Forum Post: Occupying Homes Next ?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 11:34 a.m. EST by angelofmercy
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Squatters confirm plan to occupy foreclosed homes
Occupy Oakland's new target - foreclosed buildings
In fact, as the authors note, the Oakland General Assembly is on record as supporting occupations of foreclosed or abandoned properties.
Occupy Gwinnett taking over officer's foreclosed home and failed
OccupyMN protesters occupy foreclosed Minneapolis home
Well, perhaps they would protect the property from vandals who break in spray paint, bust windows, rip up carpets, cut up linoleum. I'm surprised more haven't caught on fire considering everything else that happens to vacant properties.
There is one home in my neighborhood that is empty by foreclosure. If someone were to occupy it, I guarantee that the residents on our streets will move them along, nicely or with force.
I think that would also happen here as well.
I guess no one learned their lesson from Acorn?
ACORN Breaks Into Baltimore Homes