Forum Post: OccupyHarrisburg received Eviction Notice this date 1/20, to be out on 100th Day Anniversary
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 2:26 p.m. EST by geminijlw
from Mechanicsburg, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1/20/12, OccupyHarrisburg received an eviction notice delivered by the police and civilian this morning at our stand on the Harrisburg Capitol Steps. It said we were to be out by 8:00 am on the day of our 100th anniversary of occupying this space. The letter was signed by Dept Sec of Property and Asset Management, Daniel S. Schiavoni, Phone 717-783-5028 for anyone that wishes to call and express their displeasure.
It's time to move on beyond simply occupying space and raising awareness anyhow. Political action is long overdue.
Update, ACLU stopped eviction, until we hear from State's attorney next week. We are on for our 100th day anniversary. We can also have our heat back, which they said we could not have, it has been cold.
political action has never worked in the past, and will not work in the future.
It worked with SOPA, but I agree, it won't work in this case.