Forum Post: Occupy Wristband
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:14 a.m. EST by timnor
from Constance, BW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Looking for suggestions as to where I might find help. Over at the Dec 10th site the following idea for Occupy Sympathy wristbands was accepted.
Now I need the following:
Color choice - a suggestion as to somewhere people can vote for which color the wristband should be.
Website - someone to help create and promote an "Occupy Wristband" webpage.
Please send a private message if you can help.
Thanks Whitey
I vote for GREEN it is for peace as in peacefull protest. Harmony with the environment.
We've got Greedy Green #Occupy Bracelets at
I agree. The best color. Just make sure it's not money green. Use another tint. Of course, the problem is Occupy is not a peaceful protest. GA's would definitely push for dark black and blood red.
I hope it is not black and dark red. That remindes me of Che Gueverra poster. Not a good link in my opinion.
Most posters of Occupy are like this, including the design of this website. It's an anarcho-communist protest after all. I agree with you. The whole imagery should be changed to something much more peaceful focused around a color like Ecological Green.
I also believe it should be "NEW" color. This is a new movement and we should not be burdened by past baggage and associartion. The color should not raise "Walls".
So which color would you suggest ?
That should be for the "Democratic" majority to decide. What ever color it is it should be noticable. Hopefully wearing this bracelet in public will open up conversations.
My question is as someone in Europe, away from any assembly how do I address the "Democratic" majority ?
That's when this majority consensus thing gets pretty lame. Might work in a village or park, but not with extremely large populations. You end up with a small group making decisions, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense given the supposed purpose of it.
Finally, someone who agrees with what Iv'e been saying for two weeks.
We've got Greedy Green #Occupy Bracelets at We contribute to the Alliance for Global Justice. Greedy Green with white lettering “#OCCUPY” on one side of the wristband, “WE ARE THE 99%” on the other.
Red, white and blue, duh. We are after all fighting for this country!
Perhaps red flames on a white background.
Color ? There is only one for this movement.....PURPLE!
Excuse me good people but the hell with this. Lots of people wont know what it is. I want a teeshirt or sweatshirt with I am the 99% on the front and I support the Occupy Movement on the back. Black with white letters for easier reading.
Good idea. Perhaps set it up. That's what I'm trying to do. Good luck.
Hi, Please excuse me if I try to keep this subject on topic. My question 1. was where is the best place to vote on the color ? Is there somewhere this should be done ? Is this forum the best place ?
As far as the website goes I do not have a website that I am paying for or any experience in building websites which is why I'm asking for help.
Occupy Wristband Bracelets - We donate to OWS
Occupy Wristband Bracelets -
Purple. That's so Prince.
Occupy Wristband Bracelets WE DONATE TO #OWS .
The question is - How much do you donate? What percentage of the bracelet sales? Come on now... be honest... 5%? Less?
We've got Greedy Green #Occupy Bracelets at We contribute to the Alliance for Global Justice. Greedy Green with white lettering “#OCCUPY” on one side of the wristband, “WE ARE THE 99%” on the other. We donate $1 from each wristband
Try Google polls or other free online polling. Ditto with creating website/link quickly and easily.
Thanks. I was hoping there might be someone already helping Occupy with website design and hosting ?
Or maybe they can direct you.
This was the one and only useful answer I got here. How disappointing. Or is it a case of "from the darkest mud a lilly must bloom" ?
Why not yellow. I've been told its the happiest color to look at when you're high off your ass
Perfect ! Yellow is the color associated with cowards.
What, no ribbon to be worn by Hollywood people?
The original question was a plea for help. We can discuss the pros and cons of this for ever (and believe me I understand the cons). Now I'd like to take action and would really appreciate some help. Thanks.
how about red , white and blue?
I like that actually. If the GA refuses, perhaps the red strips can be fattened to make them happy? But yes, red, white, and blue.
The color would mostly likely have to be black and red for anarcho-communism and to match with the rest of Occupy's imagery. As for the website, how much are you paying for it, and are you giving out shares for your bracelet?