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Forum Post: Occupy your State Legislatures: Article V Discussion

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by lkart5 (84) from Red Bank, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Root causes of our current situation are where we need as a movement to go and have real impact on change. In fact, we will never get anything done immediately on the federal level since we all know that the politicians are all bought and paid for by heavy financiers.

Calling for an occupation of the state legislatures will strongly contribute to the state legislatures calling on congress to call a convention under Article 5 of the US constitution.

Some states may require petitioning constituents, but other states have different ways of interacting with our congress. It is my personal belief that we must occupy the state legislatures and demand that they call on congress for a convention. If there are 34 requests(2/3 of the states) calling on Congress, they have to by law convene a constitutional convention.

We, as private citizens can become delegates through local elections. At the convention, we can propose and agree on an amendment banning all corporate money from our politics by re-establishing the definition of person(s) guaranteeing that corporations have the same rights as citizens. Personhood in corporations need to only be defined for liability concerns instead of rights in our electoral system. The reason for this is that foreign money in the form of shares of stock held by foreign investors have a role in the sway of our system. This means that China or anyone else can invest in a company and some of that revenue be sent to the so called non-profits that fund attack ads against candidates with small budgets. Money is not speech. Speech is speech, that simple.

Once you get the money out under Article 5 of the constitution through an Amendment that we can generate, all the rest of the symptoms can be solved by a truly representative government. We have to start at the state level.

We have started a ground game and it is working to our advantage.


We have teamed up with Internet marketers from around the country that understand how we can get a ground game going through Skype, web conferencing and traffic generation. We will start Skype chats broken down, state by state so that we can break down various areas of all constituencies.

This will swell and we are building people every day into this idea and way of thinking. The top 1% want to see you not informed about what your rights are under the constitution. We need to speak loud and clear and follow this. If you have a Skype account, you can contact me directly by sending me a message with your Skype id. If you do not have skype, you can get it here: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/windows/

This benefits both party constituencies as you are all not truly represented by your government anymore. It goes down to the root of who we are as a people, regardless of what we believe. If we get corporate money out of politics so our government is owned and operated by the people.



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