no sources to back your claims, or if you say something flat out false, it would encourage others to participate.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Since that specific page is about Michael Moore and his meeting with Occupy supporters, I would feel reluctant in making any changes since I did not attend that meeting.

And as I stated, even I wanted to start a new page, I would use occupynews.net as the registered name, which would probably get me banned. Nothing I can do about it, it's already happened to me on wikipedia.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

there was a site named TBD - it got 50,000 to 100,000 hits a day. Less than ten percent were unique users.

It was a busy place, you would never have known that there were so many harvesting tools . . .

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

why don't you post a link here if you find something interesting?

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Interesting idea ithink. There are 175 Occupy blog feeds and probably half update their status every day or two. I have put up links to some of the stories that I have found compelling at the top of www.Occupynews.net

I can post here but a new topic can disappear pretty fast because so many new topics pop up every hour.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

frankly, 175 or 1000 blogs is a stupid idea compared to the wiki.


[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

lol, that was a sweet response.

The funny thing is, you obviously don't get the purpose of an RSS feed so your comment is actually inane and non contributory.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

However, I appreciate that you voiced your incorrect assertion rather than keeping quiet about it. Happy Thanksgiving.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

you seem to miss the point. a blog is a control trip for egotists to chit chat. a wiki is a collaborative engine for building the kinds of organizational structures which allow for working problems in reality.

RSS feeds on a chit chat engine are bells and whistles on a bike for a fish.

The revolution does not need blogs, esp not when a wiki allows you to have the same kind of page space but organized better and in an infinitely expanding semantic network.

Blogs are an artifact of the one percent ego centered control engineering.

wikis are HOW humanity builds something instead of arguing or chit chatting on the net.

so, with all due respect, you all need to get off the blogs and over to the wiki.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I think most people like wiki. But saying it's wiki, or nothing, is like saying that everybody should just watch livestream so they can see for themselves what is going on.

Of course, that would be impossible since there are at least 67 livestream feeds. What you are talking about is internet curation. curation means trying to assemble all of the pertinent information into a collective that is easily accessible.

wiki is a link collective. livestream is a video collective. wallstreet forum is a gattling gun of ideas collective. www.Occupynews.net is a occupy blog RSS feed collective so that when an Occupy blog posts something like, we're under attack, or, we need warm blankets, or, we could use a generator, or, come march with us, the post rises to the top of the column it is in so we all know it is a current issue.

Of course, there is twitter as well, but twitter comments can move so fast that it can become impossible to keep up with all of the various modes of communication that exist.

The end result is they all have their place, and those who curate within their sphere of communication help others find information faster.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

systemically, blogs are limiting, control centered and message control designed systems, designed for one person to emit, other people to answer but be ignored, and thus chit chat and blibber blabber to go on and on forever.

Blogs are anti thetical to meaningful collaboration, antithetical to meaningful research, anti thetical to meaningful depth organization, in short, are a primitive tool designed to create tiny little cliques.

Your straw man argument and metaphor is ludicrous. In fact what its really more like is I'm trying to collect up the vast fortune of all of everyones ideas and get them organized, and you have built what is really a collection of fire pits for everyone to throw their ideas away into the scattershitstorm of disorganized noise.

So I'm metaphorically walking around with notebook in hand taking notes, while your metaphorically walking around with a lighter, lighting peoples notebooks on fire.

Whether you understand why or not is immaterial. Whether you intend it that way or not is immaterial. We need 175 people on the wiki, sucking that energy over to the blogs is a crime against the information needs of the movement.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

you are a cut and paster.

You don't comprehend what curation is, and your attempt to belittle occupy bloggers messages with your spittle could be put into the pepper spray bottles it is so toxic and off point.

But keep making it about either or, and not both, you cut and pasting .... (insert appropriate insult here).

