Forum Post: Occupying Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 8:52 a.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Most if not all of them likely favor a big expansion of government, but in light of our political-economic history, that would be precisely the wrong way to go because it would further empower the same coercive bureaucracy that gave us this crisis. Putting new people in charge won’t alter that fact that the bureaucracy wields powers that should not exist.
What the protesters miss is that corporate power is derived from government power—it’s the most dangerous derivative. Without State power no bank (or collection of them) could set the economy on a balsawood platform of inflated currency and cheap credit, creating the conditions for recession and long-term unemployment, nor could it stick taxpayers with the cost of bad investments. Such mischief requires a central bank and congressional power to compel the taxpayers. Washington and Wall Street need each other. They don’t agree on everything, but their public feuds should not mislead anyone into thinking they are adversaries. They are in cahoots, dependent on a system that constrains regular people’s honest economic activities and benefits an exploitative elite.
Government power ultimately will be influenced and controlled by those whom the occupiers despise. So, protesters, rail against Wall Street. But rail, too, against its indispensable partner—government, with its unique legal power to wield aggressive force—and realize that the genuine antipode of the system you oppose is the freed market.
So much nonsense and stupid assumptions in this post. I don't know where to begin
Removing money from politics is the logical first step, and to accomplish it we need more people that are aware that we are taking the first step.
"Money is not Speech" is something this entire country should debate. Insist that every candidate encourage the media to make the debate big enough to get the attention of the millions of voters that only learn about an issue if it becomes a big story. We should insist every candidate state their position by some point before the election.
Otherwise, we have little choice other than to vote for the new, "Robin Hood" Party..
Did you not once say Canada does not have money in their politics ? ..well look at their banks and corporations .. their is a hugeunfairness of wealth in canada .. so I think money in politics is what you call .." a red herring " .. not ?
you missed my point. Canada has just as much poverty as USA, so where is the evidence that removing money from politics would change anything?
Canadas unemployment is almost the same as the USA . and Canadas economy usually rides on the coat tails of the USA. Usa has a similiar welfare system .. and they even extended their ui benefits , something Canada would never do .. ?
If Canad , as you say has no money coercing politics , I see no difference in comparing USA and Canada. ? you are always spouting off about money in politics .. show me the evidence ..the proof ? or shut up .
I have a question , is getting money out of politics your agenda or an OWS agenda ?
I will ask jart.
I found this on the about page :
ows is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations. The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and aims to fight back against the richest 1% of people that are writing the rules of an unfair global economy that is foreclosing on our future.
I read this slightly different.. Although I am not entirely sure what happened over in Egypt and Tunisia , and what the inspiration was ..? why did they overthrow their gov't ? and what form of gov't did they have , what were the levels of poverty .. basicaly I would say the situation / scenario was not what we have here .. and didn't the military take over in Egypt , is that what jart wants here ?