Forum Post: Occupying My Mind
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:39 a.m. EST by jbauereis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I find the Occupy Wall Street movement fascinating! Obviously, it is completely inappropriate that the banks have such enormous political and economical control over the country as they do. This movement has been a long time coming; and I feel that more and more people are coming on board with it. Americans are angry to be losing their homes, their jobs, healthcare, benefits, retirement, etc. Though, when looking at most countries throughout the world, even with the economical situation as it is in the US, we are still living pretty well. Our culture believes, and I agree, that all that is being taken away from us, is our right. It is not for the 1% to take away. In our front yard we have a sign posted amongst our Halloween decorations that says "We Are The 99%: The Middle Class Is Too Big To Fail." I believe that if Americans unite, and stay peaceful and level-headed, we can accomplish what we want for a country. As a liberal from Texas, I have been frustrated for years about partisan separation that seems to be nothing more than absolute anger and hatred for one another. I lived in a small town and worked at the only Planned Parenthood within a 300 mile radius, and had to vote against Bush in a Pentecostal church. I literally had people walk by me as I stood in line that whispered "Sinner!" in my ear as they passed. I LOVE the fact that we can ALL stand together and fight for an issue united. It's not about religious morals or taxation; this is about American livelihood.