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

he fact that you say i am clueless about what curation is, and call that a fact proves you are a spin doctor and a troll. I have not implied that bloggers have nothing valid to transmit, i have simply pointed out that the medium which you are using is deliberately designed to limit communication and leave everyone in a personal closet; this is systemically and factually true. You trying to spin it to me being against people whom i am for is again a proof. I think what you are really doing is you are one of the game players. you think you can fuck the movement sideways by sucking everyone into a closet you control.

thats whats REALLY going on. You are playing games, you have been reality tested, and you have failed. I'd now warn anyone using your services that you are probably in this game to add to the noise and confusion and likely to pull the plug on peoples blogs as some point of your end game.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I'm calling bullshit, first you try and steal the thread, then you insult all the occupy bloggers that have been steadfastly updating their blogs, now you deny.

I stopped reading after your first sentence of bullshit denials.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

you can call BS all you like. saying i insulted bloggers whom i am trying to save from being con scammed by you is a bit ludicrous. I am all for those people; and against you wasting their time.

as i stated above. blogging is part of the problem, creates a lot of noise and very little signal, and is not organizational, scatters the energy, and is not how to get the revolution going. you are stealing time and energy out of the movement which it is increasingly obvious you have no real regard for, and your chosen medium is exactly the chosen medium the oligarchs would have us use in order to ensure nothing is ever done.

chit chat is not useful, and a chit chat engine is not useful.

I started many of my own threads. somebody has to stand up to this and point out its just a knuckle headed BAD IDEA. Further, somebody has to reality test you to determine what your agenda actually is.

Watching you spin and distort, I can now reasonably guess that you ain't actually for or with the occupy movement. you are a social parasite, sucking the energy away for your own ego centered purposes.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

You're a complete idiot. I don't ask anything of them you moron. An RSS feed is provided by them so that ANYONE who wants to keep track, can. The bloggers don't have to do a thing but post updates when they are necessary. It's kind of nice when bloggers get some feedback when leaving updates, that was the purpose of this topic.

I try to avoid name calling arguments but you are a thread whore.

Go away and start a thread about why we should all do wiki and do nothing else but wiki, sheesh.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, i am not an idiot, none at all. You are certainly asking of them that they participate in a medium which actually isolates them, boxes them in, and creates barriers and boundries against them and meaningful organiztion.

I'm not leaving this thread alone. Blogs are a BAD IDEA. period.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Who is they? The readers here I presume. Asking readers here to check out what the 175 Occupy bloggers are posting on their blogs makes www.occupynews.net the bad guy?

Whatever, you one percenter.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

haha. thats hilarious. I have better claims to being a 99 percenter than almost anyone, but thats none of your business. Quite the opposite, probably, another accidental confession. These blogs are probably supportted by the one percenters.. its far more likely that you are a one percenter than anything, because this is a means to the end of disorganizing the movement.

Further, I'm all for the bloggers to get their word out; the problem is that BLOGS are not the medium by which to effectively do that. "Come into my parlour and spend all of your time and energy wasted in a closet" says the one percenter spider.

i see right through you. Your willingness to spin and lie about me and my express intentions to make it sound like i am against the bloggers, when in truth i am for the bloggers and when in truth the actual situation is that the blog medium is a TRAP for the bloggers- proves the point.

You are an evil person, thanks for reality testing yourself into a corner.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Iou never even looked at how I set www.occupynews.net, yet you have spouted your slanderous and inaccurate drivel in over a dozen replies.


In response to the comment below....


[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i don't need to look to understand, what part of that is difficult for you to grasp?

a blog is a walled garden. what part of that is hard for you to understand?

wait, you DO understand, thats the whole point. YOU are the one whos slandered me, and spun and lied and tried to straw man me.


how you "Set" and so the spider reveals his hand. Its your con game, and the whole point of it, as you well know, is to closet your bloggers into walled gardens.

[-] 1 points by CrystalP (79) 13 years ago

Since your the brain child of this wiki idea why don't you pay for one and I'll join.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago


clearly you can't be bothered to click the link provided. the wiki exists.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

very funny. It's your way or the highway.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

its the sane way or the insane way. that I happen to stand up for the sane way doesn't make it MY way.

systemically, blogs are limiting, control centered and message control designed systems, designed for one person to emit, other people to answer but be ignored, and thus chit chat and blibber blabber to go on and on forever.

Blogs are anti thetical to meaningful collaboration, antithetical to meaningful research, anti thetical to meaningful depth organization, in short, are a primitive tool designed to create tiny little cliques.

Your straw man argument and metaphor is ludicrous. In fact what its really more like is I'm trying to collect up the vast fortune of all of everyones ideas and get them organized, and you have built what is really a collection of fire pits for everyone to throw their ideas away into the scattershitstorm of disorganized noise.

So I'm metaphorically walking around with notebook in hand taking notes, while your metaphorically walking around with a lighter, lighting peoples notebooks on fire.

Whether you understand why or not is immaterial. Whether you intend it that way or not is immaterial. We need 175 people on the wiki, sucking that energy over to the blogs is a crime against the information needs of the movement.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

unlike you, I won't cut and paste the exact same answer to different posts.

The fact that you are on this forum disproves your position. The fact that you are clueless as to what true curation is also belittles your point.

To imply that occupy bloggers have nothing valid to transmit via their blog updates is supremely ludicrous.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the fact that you say i am clueless about what curation is, and call that a fact proves you are a spin doctor and a troll. I have not implied that bloggers have nothing valid to transmit, i have simply pointed out that the medium which you are using is deliberately designed to limit communication and leave everyone in a personal closet; this is systemically and factually true. You trying to spin it to me being against people whom i am for is again a proof. I think what you are really doing is you are one of the game players. you think you can fuck the movement sideways by sucking everyone into a closet you control.

thats whats REALLY going on. You are playing games, you have been reality tested, and you have failed. I'd now warn anyone using your services that you are probably in this game to add to the noise and confusion and likely to pull the plug on peoples blogs as some point of your end game.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Quit cutting and pasting your responses to original comments.

As I stated above, you attempted to steal this thread rather than start your own, insulted occupy bloggers and the blogs they support, then denied doing it.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

as i stated above. blogging is part of the problem, creates a lot of noise and very little signal, and is not organizational, scatters the energy, and is not how to get the revolution going. you are stealing time and energy out of the movement which it is increasingly obvious you have no real regard for, and your chosen medium is exactly the chosen medium the oligarchs would have us use in order to ensure nothing is ever done.

chit chat is not useful, and a chit chat engine is not useful.

I started many of my own threads. somebody has to stand up to this and point out its just a knuckle headed BAD IDEA. Further, somebody has to reality test you to determine what your agenda actually is.

Watching you spin and distort, I can now reasonably guess that you ain't actually for or with the occupy movement. you are a social parasite, sucking the energy away for your own ego centered purposes.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

In case anyone wants another example of what a numbskull dawdoftruth is, check out www.swarmthebanks.com

This too is an RSS feed of some of the most well known and basically independent economic bloggers and banking watchdog blogs that can be found. I am able to keep up on a lot of banking information and news by checking in a couple of times a day.

Go ahead GDT, condemn www.swarmthebanks.com blog as well.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

You are saying some of the dumbest things I have ever read. The whole point of www.occupynews.net organizes all of those Occupy blog RSS feeds specifically to make the news among various Occupy blogs very easy, and very fast to find and to follow, while also knowing which blogs have posted most recently.

Instead of going around and dissing and attempting to tear down things that are different from your preferences, go start a topic about what you think is the only thing that matters. You have your way of thinking, and you think all other methods are inferior. Go start your own topic about how superior wiki is to all other communication methods out there, please.

I don't control the blog RSS feeds, so to imply I have an agenda is ridiculous. I contribute articles to the center section, the three other columns are RSS Ocuppy blog feeds and that content is controlled by the Occupy city where the blogs report from and their content comes directly from that blog site.

You are one paranoid, thread stealing -------

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

No, i am saying the only smart thing on this thread. Making a giant con scam noise machine easy to to lurk at is not a utility to the movement when in the first place what the movement needs is a wiki- not blogs.

Content control is one thing. Who actually has admin access?

Somebody does, and that somebody can pull the plug on the whole thing any time.

Since its transparently obvious to any systems theorist that blogs are a means to the end of creating more noise, more confusion, more disorganization, and putting people into ego centered closets instead of empowering them towards genuine collaboration, its then transparently obvious that a blog system such as the one you describe is not a utility FOR the movement in the first place, but is instead a utility against the movement, which will hamper its growth and cage communication into a medium that is self destructive. Further, when you twist my words around and spin them, you prove that you are a spin doctor and a liar, which makes everything else you have to say and do meaningfully suspect.

175 people on blogs is a failure, a problem, a serious meltdown and a serious mistake, because now those people will contribute in a manner that is impeded and controlled into narrow walled garden ruts. It won't help collaboration, it won't help organization, it will harm and impede the movement and removes 175 voices from meaningful process.

Whats DUMB is you making these attacks on me that i am against the bloggers. I am all for those peoples REAL process and REAL communication and REAL personal empowerment. Blogs are merely a way to make sure that there are 175 walled gardens, a way to make sure that everyone talks past each other instead of actually hearing, listening, or evolving each others ideas.


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Go to livestream when they have over 2000 people watching and try to have a chat discussion with others, it's almost impossible. Try calling someone when they are busy, it can be kind of annoying for both parties actually.

Blogging a message so that other occupiers can read it when they have time, priceless.

To then make the experience more beneficial, curate the Occupy blog feeds with an RSS feed so that when an Occupy blog feed updates, it goes to the top of a column so that it can instantly be known which rss blog feeds are the most recent. A huge timesaver and allows for people to view massive amounts of information in precious little time.

Go look at www.swarmthebanks.com, which is another blog with RSS feeds of several dozen economic and bank watchdog feeds and tell me that is not a timesaver as well.

I'm curious if you even looked at www.occupynews.net before spouting off.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i don't need to look to understand basic systems theory and game theory as it relates to this issue. These are simple facts. A blog is a system designed for control, and designed to create otherwise walled gardens. A wiki, BTW, can also use RSS feeds.

Time saver. BUT. Everything is actually LOST in time should we wish to go back 6 months deep.

So you are saving time in one sense, and killing it in the other.

blogs are part of the problem, not the solution.

the end.

Now i have looked. As i predicted, its a giant mess of information which would have been better organized on a wiki.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

You have "wiki on the brain", assuming its still intact.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

The short answer is you condemned www.occupynews.net without even looking at it. I at least looked at your links before pointing out that Millionaire Michael Moore's list is conspicuously missing any mention of debt issues, even though debt is how wall street, the banks, and even our own government control us.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

or, rather than continue to slander me and my efforts, maybe you could get down from your elitist perch and look at www.occupynews.net BEFORE you continue to yelp your incoherent statements.

In response to the comment below, Whackanoodle.

As for "Mr. Moore", everything I've written is true and you know it. Moore did not fight for his own state of Michigan so that their primary votes would count in the 2008 democratic primary.

Are we to believe that this academy award winning documentarian did not know that Illinois moved up its 2008 democratic primary date SEVEN WEEKS to the beginning of February 2008, and their votes STILL counted, but when a more economically desperate Michigan moved up their primary date to make sure their voice would be heard, their democratic primary votes WERE NOT counted?

Michael Moore said and did nothing to ensure that his own state's democratic primary votes would count in a timely manner.

Millions of people have paid the price from Obama's ineffectually pre-determined home foreclosure proposals that were known to be defective even before they were hyped as saving the day.

I KNOW that Hillary Clinton would have never insulted the american people by proposing a foreclosure plan that would not work.

While Barack Obama was hobnobbing with George Soros, Jamie Dimon, (who Obama has called the most respected banker on Wall Street), Oprah Winfrey, Maria Shriver, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and gobs of other "high profile supposedly for the people democrats", Hillary Clinton was actually meeting with the REAL main street, and listening.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the short answer is, i don't need to look at a blog to know how it works, or why evil people like you would want to trap people into blogs instead of give them more evolved tools such as wikis. I don't need to see blogs to know what they are i know what blogs are. By all means prove how much you are a right winger, keep attacking mr. moore.

you are a liar and a con artist, and your errors in this interaction have proven it.